A Journey To Unexplored Earth - 3 - Last Part in English Travel stories by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | A Journey To Unexplored Earth - 3 - Last Part

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A Journey To Unexplored Earth - 3 - Last Part


As they reached 50km the spaceship floated and then fell down. All were surprised. Firstly they applied bandages to Aarav and then thought what to do.

Vyom said, “Have we reached Jupiter or Moon”

Durga said, “Not sure I guess till 50 km we were heading towards Himalayas.”

Rohan, “I'm also not sure”

Pushpa, “Maybe we should go out and explore”

Aarav, “I don’t think we should explore as we need to first know where we are, and also we might not know if this place is safe or not.”

Vyom decided and asked Aarav to hack ISRO Portal to get last images from camera fitted outside their spaceship. When Aarav was going to open and try to hack, a bird enters one of window of spaceship and tries to kill Vyom; Aarav with his presence of mind took laptop and injured that bird. At that time bannng Rohan fired bullet on injured carnivore.

Now the problem was that they had only 1 laptop that was now inside the long beak of a carnivore bird. Now how would they know how they reached here and about their surroundings? Durga being a mechanical engineer connected the broken laptop with VTS and then BOOOM! It worked. Laptop screen is now being operated by VTS.

Aarav hacked it and they were astonished to see: The cameras showed that they were very near to the Earth surface but suddenly at 50km a flash of light appeared on camera and they came to a green place. And then they all decided to wear a spacesuit and go out and try to explore their surroundings.

When they came out, more birds came to attack them, Vyom using his presence of mind broke the spaceship door and kept it on their target line. Almost every bird’s beak was stuck on the door.

But one of them went sideways and made a hole in Vyom’s helmet. Vyom thought he might not be able to live as he only had 1 oxygen cylinder. But surprisingly he could breathe. He took out an Aerometer and checked the air. In that 35% oxygen and rest 64% nitrogen and 1% other gases.

All removed their helmets and also found out that the gravity was also equal to Earth. They all could easily walk. When they were moving slowly the Sun was setting. Vyom decided to camp out here. They only had tents, nothing else.

Now they had to find food. Vyom decided he and Rohan would go and search for food. As Aarav has problems in his legs he would stay in the camp site with Durga and Pushpa.

When they were returning, Durga quickly stopped them with EXCLAMATION. They all stopped at a moment. She quickly went and turned off a switch. Then she told them to enter.

Durga said, “With help of wires and bright torches and stream lined things I have created a shield. If someone crosses it would get hurt due to a lot of heat.

All 3 praised her for this idea. Now all took a sigh of relief.

Next day, they had food and everything but thirstiness cannot be neglected. They tried to find a lake or something to quench their thirst. Atlas they found a lake, but they did not know whether water was useful or harmful.

Pushpa being a botanist took out the PH meter and checked water’s PH. Its PH was the highest she could even imagine. Normal water has 7 PH but this has 12.12 PH.

It is considered the best water. Now everyone went and drank that water. Vyom drank first as he was leader and if anything happens he will die and not others. After a few minutes of drinking that water, Vyom’s body started to glow. All were surprised. And on Vyom’s hand pad, impurity was not found in body. That water actually cleaned his whole body. His body was now a pure one.

All then drank water for a few minutes. Their body also glowed then it became normal. Aarav suddenly felt well, when he saw leg, his wound was slowly disappearing. His wound was fixed. Pushpa thought and said that this may be Shangri-La, as per Chinese text. Whosoever drinks this water, his wounds are absorbed and they become immortal.

All shocked. Vyom then said that they might fill their special water bottles with this. Rohan was looking at something. Vyom asked, he just pointed in front. Everyone’s face was astonished. There is beautiful greenery, trees and plants and lakes, everything more than that they could think of.

As Vyom entered there a lion came, he had something around him. Aarav said it is the lion’s Aura and as soon as Vyom entered that forested Shangri-La his Aura was also visible. To some extent Lion’s and Vyom’s aura were similar. As soon as Vyom went near him Lion became his pet. But when Aarav went near Lion’s mood changed as their Aura didn’t match.

They all were surprised to see such things which were just imagination on the last Earth. As they kept on moving there were threats too. They had completed opening Shangri-La and now they reached the entrance of Deep forests.

After walking for a few hours, they stopped to take a rest. As they stopped Vyom heard some sound, he quickly took out his gun and knife. All felt as if something was moving near to them and making noise of leaves.

And there came a big 3 headed dog, they all were surprised and it had a Dark Black Aura. It was angry, he was coming towards them. It was about the height of a 3 storey building. It had long teeth. It was similar to a wolf, just bigger than a wolf and had 3 heads.

Durga had made a sword of lasers and as soon as it approached near Durga Jumped and beheaded his head. But it again came, maybe he was also immortal.

Vyom decided to take help from a Lion he met. Although he was small, when he came there and Vyom asked to help him through his mind, Lion called his pride.

There were 8 lions in his pride. They did something and they all became the same height as a 3 head dog. And the lions of course defeated the wolf. 

 Now the big challenge is to colonize this new planet. And find a way to be protected from animals.