The Vikramditya Secret - Chapter 24 in English Fiction Stories by Rahul Thaker books and stories PDF | The Vikramditya Secret - Chapter 24

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The Vikramditya Secret - Chapter 24


Proffesor Dev Raval and Poorva Shah entered in to the office.

They have decided to not to switch on the lights to avoid any suspictions. Instead they are operating from their smart phone torches.

Poorva Shah is in her emotions and she is really missing her Dadu.

This office space makes her emotional and reminds her about her grand father Mahaveer Shah.

Slowly and carefully they have passed the main corridor of the office and now they are in the front of the main chamber of Mahaveer Shah.

Poorva Shah lookes on Proffessor Dev Raval's face and seeking for his approval.

Dev Raval nodded his head in yes.

After seeking her mentor's approval , Poorva slowly pushed the door of the main cabin of Mahaveer Shah.

It opened swiftly. Poorva Shah and Proffessor Dev Raval entered in the main cabin of Mahaveer Shah.

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Hasmukh Gandhi was telling his life story to his sons Kalpesh Gandhi and Chirag Gandhi.

He told them that he and Mahaveer Shah were maternal cousins and were best of friends.

Though there were an age diffrence between them but it not affected their relations.

He also told them that their friendship came in questions after some incident happened at Maa Harsiddhi Temple.

" What actually happened at Maa Harsiddhi Temple , Papa ? "
Chirag Gandhi asked to father.

Kalpesh Gandhi also looked at his father with querios look.

After all he deserves the answers from his father.

Hasmukh Gandhi closed his eyes and took the long breathe.

Once he released the breathe , he opened his eyes and said

" We have found the directions that led to the great secret that might change the course of any human being."

The Secret is so powerful that could change the entire course of defence and politicts of the country.


Poorva Shah and Proffessor Dev Raval entered in the main cabin of Mahaveer Shah.

The expresseions on the face of Poorva Shah changed and tears came out of her eyes.

Her mind filled with the memories of her with her late Dadu Mahaveer Shah.

Proffessor Dev Raval gently pressed her shoulder. She came out of her emotions.

She wiped her eyes with her bare palms and said " What Dadu asked me to do so ? "

Proffessor Dev Raval smiled and said we need to seek the blessings from the Goddess.

They both looked at the painting of Goddess Harsiddhi.

As Poorva explained earlier to Proffessor Dev Raval that it is not an ordinary painting.

The painter of this art was none another than the great mearchant sheth " Jagdu Shah "

Proffesor Dev Raval again looked at Poorva Shah.

She nodded her head in yes.

Proffesoor Dev Raval went to near the wall where painting has been mounted.

He lifted his hands and slowly and gradually tried to unmount the painting from the wall.

It took him some more pressure to unmount the painting as it was there for longer period of time.

Finally Proffessor Dev Raval managed to unmount the painting and he slowly put on the center table.
