Unknown Love - 28 in English Fiction Stories by Anjali Lingayat books and stories PDF | Unknown Love - Episode 28

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Unknown Love - Episode 28

Rajveer and Anshika walks towards the door and he opens it suddenly.
All of them get suddenly scared and try to manipulate self by indulging in the work.
Anshika and Rajveer feels to laugh, but show as had very bad fight.
At restaurant, everyone together waiting for Anshika and Rajveer.
Ranveer says with serious look, "I think we need to do something to stop their fight and patch up again."
Anshika reach to resturant and suddenly a kid was running and fall down.
Anshika seeing that little kid, she runs to help him. The kid cries and says, "Oh...so much bleeding and oh...now have to go to hospital and..."
Anshika with sweet voice interrupt his talk, "No... little boy it just a small hurt only need to put ontiment and it will get heal. Where are your parents dear?"
Kid points the finger towards the restaurant, Anshika pick up the kid in her arms, then Rajveer suddenly stand in front of her and asked who is this sweet kid?
Anshika tells don't know but he got hurt on his keen so taking him to his parents.
Rajveer says with smile, "Okay, come I will also help this sweet and cute boy."
Ranveer and Kavi saw them talking so nice way and seems they had patch up again, they think to inform their friend.
The kid get shy and after entering in the resturant; the kid tells both of them by pointing finger towards corner table which was reserved for VIP Guest.
Rajveer and Anshika feels this kid belongings to rich family and they walks towards the corner table.
After reaching there they saw couple sitting and talking, Anshika say with smiley face and sweet voice, "Excuse me! Actually your kid had gone hurt on his keen, please see..."
A lady turns and seeing Anshika get shocked but her husband was busy in his mobile, but listening the voice of Anshika get surprised.
Anshika seeing that lady say, "Tani and Nile...this kid!"
Rajveer was thinking about how Anshika know them but seeing that man he feels he had seen him somewhere.
Tani snatch her kid and say, "You are alive Anshika and Vikram...?"
Anshika hide her pain and tears of eyes, "Oh...Tani yes, I am alive but Vikram bro is no more. But this kid is yours good...!
Anshika was thinking about what to say to her, Nile keep his mobile a side on the table and get runs towards Anshika to hug but Rajveer interfere between by stopping him.
Anshika says with attitude, "Oh... hello means you both got married and this kid is yours Nile."
Nile nods his head and says, "Sorry, I misunderstand you and your love for me. Yes, for me now also my luxury lifestyle and career is important not you."
Anshika says with arrogance, "Sorry, but I got released my mistake trusting a wrong person. By the way, belated congratulate for your marriage. But I warn you to stay away from me. Otherwise this time, I will not leave or forgive for your crime. Well, you both did it by destroying my happiness and killing my family."
Nile wants to say something but Tani stop him and say, "Okay fine, go from here don't disturb our..!"
Anshika pushes her away and say, "I am not interested in you and your family. Actually, I was alive then also not come back, because I hate you all. Let's leave Rajveer, everyone must be waiting!"
Anshika with smile introduce Rajveer as her finaceé and she say with attitude, "I am happy with new life and thanks because you I got my love and a new family. Bye...I will not disturb your privacy and love moment, dear Tani."
Rajveer say with annoyed feeling, "Anshika, your friend must be waiting, let's leave. As they are more important for us."
Rajveer and Anshika leave from there and walks towards their table, where friends were waiting but all friends saw their conversation with Tani-Nile.
All friends with anger and sad feeling walks towards their table.
They go to their table and Anshika laughs suddenly and says, "Rajveer, our prank worked they really got fool."
Ranveer says with emotional feeling, "Just stop pretending that you are happy. We so you both just now talking at entrance, got it. But this Nile and Tani you forgive them and congratulate them for happy journey of married life!"
Anshika with sad feeling and low voice say, "Yes I forgive because I want to start a new with Rajveer with happiness. Rajveer, loves me and I love him a lot. I lost my love and family, brother and a friend but not have courage to again lose. Please, for now concentrate on our celebration."
Rajveer feels her pain and give her tight hug, all friends together says, "Smile please!"
Ranveer click their photo of hugging each other.
All friends celebrate Ranveer and Kavi's achivement and have dinner together.