Tuitions First Then Zombies After in English Thriller by Siddharth Ayyappath books and stories PDF | Zombie Surprise

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Zombie Surprise

I was heading back home from tuition class when suddenly, I heard the screeching of car brakes and a distant thud. I stopped in my tracks. What was that? I listened. I didn't hear anything else. I glanced at my watch. 6:38 pm. I looked up and down the street. Why didn't anyone else hear that? I had to do something. I turned to the direction of the crash and saw a column of smoke rising behind a couple of buildings. I turned and started running in the direction of the crash.

I ran for two blocks and then realized that I'd entered Hollow street. That's strange, I thought as I ran. There was no one here. The streets were completely empty. The few houses that I passed had no lights. I glanced at my watch again. 6:57pm. Did everyone go to bed early or something? Finally, I stumbled to a halt in front of the crash. Looking closely, I realized that the car had crashed headlong into a bin in an alley between two buildings. I walked to it carefully. I looked closely and realized that it was a silver Toyota Camry 2012. I ran to the driver's window and peeked into it. There was no one there. What in the world? I opened the door and looked more carefully. There was some silver liquid splashed on the shotgun seat and on all of the windows. I got out and realized that it was getting dark. The buildings on either side of me cast long shadows over the alley. I dug into my pack and pulled out a spare flashlight that I'd kept in it, just in case along with some snack bars. That's me, Boy Scout. I switched on my flashlight. That's when I noticed something strange.

I directed the beam from the flashlight to the ground and saw a trail of the silver liquid on the ground like as though whoever - or whatever was in the car had got hurt and was staggering around, bleeding. I followed the trail of liquid on the ground until it stopped at the foot of the building. I directed the beam of light to the building but I saw nothing. Hmmm.....strange. Maybe that's when I realized that something was wrong. I felt a tingling sensation on the back of my neck. I whipped around and pointed the beam to the building on my left. There, not too far away, I could make out a figure perched on a window sill on the 3rd floor. I focused the beam of light on it. It was wearing ragged clothes with pale skin that clung on to its bones. It had green irises that had a yellowish tint. It had a gash on its cheek from which it was bleeding. The thing had white hair that stuck up on its head, like as though it spent its free time sticking its fingers into electric sockets. Its blood was silver, just like that silver liquid in the car. Its head was tilted to one side, just like a...... "Zombie", I whispered, my mouth going dry. The zombie grinned, showing exactly three teeth. Then it jumped at me.

My instincts took over. I swung my bag in a wide arc, the bag colliding with the zombie in mid-air. The zombie flew to one side and hit the dustbin. It slowly got to its feet and shuffled towards me, that creepy smile plastered across its face. I backed slowly, keeping one eye on this thing. Suddenly, I heard a groan behind me. I whipped around to see another zombie holding a plastic bottle in its hand. I heard a weird scraping noise and turned around to see a third zombie emerging from the upturned dustbin, dragging a rusted hammer behind it. “Dammit”, I whispered as I backed away to a wall, keeping the three zombies in front of me. The zombies stopped five feet in front of me and just stared at me. For a moment, there was silence. Then without warning, the first zombie lunged.

I swung my bag around for a second time, and it hit the zombie square on its chest. Wow, he’s light, I thought to myself as the zombie flew back and smashed in through a window. “Alright then”, I whispered as I looked at the two other zombies who were still looking at me. Then both of them started shuffling towards me. “Two on one? Twice the fun”, I whispered. The second zombie threw the bottle at me, but his aim was so pathetic that it flew above my head, bounced off the wall and hit him on the head, knocking him to the ground. The third zombie was still struggling to lift the hammer off the ground. I felt so sorry for the little dude that I went up to him and took the hammer from him. The zombie just stared at me. “See, this is how you lift a hammer”, I said in a kind voice. The zombie nodded. “And this”, I said as I swung the hammer to one side,” is how you hit someone with it.” I swung the hammer back and hit the zombie on his head, sending him smashing into a wall. I threw the hammer to one side and started running to the street. I had to get outta here. Those zombies won’t be gone for long. Just then, my phone rang. It was my mom. I pressed accept and held the phone to my ear just as I felt pain shoot up my arm.

I gasped in pain and dropped the phone. I turned around to see a zombie sinking its teeth into my forearm. I pulled away and punched it in the face, sending him crashing onto the pavement. I turned and tried to run, but my limbs turned to jelly. I felt my strength drain away from me. My body went limp and I fell face forward on the ground, paralyzed. I felt someone kick me over and looked up to see those 3 zombies grinning down at me. I could feel my consciousness fading rapidly as I fought to stay awake. The first zombie still had that creepy smile. And the smell coming off him......ugh. “Dude”, I muttered, struggling to stay awake, ”you ever heard of deodorant? Or at least mouthwash?” The zombie's smile turned into a snarl. And then it lunged.