The Value of Money -Self Worth- in English Motivational Stories by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | The Value of Money (Self-Worth)

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The Value of Money (Self-Worth)

Hello All I hope all are good...

I am starting a new novel in which I will upload my Motivational and Inspirational Stories which will help our lives be full of happiness and moral values...


The Value of Money (Self-Worth)

At the beginning of a new school year, a teacher stands up in front of her students holding a ₹ 2000 bill.

She tells them, “Put your hands up if you want this note”.

Every hand in the room goes up, to which the teacher says, “I am going to give this money to someone here, but first, let me do this…”

She takes the bill and crumples it up in her hands, before asking, “Who still wants it?”

The hands stay up.

The teacher then drops the bill on the floor, stomps and grinds it into the ground, and picks it back up. “How about now?” she asks again.

The hands stay up.

“Class, I hope you see the lesson here. It didn’t matter what I did to this money, you still wanted it because its value stayed the same. Even with its creases and dirtiness, it’s still worth $100.”

She continues, “It’s the same with us. There will be similar times in your life when you’re dropped, bruised, and muddied. Yet no matter what happens, you never lose your value.”

Moral of the story:

Life’s hardships are inevitable and we’ll all be put through the ringer at some point, often through no fault of our own.

Don’t let these challenges alter your feelings of self-worth. You’ll always be enough; you have something unique and special to give and offer the world.


“No matter how old you are now. You are never too young or too old for success or going after what you want. Here’s a short list of people who accomplished great things at different ages
1) Helen Keller, at the age of 19 months, became deaf and blind. But that didn’t stop her. She was the first deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.
2) Mozart was already competent on keyboard and violin; he composed from the age of 5.
3) Shirley Temple was 6 when she became a movie star on “Bright Eyes.”
4) Anne Frank was 12 when she wrote the diary of Anne Frank.
5) Magnus Carlsen became a chess Grandmaster at the age of 13.

Motivational Quotes-

“When you endure what's unbearable, you become unbreakable”

“Sometimes, the Brightest Smile,
Has the Dullest Story.”

“Sometimes giving high motivation just means telling an absurd lie. The human brain is so accustomed to hearing lies that sometimes telling the truth is equal to transmitting negative energy, while the mystification and illusion of reality are associated with positive energy.”

“Empathize with your heart! Put yourself in their shoes, think beyond your own self to seek answers to difficulties, to your life!”


Here is a glimpse of next Motivational story…

The Fisherman and the Businessman –

Once upon a time there was a businessman who was sitting on the beach in a small Italian village.

As he sat, taking a brief break from the stress of his daily schedule, he saw a fisherman rowing a small boat back into the harbour. In the boat were a few large fish.

Impressed, the businessman asked the fisherman, “How long does it take you to catch so many fish?” To which he replied “Oh, not so long.”

The businessman was confused, “Why don’t you fish for longer to catch even more?”

“More? This is enough to feed my entire family and even offer some to my neighbours,” the fisherman said.

“So what do you do for the rest of your day?” Enquired the businessman.

The fisherman replied, “Well, I’ve usually have caught my fish by late morning, at which point I go home, kiss my wife, and play with my kids. In the afternoon, I take a nap and read. In the evening, I go to the village to have a drink with my friends, play guitar, sing, and dance into the night!”

Putting his entrepreneurial hat on, the businessman offered a suggestion.

“I have a PhD in business! I can help you become much more successful. From now on...

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Stay Motivated…
Stay Inspired…