The Angel Inside - Part 9 Misunderstanding! in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - Part 9 Misunderstanding!

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The Angel Inside - Part 9 Misunderstanding!

Jay's POV

I looked at the whole sight from the balcony. What the hell is he doing in her car?. He walked and reached out to the other door of the car. He took Amy out of the car before he embraced her in his arms. He lifted her up in bridal style as he walked in through the gate. Was she sleeping? Or did she faint? How dare she allowed a man to touch her? I rushed down the stairs as I reached to the door before I twist the knob. I opened the door as I find that man standing in front of the door while Amy in his arms sleeping peacefully. I frozed at the spot. I was looking blanky at them but internally I wanted to punch that man right on his face.

Man: excuse me!

I came back to reality as I moved aside. He went in and reached the couch,slowly and safely laying Amy down on the couch. I clenched my fists trying not to drop to any conclusions. I tried to keep my calm. I watch Amy lying on the couch. She seemed to be exhausted. I looked back at the man who now went to the kitchen without saying anything. Great! I went towards Amy examining her. I think she just passed out. Maybe she overworked.

The man came back with a glass of water . He dipped his fingers in the glass of water before he sprinkled it on Amy. As the water droplets touched her skin ,she had some movement in her. She seemed to be waking up. After a while her eyes fluttered open as her lashes lifted up. She peeked on that man from an eye and the other one still closed as she was half asleep.

She noticed the sorroundings and rubbed her eyes to get a better view. I looked at that man with confusion. Amy's gaze feel on me and she followed my gaze and ended up looking at that man. She sighed.

Man: good morning , miss workaholic!

He said mockingly. It felt like he is her boss.

Amy rolled her eyes in annoyance and spoke.

Amy: seems like you didn't see the sky.!

Man: same to you!

He crossed his arms to his chest and looked at her again. Whereas Amy kept a poker face and her head hunged low as if she knew what was going to happen now.

Man: is this a joke to you Ash!? How many times I told you not to skip your meals. Every time I am afraid even if I travel for business deals, what if something happens to you huh !?

Amy : does that matter? And don't worry I won't die!

She mumbled in a low voice.

Man: Are You Serious?! You always do this, Ash, you are not a child now and learn to take care of yourself.! I won't be always there when you pass out!

That man continued yelling at Amy like a father who is scolding his kid while Amy was quietly listening like child. I stood there dumfounded between them. After a while that man stopped and sighed. Amy went up the stairs probably to freshen up. I stood there looking at both of their actions.

Am I invisible? I questioned myself. Suddenly that man's gaze feel on me. He sheepishly smiled looking at me.

Man:oh! You're here! I am so sorry, I didn't noticed you!

How could you? You were so engrossed in scolding my wife! I thought in my mind.

Me: mind telling me who are you?

I crossed my arms to my chest. I asked him being straight forward however I sounded rude.

Man: oh ! So sorry I didn't even introduce myself!

He chuckled being embarrassed as he scratched his nape.

Man: well I am Alex park! Nice to meet you!

My eyes widened , I mentally facepalmed being embarrassed , for how long I misunderstood him. He is her brother! It seemed like he understood my expression. His eyes went wide as if he realized what was I thinking.

Alex: it's not what it looks like! I'm not her boyfriend. I am her brother you know like big brother.

He chuckled.

Then something strucked my mind.i looked at him confused.

Me: As far as I know Mr Park only has two daughters and I never heard if he ever had a son!

Alex: well are you talking about Mr. John Park?

I nodded my head as a reply, agreeing.

He soon smiled again.

Alex: well I am his brother's son! George Park!

I made an o face as I realized.

Alex: well you didn't introduce yourself! Are you her roommate?

Is he kidding me?. Doesn't he know that her sister is married! And this is her house? But then too I introduced myself.

Me: I'm Jay Conor!

I said casually. Hearing this his eyes widened again.

Alex: you mean Dr. Jay Conor?

I nodded giving him an obvious look.

Alex: I think I have some unfinished business with that brat!

He said as a glimpse of anger could be heard in his voice. The next moment he yelled louder looking towards Amy's room.

Alex: Yah! You brat! You have lot to explain me! How dare you married when I was away!? I thought you were joking when you messaged you were going to get married.!

Amy: then that's your fault!

Alex sighed.

Alex: I will deal with her later !

Suddenly he sounded excited.

Alex: come on! Let's talk about you! I don't know anything about you! That brat didn't spoke a word about you!

We both had a seat on the couch and Alex started asking me numerous questions.

Alex: how did you guys met? When did this happen? That brat didn't even tell me anything! For how long were you guys in the relationship?

Jay: umm.. just two days!

Alex looked shocked.

Alex: the hell! Means you both never knew each other before?

I shook my head as a denial. Later I explained him what actually happened and how we ended up together.

Alex: she agreed marrying you that easily?

He asked being totally shocked. I shrugged lifting my shoulder.

Alex: I see ! She isn't interested in cool guys or I can say the proudy and egoistic ones. You really seem to be simple and straightforward. I can tell, she liked your simplicity!

I was silent, trying to process his words.

Suddenly he whined.

Alex: that's really unfair , she married that fast, I haven't even found my love! That's so unfair!!

He said being all dramatic as he laid his head back on the couch, clutching his chest. I chuckled. He sighed.

Alex: when will I find my lover?

Amy: when pigs fly!

Amy said appearing from her room as she walked down the stairs. she wored a casual shirt and sweatpant. She rolled the sleeves of the shirt as she walked down and approached us.

Alex: yah you little...

Before he could speak anything she took and threw an apron on his face.

Amy: come on, let's cook! You won't be able to find her !

Alex: you brat! Show some respect I'm your elder brother!

He said as he emphasized elder.

Amy: just a year older! Doesn't makes any difference!

Alex: you are 24 and I'm 25 ! So yeah I'm still elder!

He stood removing the blazer as he moved to the kitchen wearing the apron. I joined them too .

Me: wow! We both are of same age!

I said as I looked at Alex who stood beside the kitchen counter.

Amy: we got some oldies here!

She said sarcastically.

Me and Alex: just a year older!

We both fired back at Amy.

We both chuckled at the same time.

Amy just rolled her eyes and didn't reacted rather she kept the vegetables on the counter which were needed to be cooked for dinner.

After a while we were busy preparing the dinner. Amy and Alex were cooking while I was having a hard time chopping the veggies for salad. Well I never did cooking before so yeah I'm still trying.

Amy was done as she leaned her torso against the edge of the kitchen counter. She glanced at me. She spoke rapidly.

Amy: doctor, we aren't cannibals!

I looked at her and then looked back down realizing that I was about to chop my fingers too. I backed off.

Amy: you need to be careful! We're you doing a surgery on your finger?

She came beside me and started helping me in chopping the veggies. She guided me on how to use the knife carefully. After a while I was still struggling to get a grip on it but suddenly she holded my right hand where I had clasped the knife. And we started to cut the veggies together. Her hands were cold like her behavior. She helped me to slice it smoothly. And we continued.

She continued holding my hand and chopped. Whereas I felt nervous. I could tell my heartbeats were fast because of how nervous I was and on the other hand her aura didn't make any good for me. But still I decided to act normal and focus on what I was doing.

And after a while I was stable and got my grip on the knife. She left my hand and moved to remove the plates from the dish rack. She didn't spoke anything.

We were on the dining table eating our dinner peacefully. When Alex started a conversation.

Alex: so it's just difficult for both of you to even spend some time together?!

Me: yeah!!

I said hesitantly while Amy stood with a poker face. Ugh.. not again! Doesn't she have any other facial expression!? I tried to play causal but her poker face kinda makes me nervous.

Me: so you were out for business purpose recently.!

Alex: yeah! I had a deal but I didn't knew that after I come back things will change upside down.

I laugh.

Me: well I'm really sorry for the misunderstanding we had! Cause I never heard about your works in Park's!

Alex: well I actually have built my own company by efforts. I don't work in Park's company.

I made an o face.

Me: that's hard..! But you could have either joined!

Alex: well I was kinda spoiled brat as a kid , I was sent to boarding school to improve ! So I just wanted to prove myself and make them believe that I'm not that spoiled brat now! so I kept on my efforts! And now I'm here...

He said cheekily and totally being honest.

Me: so you and Amy were in the same school?

I mean boarding school! I thought.

Alex: yeah....

Alex said being akward. My eyes feel on Amy who was keeping a poker face while listening and it felt like she was in the mood of strangling someone. And I think that someone is me. Shit...! I gulped. And laughed akwardly. Trying to change the topic.

We peacefully had our dinner. And Alex made it really comfortable. He talked about things and was kinda funny. He shared about his childhood memories about him and Amy. I appreciated the thing that he built his company on his own rather than his father's help who is a well know and a famous business tycoon. He continued talking and some random jokes in between. But all this time Amy didn't spoke a word. I wanted to hear her and know about her. But as far as I could guess I could conclude that Amy worked under Alex or something else.

Amy was quietly eating listening our talks and eating. She was the same , none of the cheery attitudes or companies would ever change her rude and cold personality. Atleast Alex is different. He doesn't seem to be pretending or fake like others. He wasn't a kind of person who likes to show off his class but rather show how soft hearted he is! He's genuinely a jolly person. And I liked it how real he was even if he was a businessman. He didn't throwed his formal attitude like others. He was being casual and frank and it didn't really feel like he was a businessman but rather a warm hearted person not like the other egostic or rude businessmans that I met till now. I never knew a business tycoon could be that cheerful and jolly.