A Journey To Unexplored Earth - 2 in English Travel stories by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | A Journey To Unexplored Earth - 2

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A Journey To Unexplored Earth - 2


“2061 Halley’s comet is just 300 km away from Earth”

Surprisingly when our team launched Halley’s Comet was approaching. The Jupiter team also wanted to see a 76 year comet. Alas! They couldn’t.

Soon on VTS (virtual talking screen) the Mission Director came and gave astonishing news. The Mission Director knew if all crew members came to know theywon’t be able to focus on the mission.

So the Mission Director said to Vyom, “I am sorry Vyom but you will be the last spaceship we will be able to send, not only ISRO but all space Organizations.”

Vyom asked, “What are you saying Sir, why is this last mission? What makes you look stressed out?”

Mission Director, “What should I say to you child, ISRO after your launch got to know in 10 minutes that…”

Vyom, “What that… please tell”

Mission Director, “That… Earth is going to die today”

Vyom, “What are you saying”

Mission Director, “Yes it is true today is last day of Earth, we did a huge research and got to know 2061 is last year for HUMAN KIND”

Vyom, “Why, what is research about?

Mission Director, “Halley's Comet is headed straight towards Earth, it would collide”

Vyom, “How did you all get to know?”

Mission Director, “Actually Halley's comet is not going far, it is coming near every 76 years and this time it is very near that it will first crash into the USA. We just called NASA and told our reports, they also agreed, and now this is going to be Humanity’s last 30 minutes, we also cannot do anything, Hope you colonize Jupiter and make new Humanity on that Planet, sorry to say but after next 30 minutes you 5 will only be living which means only you are last 5 humans to LIVE”

Vyom, “No this cannot be true”

Mission Director, “As per my research half hemisphere won’t Destroy. I hope you all reach Jupiter and colonize it.”

Vyom, “No wait please”

VTS call ended.

Our crewmembers are now only humans left, after 30 minutes. “Hey guys look at Halley's comet!!!” Said Pushpa with fear all came near VTS. 

Vyom did not come as he was talking to his father and mother on Another VTS, and the phone disconnected.

“Halley’s comet has changed its direction and now is going to Collide with Earth.” News splashing with heading breaking news.

All on Earth seeing a bright light coming towards them, they couldn’t do anything, in 30 minutes no spaceship could have been launched.

The President of the USA, launched a rocket including adolescents,

But the direction was wrong and it crashed. No hope was now left, all lost hope and Waiting for death. Many tried to escape the hit point but how could they escape as the Radiation could destroy lakh and lakh of kilometers.

A huge rock coming towards them. And booooom!!! A great Crash, a huge flash in the eyes of all, as it hit Earth the Earth split into 2 parts.

Now it was harder for the crew to hold.

Now they were going to connect to the main spaceship but as the thea comet hit Earth a Radiation Wave was formed which destroyed Spaceship engines.

They weren’t even able to reach the Main spaceship. They were very near, but now the more important and scary thing was that they were heading towards destroyed Earth, as per predictions 2nd Part of Earth consisting Asia was still left and they were heading towards Russia. They all were going towards Eurasian Mountains, this all was known to them by advanced technology.

Our Captain couldn’t lose hope so he thought of going outside and try to fix engine, and if they are near to land he will be back. He wore spacesuits, and as he was going to go out he slipped and his helmet broke, his rope was damaged. And if he now didn’t return his rope would break and he would be lost in Dark Space. He just couldn't control himself, and if our crew pulled rope, it would break.

Vyom tried very hard to go near, as he reached the damaged part, the crew pulled him and now he was safe. Anyone would be scared and won’t go out again but our captain did not have any option.  He went out and as he was fixing the engine a big stone was headed towards their spaceship. They all thought what to do, in that situation if a stone hit Spaceship; it would be the end of Humanity. So Vyom decided to change direction and had to do something real quick.

He just could think of one thing, he took a screwdriver and made hole in his spacesuit. Due to the pressure gradient he was able to fly, but now

He needed to use pressure to change the route of the spaceship. And he was successful to do that, spaceship actually turned and now the spaceship came about 50,000 km away from leftover Earth, the new destination was India, Himalayas. They all were scared now the distance was decreasing.

40,000 km

10,000 km

5,000 km, at this distance Aarav being a Computer Engineer said that their speed was more than that of Light!

2,000 km

1,000 km

500 km

100 km

At 100km Rohan got hurt and an iron piece entered his legs. And if not treated early then his leg would expand and his leg would be the reason for his death.

They had to cut his leg or it would be a problem. Vyom couldn't think of anything. They were very near and as they were about 50km the spaceship suddenly stopped and it started to float. All were flabbergasted.