12 Things - 6 - We Can Cry in English Fiction Stories by Daanu books and stories PDF | 12 Things - 6 - We Can Cry

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12 Things - 6 - We Can Cry

"Hey... How are you... Why were you not answering my calls?" asked Ankit in a worried tone.
"Hello... I am fine. I was just sleeping, so I was not able to pick your call." Anjali assured back.
"Are you sure? The sulkiness in your voice suggests something else."
"Naah... It's nothing, I am good. Was there anything urgent that you called?"
"I just wanted to know, if you reached fine, or if your parents raised any concern or something."
"No. Nothing, Don't worry.."
"Ohhk.. "
"Ok then, Bye."
"Yeah... Wait... Do you want to know what the next thing is?"
"Hhmm... Yes, tell me what is next?"
"Yes, let's cry together... I mean, we both know that everybody's life is full of hardships. So, Why not let's meet and discuss our hardships together."
"Miss Chemistry expert, Do you know equilibrium?"
"Yes. The state of balance."
"Exactly, this is how a relationship should be when the sadness of one person becomes overwhelming, the other person should bring back the balance of things, by giving some reasons to be happy and dissolving some sadness deep down in life."
"Hahaha... Nice try... You seem to be working hard in Chemistry." said Anjali bit cherishingly.
"Yes. Kind of, let's meet each other tomorrow then."
"Ok. Bye."
Ajay messaged and asked Anjali to come to the lakeside, in the evening time.
"How is it?" asked Ajay, reaching to Anjali, who was grabbing a seat near the lakeside.
"Beautiful. I never thought it would be so pretty. Otherwise I would come here often."
"I don't think so, you would have been able to ditch your books so easily." teased Ajay while handing a bottle of juice to her.
"I would have.. really.."
"Now that you know, we will see how many times you will come here."
"You know what, let's leave it.Let's not keep track of this." Anjali replied
"I knew it", said Ajay, smiling wide. "Ok, then let me know, what's the issue?"
"Issue.. nothing.. really." Anjali replied in a chill tone.
"Ok. Then let me start by myself then. You might not know that but I am from a very rich family."
"Wow... It doesn't seem to be an issue to me."
"Let me finish yaar. So, my dad is one of the founding members of a big retail chain. And.."
"And he wants me to quit this, and join his office as he thinks Physics can do no good to me, and instead I can better stay undergraduate."
"So, are you thinking of quitting?"
"Me... I should have thought of quitting, but how can I, when the only reasons for my smile were those kiddish experiments, like making a magnet by coiling wire on the iron nail."
"Yes. Maybe it was childish but I was so happy."
"No... Were you actually able to create a magnet from iron and wire?" Anjali asked curiously.
"Have you really passed 12th? With current, iron, and wire, you can create an electromagnet."
"Ohh. Nice. I will try."
"Now, what about you?"
"Wait... We are still not done. What are you going to do then?"
"I don't know. But I have been warned, either Physics or pocket money. So for now, I am searching for a part-time job."
"Wow... Your parents are really something."
"Yup. Somehow they are."
"Ok... Ok.. stop seeing me like that... I will tell you everything.", Anjali said to Ajay, who was continuously staring at her.
"Yes. Please go ahead."
"My dad.. My dad is an ex-alumni of our college. Kabir, the awarded chemist, is my dad."
"Seriously? Or are you just throwing things at me, because I asked?"
"Like you, I also don't prefer to lie. "
"Ok. Point noted." Ajay said in a calming voice.
"But my dad doesn't seem to like me much. My mom left dad when I was a kid, and I think since then, he never even once smiled at him. I started studying chemistry to have something in common to discuss. You know what, I used to act like stupids and ask him to answer those questions as well, which I could solve easily. I did this just to have reasons to keep talking to him. Initially, what was just a way of gaining attention, soon became my only interest.
And then... " said Anjali, gulping the last sip of the juice.
"If it doesn't seem ok, let's discuss the rest maybe next time," Ajay said, seeing the sadness in Anjali's eyes.
"Yes, please. Do I seem like a pathetic person, who complains about her only parent, who raised me so well?", Anjali asked.
"No. Pouring your heart out is not pathetic. Holding Grudges can be."
"What do you mean by that?" Anjali said in a bit of a high tone. "He is my father, and he doesn't have any grudges against me."
"It's not what I mean. It's ok to have complaints against someone we love. After all, we cannot get angry with a stranger for not giving us time. It could be only our loved ones. But it's also necessary to pour your heart out from time to time, otherwise, you will just end up holding some grudges, which will not be cool for any of you." Ajay explained to Anjali.
"Yeah. Ok."
"Hey.. see the sunset. I think we have done enough for the day, let's take a break and enjoy the day, what say?" Ajay said pointing to the sun.
"Yes.. It is indeed. "

They both enjoyed the lakeside sunset together and went their separate ways after that.