The Legendary Princess - 1 in English Love Stories by Veduu books and stories PDF | The Legendary Princess - 1

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The Legendary Princess - 1

Hope u love this story ,so let's start.....
"Oh no who's she? Whaaa!! I'm falling!!" Maria sits up shouting loudly one her bed"ermmm.... I was just dreaming".Maria is a 18 years girl, she has golden hairs with a mysterious purple hair on front of her hair bangs. Her mom comes inside her room because of her shouting and says" well a nightmare again?" She comes, sits near her and gives maria a hug "thanks mom...." "Well now get ready for your collage dear" her mom says . Maria remembers that there is her first day of college today " ohhhhhhhhhh no! mom I almost forgot" she shouts and hastily goes for getting ready .she thinks"ahhhhh I'm kinda of nervous it's my first day of college will I be able to adapt there will I make friends there omg I'm tooo nervous" as she reaches at dining table to get breakfast fast she greeets her dad. She lived in a cute little house with her mom,dad and her cute little pet squirrel named 'rose',
Her college's name wasThe college was best college in the country . She got admission in the college by giving an entrance exam which was kind of wierd the examiners were called one by one to stand on a circular glass and spell the words they said when it was Maria's turn, the judges got shocked by seeing her as they see her purple bang. One of the judge mumbles to other two judges" this can't be what if she must be.....they too agree. judge said we can find out if she passes in the test. They give her words as she spell the words. And they were right the glass broke as she spelt the words correctly.
As she was one her way to college on her cycle she felt like something with negative energy following her. When she turned a bit back to see she saw nothing and as she turned turned to her cycling,her cycle got bumped on the gate of college and she fell. A man just of her age came running to help her. He was he most handsome man she ever met. He gave her a hand"ohhhh miss are you alright!?" I try to get up as I could but my legs were badly hurted so I couldn't the man took me in his arms!!! I just couldn't do any thing except blushing. Ahhhhh whole college was watching us.And I saw a broom flying up in the sky, Wait! What!!! A broom in the sky not just broom but most of the students were using magic I literally couldn't believe myself ahhhh.was it real or was I dreaming . I was confused a lot . He took me to the medical of school..............

Hey everyone! This story is abou a girl who is adopted by her parents and doesn't know her past So if you wanna learn about her past pls leave down a comment 😄👍 till take care stay safe thank you