LOVE DRUGS..... in English Love Stories by Pramila books and stories PDF | LOVE DRUGS.....

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What do you think about love ?

Does it give pleasure or pain ?

Love is a painful pleasure..... Because love brings growth ✨. Love demands, transforms and it is painful because love gives you a new birth. If you avoid that pain ( love ) , you will miss all pleasures of life 💗.

28 years old vikranth..... was lying on his bed without falling asleep. He was afraid of his continuous nightmare..... tears rolled from his eyes.... It looks like his hands have no intention to wipe away those tears....

This is a daily routine of his nights 🌙. Sleeping with tears like this is something he has become accustomed to in this one year.

If we want to know the reason for those tears we have to go back three years....

More handsome and energetic young man, common attraction of all girls... most of the girls longing for his single sight.... Everyone get stunned and forget themselves when his eyes start gaming. His words have a lot of sweetness that touches everyone’s heart ❤.

On the other hand, he is a young business man who Founded his own company in a small age.... Such a sincere and strict hard working man who has another secret life ( his past ) .... No one is stand before his anger.... most of his staff's are afraid of his rudeness. Few only knows why his behavior changes in this way.

Vikranth entered into his cabin and called his PA anitha. Ram entered into his room with a serious face.

( Ram and vikranth are close friends from the college days. Ram is the only person who can manage his friend's mood swings, with his calm nature )

Vikranth : why did you look at me like this ? Where is anitha ?

Ram : don't you know ? Are you a mad ? Why did you scold that girl anitha yesterday ? She resigned her job because of your attitude.

Vikranth face was filled with emptiness without any reactions. This is not a first time and anitha is not a first person to run away from job due to the fear of his wrath. Vikranth simply turned his face to the computer screen 🖥.

Vikranth : then find a new one...

Ram : Of course you can easily change your PA, what about your behavior vikranth ?

Vikranth : don't you know ?

Ram : this is really not fair dude 😕. I know you have a bad experience but that doesn’t mean every woman is wrong.

Vikranth : oh really 😏

Ram watching his friend's face for few minutes, then He left the room and closed the door with a loud bang.
His friend's fake anger makes vikranth smile a bit. May vikranth smile once or twice a day because of ram.

Vikranth is not that much crazy, but the environment which makes him behave like this. He changed his behavior according to his situation. This is the way which is followed by the people who are succeeded in their life.


Receptionist anu knocked ram's cabin door. A new girl follows her as anu enters the room.

Anu : sir, she is vidya. Our team selected her as a PA for vikranth sir.

Ram's face shrinks and he let out a sigh when he sees that new girl. Her face look like a calm ocean and Timid nature.

Ram speaks to himself in a low voice " how can she manage with that arrogant ? ". Again he let out a sigh...

( Later we can see about vidya )

Vidya : sorry sir, i can't get you.

Ram : nothing.... are you sure about your decision ? Because you Can't resigning your job for 2 years.

Vidya ( low voice ) : yaa... I'm sure.

Looking at Vidya, Vikranth face became pale, an unknown tension appeared in his face, he also thought that it was only one or two weeks.

Vikranth handed her some files. He ordered her to check for errors in it. Vidya blinked at him with confusion.

Vikranth : why are you looking at me like this ? Don't you know what is your job ?

Vidya : n... no sir , i don't have any experience before.

Her words stuck in her throat.

Vikranth : Great 😒. look miss. Vidya, this is not a school or something to teach you everything step by step. You have to learn it yourself. And this is none of my business. Understand ?

Vidya : yes... yes sir.

She took those files and left the room. His eyes followed her secretly. Her face trembled with fear but it brings a smile in his face " not even a week 😂 " he mumbled.

But our intelligent vikranth forget one thing " we can't judge a book by its cover ".


Two months later....

everyone's stomach burns in jealous 😩.... because no one thinks that she can survive in this company more than a week.... but already two months completed....

The thing that surprised everyone was Vikranth's attitude. He need Vidya from the morning to evening. The word what he says continuesly is " Vidya ".

One fine Saturday evening.....
Vikranth get into the car after completing his work. He is not in the mood to go home because he feels guilty about his attitude towards Vidya. Today he cross his line and his words crossed its limits.
He drives his car slowly and give some space to his mind voice.

" you idiot Vikranth, you are truly mad, why did you behave like this to her Today. She is truly innocent, how much talented she is..... How she tolerates your actions, how beautifully she handles your mood but you hurt her. Oh c'mon vikranth.... why her tears affect you in this way...."

His brain : don't take too much advantage, there is nothing between you and that Vidya "

His heart : really bro 🥺 ?

In the fight between heart and brain he did not focus on the road.

Suddenly someone came and fell in front of his car. He applied a sudden break and try not to hit that person. He get out of his car and try to see who is that.

" Vidya "

He understood what had happened when she tried to escape because someone in the distance chased her. It is usual in this area. She fainted and he tapped her on the cheek and called her name to wake her up. But there is no response from her. Blood starts flowing from her head. He lifted her in his arms and take her to his home.

His heart rate returns to normal when the doctor confirms that she is OK.

" Hey vikranth, is this you man ? How is she making so many changes in you ? Why do so many thoughts come to you now that you did not have when you first saw her ? did you forget her betrayal ? Do you forgive her ? Ufff "

He restrained his hands as he thought of rubbing her hair. She opened her eyes slowly. She felt some pain in her head and rubbed the wound on her head. When she opened her eyes slightly she saw that it was Vikranth who was sitting with a small smile on his face.

" idiot, You can only smile in dreams. Smiling killer " she mumbled. She said slowly but it was clearly heard in his ears.

Vikranth : what 🤨 ?

She sat up in shock when she heard his voice. It took her a few minutes to realize that what was happening was not a dream.

Vidya : sir... sir i mean....

Vikranth : hey relax.... don't strain yourself. Now you are safe.

That's when she remembered what had happened last night.

Vidya : they.... they chasing me... then they.... Where are we now ? I have to go.

Vikranth : i said relax... try to control yourself. This is my home and you are safe now. Actually i know nothing about you. That's why I'm taking you here. Even i can't find nothing in your mobile. So...

Vidya : i have to go....

She got out of bed and tried to get out. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards the bed. By that sudden force she lost her balance and fell on him.

Their eyes meet each other 😍. He fixes the hair that falls on her face. His hands longing to hug her more. His heart jumping with joy. His feet refused to touch the floor. His brain instructed him to control himself. But his heart encourage him to do this.

But her single slap makes him come to reality.....

What is in your mind now ? What he going to do now ? If he pushes her or slaps her, you are completely wrong if you think like this. Tears asking permission to release from his eyes.

Vidya : are you mad ? How dare you to touch me ?

Vikranth : because you are mine.

Again she slapped him.

The tears that had been under control for so long went out unknowingly by him.

She was trying to get out of his arms.

Vikranth : vidhu please 🥺....

Vidya : i said leave me.

He let her move. She leave that place within a second..... may he forget to notice her tears.

Vikranth : no... no i can't. How can I live without you vidhu.... why don't you understand me ? I badly need you 😢.

His thoughts get wings to those lovely days when he spends his times with his vidhu.... tears started rolling out from his eyes.

Ram entered into Vikranth's room.

Ram : hey vikranth, what's she doing here ?

Ram stunned for a minute when he see his friend's stage.

Ram : what's wrong vikranth ?

He hugs his friend and try to convince him.

Vikranth : vidhu.... 🤥

Ram : vidhu..... you mean Vidya ? Oh my God....

The past

Vikranth always spends his birthday in the orphanage, not only a birthday when ever he was happy he spends his times with that children. On one fine evening he meets Vidya in that orphanage. She is not gorgeous like other girls, she never do makeup, but her simple look attracts others towards her. Our unique hero also becomes common person in her case.

They both don't know how it happened, but fate has turned them into good friends.

Love was just doing its job between the two of them perfectly 🥰💞. They both know what the truth is but they have no intention of telling it out. Time is not waiting for anyone, is it ?

One fine day....

Vidya : you are truly crazy vikranth.

Vikranth : believe me dear....

Vidya : no way.... you are an big lier...

Vikranth : then come with me. I can drop you in your home.

Vidya : home ?

A bitter smile appeared on her face.

Vikranth : hmm 🙃. Anything is wrong ?

Vidya : this is my home.

Vikranth : what ?

Vidya ( small smile on her face ) : There are billions of people in the world but not even one for me. I don’t even know who my parents are. To me the world is this orphanage and the people in it..... ( after a small break ) You are really lucky to have these types of caring parents and never fight with your mom again.

Vikranth : vidhu.... Then come with me and I will give you a beautiful family.

Vidya : what do you mean ?

Vikranth : Is there a problem with your hearing ?

Vidya : Stop making fun of me....

She try to leave. But vikranth don't let her to go. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him.

Vikranth : vidhu... I'm serious... I'm.... I'm in love with you vidhu 💗. Even i can't imagine my life without you ♥. If you ask me where it all started I don’t even know it. But.... i really love you vidhu....

Although he had to wait a while to know her decision, but her decision was in his favor.

Like all lovers they do not roam the whole town. They will not disturb each other in the name of love. They had less time to meet but more time to fall in love and share love for each other. Of course some small cat fights occur but the reason is not a possessive or anything but care and love ❤.

But No one will know the game of fate. Even the usual fights did not happen this time. She left him one day, and she only gave him a letter without even saying the reason for the breakup 💔.


Only he knew how many times he had read that letter. How many nights he passed without sleep. The torn paper for no apparent reason appeared to be re-read today.

Today also he find nothing in it. But He made a final decision that she was his life or he wants to know the proper reason for th breakup.

After thinking about her for a while, he went to the orphanage where she grew up.

One thing he learned from that place was that Vidya had decided to adopt a month old girl child. He found that the child was in poor health and she was collecting money for the child's medical expenses.

" She may have joined the job for her money needs " he thought.

The real shock was waiting for him at the hospital.....


Vidya : yes sir....

Vikranth : miss. Vidya, Pick up those 3X company files and meet me at the J star Hotel.

Vidya : but sir...

Vikranth : do what I say....

He hang up the call.

Vidya : what is in his mind ? 😳 am i a slave to him ?


Vikranth already waiting for her in that empty hotel. Her instinct was to tell her something was wrong and she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

Vikranth : well miss. Vidya, today I meet my friend Dr. Vamsi.... he is an oncologist. Do you know him ?

Vidya : how can I know your friend.... sir ?

Vikranth : yaa right. How can you know ? But he knew you very well.

Tears started rolling from her eyes. Every time She tried hard to hide her emotions in front of vikranth. But she knows that she can't do this that much easily. Today she lost her controls and surrendered into his arms.

Vikranth : vidhu please don't cry.

Vidya : I'm really sorry 😭😭..... I know I don’t even deserve to apologize. But vikranth....

He loosened her grip and lifted her head towards him.

Vikranth : look at me.... why did you do like this vidhu ? Don't you think about me atleast once ? What do you think about me ?

Vidya : vikranth i....

Vikranth : please stop.... i don't want to know anything.... Tell me how much time do I have ?

Vidya : hardly.... two years 🥺😕.

Tears started rolling in their eyes.... vikranth wiped his tears immediately.

Vikranth : it's okay.... okay.... come with me.

Vidya : no.... This is not as simple as you might think. it's already in last stage 😢. Not curable... it's a genetic disorder.

( i think you guys are get what is going on here. Yes... Vidya is a cancer patient. She leave her love only for this reason. Because she knew vikranth love is how pure and she don't want to hurt him cause of her fate. She did not resign her job for the sake of the adopted child.)

Vikranth ( with frustration ) : i know vidhu.... so what...

Vidya: still you want me ?

Vikranth : Would you have left me if I had suffered like what happened to you?

She nodded with disagree.

Vidya : but I'm not ready to come with you 😢.

Vikranth lost his temper.

Vikranth : are you a mad 😠 ? Can't you understand ? You already wasted 3 years in my life span. There is only 2 years..... Give me a reason for my life if you can not live with me, give me some memories that will last until the end of my life.

She could never speak more than that in his embrace and the love he showed in his eyes.


Within days of the marriage they adopted a child of their own. Yaa the same girl baby. They officially become parents to that child. In a few days, the baby underwent heart surgery because of a hole in her heart. Vikranth named that child as Vidya. When you asks him why ? His answer be like this " I could not find a better name than this ".

No matter how many doctors he visits, her health does not improve. The suffering he was going through made her even more sad. But he never shows his feelings to her. There will always be a small smirk on his face.

The effect of high pressure can be very large fracture in the heart 💔. Two years move in a rocket speed. Her health get worse day by day.

She was in her last breath now....

Vikranth holds her hands with fear of losing her. Everyone knows this will happen one day but we cannot accept the loss of our loved one.

The eyes began to release water automatically. The water that had accumulated in his eyes made his eyes sparkle, and he had a small painful smile on his lips.

He was writing love lines for her in tears.

Vikranth : hey vidhu.... do you know ? I knew the very first second i met you that there is something in you i needed. But i don't know that it was this much crazy. Soon it turns out it wasn't something about you at all. It was just you...

These are the words she heard in her last breath. All she had in mind was " god please Give me more life to receive His love in the next life".

The tears of the lover that day made everyone’s heart flutter. No one knew the way to convince him.

His depth of love has not diminished with the passage of time.

" vidhu.....
You're the first thing
I think of each morning....
You're the last thing
I think of each nights 🌙 "

He got used to living with her memories. The truths do not give him the pleasure that her memories give. However, he is still alive.

He was troubled by her memories for many days. The reason she left for him makes him live. His little princess Vidya. Her single smile is enough for him to lead this life to the end.

He has adopted an orphanage and he may be the delight of many. He looks at her everywhere when he sees a smile faces.....


Hi guys....

Again I'm here with new love experience 💕. We expect more or less successful love stories and happy endings. Do you think this story is not like that ?

Believe me guys....
Love stories don’t have to have happy endings, they have to have love.

I know there is no life without love but surely there may be a life after love ❤.

If your love story ends in tragedy, it does not mean you have to end your life. It means You can bring life to others.

Think once before take decisions....

I think now you get the answer for my question .....

Love is a pain or a pleasure.

Yaa it's a painful pleasure 🙂....

Accept the pain and enjoy the pleasure 😊💗....

Love you all

take care 💗....