Moan - 1 in English Moral Stories by Kishanlal Sharma books and stories PDF | Moan - ( Part 1)

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Moan - ( Part 1)

"A bullet would kill me too---
Hamla was shocked to hear the news.She couldn't believe that her son could do this too.
Her son zaheer was a player.A player of the cricket.He used to go out of the village, whenever he used to go out of the village he told mother.Jamila would never stop her son from going.He used to come back whenever he went to play outside the village.But this time--
Like every time, this time also he had spoken to the mother before leaving
"I am going to play the match"
Zameer had gone to play but joined the terrorist.He had turned from a player to a terrorist.
Kanika strongly hated terrorist.Whom she hated,the son had become that.
Kanika husband Naseem could not read and write.Even though he was illiterate and uncouth in the eyes of world.But he was a firm patriot.He loved Kashmiri yah and hated terrorist.By the way entire Jammu and Kashmir region was affected by terrorism.But the most affected area was the border area from the neighboring country..There were training camps of terrorist every in neighboring country.Training was given to become terrorist in these camps.Some young people from our country also used to get misled by the terrorist..These people were sent to the neighbouring country after crossing the border to take training.. There was tremendous vigil and security at the border..
The border area was so-inaccessible due to being surrounded by high hills,deep trenches and dense forest that it was not easy to cross through dodging security forces yet when some terrorist were. Successful in infiltrating.
Terrorist took shelter in villages near the border.Some people gave them shelter in the greed for money.Some people have them shelter due to fear.Whenever the security forces got information about the terrorist hiding in the village.They used to come and surrounded the whole area.Security forces frequently encounter militants in this area.
Apart from terrorist, separatist were also active in the valley.They also had the support of the neighbouring country.They received money from the neighboring country and Gulf countries.There was an alliance between terrorist and separatists.The money come from foreign countries was used by separatist to protest,to shut down the lives and spread unrest.The separatist had formed groups of stonemason as well.People were associated with the these groups by giving fear of religion and greed for money.These groups were associated with social media, Security forces when encontrar terrorist then the separatist would send messages though these groups.As soon as the massage was received,a large number of people reached the place of encounter.These people started throwing stones at the security forces..So attention of security forces would have gone to the other side when the stone was fired.Taking of advantage of this terrorist sometimes managed to escape.
For the last several years,there was an atmosphere of unrest in the state.Therefore there was no new industry in the state..Those who were old also closed.. Business was stalled due to the day's shutdown, demonstration and protest.The main trade of kashmir was tourism.Due tk the arrival of tourist the valley was vibrent.
(Read further in next part)