Unknown Love - 32 in English Fiction Stories by Anjali Lingayat books and stories PDF | Unknown Love - Episode 32

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Unknown Love - Episode 32

Anshika was admiring Rajveer, Rajveer saw Anshika is seeing him and getting emotionally happy.
Rajveer introduce her to everyone as his finaceé. Anshika get shy and blushes with lovely smile.
All old age home people bless them with happiness feeling for them. Anshika serve them the food packs and say, " Thank you! For your blessings for us, I am feeling happy to meet you all."
Rajveer say with smiley face, "Okay, everyone I will come soon to take blessings after my marriage... but... I mean, we are inviting you all in advance for our marriage ceremony and rituals."
Everyone get happy and a Grandma say, "Okay my child, we all be there but we will bring with us happiness and blessings for you both."
Anshika say with emotional feeling, "For us your presence is blessings; because it is said that our elders are blessings that is our best gift in the life, but I want a favor that whenever I feel like help, support and guidance you all will help me."
That Grandma laughs and say, "Oh... really our Rajveer got a prefect life partner. My daughter yes we will help you out but we want this tasty laddus from you."
Anshika laughs and nods her head that means yes.
Rajveer seeing Anshika in the mind says, "Sorry, I want to tell you something that I will not able to marry you Anshika. I saw you are not ready as you are in the past pain. But I will always stand by you and give you love support."
Anshika whispers in his ear, "Can we leave it's afternoon, as we have to go to orphanage also."
Rajveer and Anshika take leave from the old age home then reach to orphanage.
Anshika seeing children get happy and say to Rajveer, "I am liking it really after visiting Old age home. I feeling really good and here at orphanage seeing this children I am getting excited to meet them."
Rajveer seeing her excitement say, "Oh...my love so good and never thought you will might like to know and come with me here."
Anshika say with happy feeling, "Because I love this and I love you so I am here."
Rajveer kiss on her cheek and say, "Hm... Okay, I love you too my Anshi!"
They both enjoy the time with the orphanage kids and play, dance with them and spend good time.
Rajveer and Anshika gift them the box as they shopped for them few days before.
After a good time, they come to a hotel where Rajawat booked a room for them.
Rajveer and Anshika after entering to room get happy and emotional seeing the decoration of the room.
Anshika say by holding her head, "Rajveer can I rest for a while! As I am feeling tired and my headache."
Rajveer asked her to get change the clothes as Rajawat message him that he has kept some clothes for them. Anshika get fresh and change the clothes, she lie on the bed.
Rajveer after getting fresh come out of washroom see Anshika is sleeping and snoring.
Rajveer thinks to record her video of snoring and alone fight on the bed.
Rajveer control his laugh and record her video, Rajveer after recording the video sit beside her but she hit a punch on his stomach and he screams.
Anshika wake up with fear after listening his scream and she say, "What happened... what happened...?"