The introvert in English Love Stories by Keyur Patel books and stories PDF | The introvert

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The introvert

An introvert person can be someone who finds difficult to speak in public even if there are thousands of thoughts in that person’s mind. An introvert can be someone who acts differently with different situations, someone who finds it so difficult to share feelings, tries to be alone as well as keeps distance from public places where that person has to communicate frequently with the people around!

The introvert is a complicated but sweet love story of two different persons who come together to make a strong bond for a lifetime.
It’s college annual party today ..everyone is happy including shivani as it ends well with the doctorate’s degree for them .

Everyone is happy and enjoying the party with music , snacks and drinks ..but there is someone who doesn’t like all this ..yes that’s rajeev ..rajeev -a guy with millions of dreams ..a guy with all the achievements but chooses to stay outside of this noise and enjoyment.

“ raajeeev yaaar ! Come on ! Take a sip of this drink and come on the floor…not today ..haan ..this is the last day of our college and then we all will miss this ..” shivani insisted rajeev .

“ shivani please ! You know I would better like to sit in the corner rather than this atmosphere..” he replied.

“ Oh rajeev ! I have been noticing you since the first day of the college and ..and just want to be alone and in your thoughts everytime have to tell me now before we all go to our places after the exams !” Shivani forced him to tell his story.

“Look shivani, I know there is nothing to tell about except the fact that I have always been like this Introvert”

“ Oh My god ! , raaaaajeeeev …and I always have told you that every Introvert has a story to tell ..I want you to tell me the story on our way to home ..ok ?” She told with a smile.

Rajeev was always interested in shivani but as an introvert he always had issues expressing his feelings ..he was shy and less spoken whereas shivani was a full of life girl when it was almost a last day of college..he decided to tell her how he feels about her!

The party was still young ..everyone was dancing including shivani..and he went to the memories from where he became introvert..

10 years before..

Rajeev was most talkative boy in the family..he was only child of his parents and was raised with love and care .However, his parents were always career oriented and being busy so they always had fights without any specific reasons.

Rajeev had seen his parents fighting everyday and that made an impact on his personality. Moreover, his parents got divorce and rajeev had to choose his mom over his dad which damaged his outgoing personality.

“Where are you mister..!” ..and shivani took him back to present day .

“ lets go home ..rajeev” she requested rajeev.

“ But I thought you were enjoying party ..its not even hour here !” rajeev tried to pull her legs .

“ I really liked to be here but feels I had enough of this party..lets go !” And she started walking towards the door.

Rajeev followed her towards the door and they went to the parking lot .

Rajeev holded her hand, went to his knees and took out the ring that he got as soon as she went to the car ..shivani was surprised and she couldn’t react except that tears of joy ..

“ I am sorry shivani ..I know it took this many years since we got enrolled in the college and we started liking each other but I had fear of losing you so I didn’t express my feelings!” He said with tears in his eyes.

“ I still can’t believe you did this ..You know always thought that we belong together because you are extremely talented, calm and sweet person who stole my heart with the gestures without uttering any word..thank you for giving a name to our relationship..even if you didn’t do this I could have waited for you..” she replied.

“ Sorry it took longer because I was stuck into the past fear of losing dear ones after my parents got separated was always there and I was scared ..but since the first day of college I felt there was a connection between us which gave me strength to overcome my fears of being an introvert..” he replied .

“ You know what..forget make me a promise that you will never look back will hold my hand entire life and will do whatever your heart desires..your painful past doesn’t change you but your present does ..and the future that we will make together!” She replied with a joy.

“ I promise that I would never be like my parents..I would be the best partner that you would be proud of ..!” He added.

“ I promise to be the best person of your life and going forward I would fill your life with best memories we could cherish together !” She replied .

And they started the new journey together..

Its been 15 years of their marriage now .

They are parents of two kids ..

They are successful doctors and rajeev still feels lucky to have shivani by his side ..