I don't love you. - 2 in English Fiction Stories by Aisha Sharma books and stories PDF | I don't love you. - 2

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I don't love you. - 2

"hello,..... Priya".
Hello,.. she replied.
Please come fast to my home.she said to Priya.
What happened?, she asked.
Just come to my home I will tell you then, she replied.
Ok,.. coming, she agreed.

Priya took her yellow scooty then went to reach Ahana's home.

On other side, Ahana's Nani g is screaming.
Hey!! Ahana, don't you cook tea.
Nani g,...yes it almost done.She pour the tea into the cup and placed the cup on tray and went to give her.
"Hmmm, have it...nani g". Ahana said. She look at the clock which is hanging on the wall in living room.It's get 11:25.(ooohh.. she said in mind just think some idea Ahana ....)
You take so much time to cook tea, she said her.
Sorry Nani g, she apologized.
It's ok, dear just sit with me I want to talk to you,.. she take a sip and sad further and continuously she begins to do same thing.
(Oh..how much she talk..... Uhhh! )
Then she finished her cup of tea and then again start her speech about sati savitri.
She has been talking for half an hour.
Then she hear Priya's scooty horn.
(Oh,.. she has been come here.)
She went to door and she saw Priya at door.
Hey, my nani g is in home.Please went to my room , Ahana muttered.
Ok ok..she whispered.

Priya went to her room quietly without giving any hint.
She locked the door and went inside living room where her nani g is saying prayers in monotonous sound. She look towards me.
Hmmm,..was there anybody?, she asked Ahana.

No,..nani g.she replied.
Ok ok, she agreed.
Then a message of her friend Priya come on screen then she went to the room.
And her nani g took a bag from which she got out an incomplete woolen sweater and start knitting it further.

As she enter the room , Priya begins to talk to her about why she call her.
Hey,..You know my marriage is taking place next month with Parv. She interrupt Ahana"How he look and talk?".
I don't know at all about him, I just seen him in photo only.
Aaaahhh!! .. listen me further without interrupting me..ok.
Hmm..yes say.
So, In our family there is a custom that boy and girl can't meet each other before marriage.And yesterday I got his number from father's mobile quietly, because I know the thing that they are going today.I talk to him about meeting , but now I get into this trouble, she explain.
Meeting or on date?? Priya ask her in curiosity. She show her eyes with anger"hmmmm".
Ok ok I got it. but what I can do into this?, she ask.
I have a plan, Ahana said her.She tell about her plan."..............".

She wear her blue dress which she left earlier on bed and carry a black purse with her. How's it? she ask Priya.
Amazing....,she replied and give her a wink.
And she make a rope by her duppattas and left it down from the window.she tied it with a bed and with it support she came down and got out from her house. She give thumbs up gesture to her friend and as she saw her saying something she read her lips as she is saying go fast.
Thank you she said her and gave her a flying kiss.
She look at her wrist watch ."It's quarter to 2, and she take Priya's scooty to reach the cafe.

And on the other hand.Nani g is almost knitted the sweater.She begins talk to self.
It's get 1 and half hour she is still in the room what she is doing?... Let me see.
She went to her room and she open the door.
Ahana,...dear make the tea once, she is understanding that she is Ahana but she is not.she is Priya, she was wearing face mask and her clothes which Ahana had worn earlier.
15 minutes ago:
Ahana explaining her plan,.. listen Priya you put on this face marks and this clothes..ok.. Then she will not get you that it's me or you.
I choose you because our body is similar.
Hmmm,.she nod.
Ok,..this is alright but what about the voice because that is not similar in us, she ask.
Yeah!.. I also have it's solution you write on a paper that you hear from an astrologer that
having fast from 2pm to 3pm will give you a good health.Therefore you just reply her with gestures and by writing.
Ok,..no problem.Nothing will happen nah.. she ask.
No dear, Ahana replied.

Now ahead. She nodded and give her a chit according to plan.
"Hmmm,..this is a good thing, I also want to meet that astrologer".
(Oh, nooooo Priya's said in mind.)
On other side, she park her scooty in parking area and then get into cafe.
She is looking so beautiful as she enter in cafe she notices parv who get stands up as he look at Ahana.He is tall and fair with brown brown eyes and have a quiff cut hair style and clean shaved face.
She sit at the chair front of him."Hello".Parv greet her.
Hello, she replied.
What should we order?..Parv asked.
Whatever as you want.., she replied.
He call the waiter and give his order.She start saying you know about our customs and that old ideology but still we are on this date without telling our parents."yeah,.. You are right",he muttered.And will never agree before marriage but I also was not curious to meet you there is another reason behind it.He get into suspense.What reason??,he asked.
I don't want to marry any guy but I care about my family reputation they arrange me with you without my permission.
"What..."he get surprised.
But I want to know about you.
He start saying ,listen I don't know about the thing that they are of so old ideology but if you want to know about me I am totally against them.And after marriage I also will give freedom to you which every girl deserves in her life.
I have some conditions, not as conditions they are the things which I want.
I know that after marriage girls get close in relationships and as I grown up I saw my mom many times crying in a corner because of my father and then I decided not to marry anyone but this is going to happen.
Parv is listening all but in a corner of his heart he is hurting emotionally.
I get to know so much that you can't break this marriage and you don't love me you are compromising with me but honestly I want to help you in any way if I could I promise you..ok,.. How can I help you?.Tell me your conditions.
Waiters come back with their order and put on the table,then they left the table.

Thank you for understanding me Parv... she replied.so,.. my condions are.. first you will never force me for anything and second you will allow me to do job and as she put third condition in front of him it was a big shock for him inside.

What is her third condition will he agree with it or not?
Will this condition would affect his family?
Any anything else.
To know,... my dear readers keep reading and keep enjoying.