Unknown Love - 34 in English Fiction Stories by Anjali Lingayat books and stories PDF | Unknown Love - Episode 34

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Unknown Love - Episode 34

Rajveer was tightly hugging her, Anshika say with mischievous thought, "If you didn't leave me then how we will have dinner?"
Rajveer laughs and leave her by kissing on her forehead.
Rajveer say with the arranging plates on the table near sofa, "Anshika, I remember we didn't buy cupcakes then...?"
Anshika while eating one more cupcake say, "Your Grandma given me, actually when we were leaving she gave a bag and say that whenever feel like hunger then eat this cupcakes. Come on let's have dinner then we will talk later...!"
Rajveer nods his head and they both do dinner together. Anshika say with smiley face, "Rajveer this chole bhature is my favourite dish and this rajma masala chawal also, you know Vikram bro love it special made by Mom."
Rajveer feed her rajma masala chawal with his hand and Anshika feels good as she remembers that Vikram bro also feed like Rajveer and take care in same way.
Rajveer asked her why she got suddenly so emotional, Anshika say with swiping her tears, "You know Vikram bro also feed like you are feeding me. I remember whenever he feels like alone or happy he feed me in same way as you are sharing your happiness and trying to forget the loneliness."
They both finished the dinner and Rajveer say with smiley face he will come in few minutes after a walk.
Rajveer leaves Anshika alone in the room. Rajveer gets a call from the informer that soon Shammi is going get a meet with his boss, but there is a risk to get information about him as security is tight. They are planning is very smartly. So stay alert to execute the existing plan. Rajveer thanks him and transfer some money to informer account as he wants money for family reasons which where facing the problem.
Anshika was waiting for Rajveer suddenly her ringing and she pick up the call with happy feeling.
Rajawat with tensed voice say, "Hello...how are you? Is Rajveer taking care of you, I know you are in the problem as I you must met Nile...he will again harm you... please...!
Anshika interrupt his talk and say, " Hello dad I am good and Rajveer and me are enjoying the romantic date. About Nile he cannot harm me or Rajveer. As he has to face me first, first I was emotional fool but now I know him in the better way. Dad, you have arranged a good date. Soon we will get engaged with big celebration, got it. Good night and let Mom, Avinash also sleep. Now you also sleep don't disturb us now...!"
Anshika disconnect the call and Rajawat was tensed and worried for Anshika as Nile always tried to destroy her happiness as she lost her family and brother, with heart break as Nile cheated her.
At hotel, Anshika was waiting for Rajveer thinks about him when he will come...she was walking in the room, then she remembers that till he comes she will watch her favorite dramatic serial episode on her mobile on lying on the bed.
Rajveer comes and see Anshika is lying on the bed, then he go to washroom and he wash his face and hands.
Anshika then wake up listening the voice of tap water and sit on the bed with annoyed face. Rajveer comes out of the washroom and removes his shirt and keep his shirt aside on the couch.
Rajveer fold his hands and walks towards Anshika and sit beside her on the bed.
Anshika say with mischievous smile, "I was waiting for you Rajveer...at least today you should spend time with me. I am guessing right that you went to talk to informer."
Rajveer grabs her in his arms, Rajveer whispers in her ear, "Yess...So, let's make this moment beautiful and special for you and me."
Anshika kiss on his lips passionately and Rajveer feels good and he try to get intimate with her. She switch off the lights and leans over the bed. They both get intimate with spicy steamy romance moments together.
Next morning, Rajveer saw Anshika is in his arms sleeping and say, "Anshika, sorry for getting away from you but soon I will get back...we will get engaged and marry soon."
Anshika wake up and Rajveer kisses on her lips and say, "Good morning, how was the moment dear...you like or not. I am thinking about it was not so much good as expected from you."
Anshika hits gently on his stomach and say, "Oh... really by the way I have small surprise for you. Get ready fast...!"
Anshika gives him a tender kiss and Rajveer thinks what must be the surprise for him?