COMMITMENT - Self Development Topics in Hindi Philosophy by Rajesh Sheth books and stories PDF | COMMITMENT - Self Development Topics

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COMMITMENT - Self Development Topics

Self development topics based on Humanist themes of peace and non violence of the community for human development

Everyone knows about the commitment of Mahatma Gandhi towards non-violence and search for the truth.
These basic commitments became the hallmark for him. He used to get disturbed whenever he saw violence, exploitation and injustice. It was his commitment that he will win over British Rulers with non-violent method and make India free from the clutches of foreigners.
There are many examples of such great leaders in the world with very high degree of commitment towards humanity without any discrimination, for freedom from dependence, poverty, ignorance, slavery and hatred.

Few of such great people are Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Dalai Lama, and SILO from Argentina etc.
As an ordinary people like us, there is commitment of parents toward their children and their parents, life partner i.e. in general, commitment towards neighbours, friends, relatives, religion, society, nation, world, environment, just cause and finally self.
So questions arises, what is commitment? What is the inner register when one gets committed to and finally on fulfilling this commitment? Does it have any gradation from high to low commitment? On what does it depend? How higher level of commitment can be achieved? And so and so forth.
Let us interchange.

What is commitment?

Commitment can broadly be explained and understood as an inner, serene, selfless, and unshakeable pledge, considering one's moral responsibility, towards universal human and natural world.
The effective commitment is the one which is orally broadcasted in front of others, (preferably in writing), and repeated quite often with every time with stronger faith.
This method brings out lot of energy for fulfilment as well as helps in not forgetting the commitment.
When commitment is fulfilled, one is unburdened, relieved, generates satisfaction and happiness depending upon weightage given to it.

Simple achievable commitment does not produce inner register as stated above. Only tough, against odd, commitment demands challenge and it produces tremendous positive energy.
All commitments are to be remembered constantly to fulfil, otherwise they are hollow, loose talks and show hypocrite behaviour. Such kinds of people are not trustworthy, unreliable and can not be a reference point.
When committed person gets hint of not fulfilling his commitment, advance information will be useful to the other party.
When simpler commitments are fulfilled, person gets encouragement to commit to higher scale.

The signs of resistance to commitment indicates one’s fear of failure or lack of faith in self, others and in the future, selfishness or difficulty to move out of comfort zone, lack of interest as it is not beneficial to him.
Many people commit in a big group to gain publicity and later on fail, without realising that commitment means responsibility and accountability.


Meditate on

Remember the one or two instances from your past, wherein you have committed but failed. What was your inner register?
Remember the one or two instances from past, wherein others have committed but they failed. What was your inner register?
Please share your experiences on above or share .