HAPPINESS - 29 in English Poems by Darshita Babubhai Shah books and stories PDF | HAPPINESS - 29

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Buried in the chest is a fair of memories.

For many centuries, the heart has gelled.


The day passes as it is

It seems that the evening is late


Today again flood came in my eyes

So there is a stream of tears on the cheeks.


The shadow of pain is wrapped in such a way that

Seeing it has spread to the soul inside


I have always been unhappy.

love guru pain is his disciple




I am happy in my sorrow and in my sorrow.

Khushiya is a little unhappy with me now.




He passed through the street with great interest.

After a long time, I have seen a friend.


love is a gold cage

Sometimes I feel like a noose


broken loving person

I'll feel dead alive


I get a lot of good luck!

I want you to lay a sheet of flowers


Immerse yourself in love like this.

Love is the only love seen in your eyes


By meeting you it seems that paradise has been found.

I am finding a strange peace in your wishes


Looking at deer with beautiful eyes.

My heart will fit in your eyelids


You just break all the limits of desire

Harpal is immersed in your thoughts in your memories.



Whatever is understood without saying, that is love.

One who recognizes from the sound, that is love.


Those who are related to the soul keep the liver.

Whatever you know about the heart, that is love.


There is no need to listen to say in love

What you believe without listening is love.


In the promise to support the lives of births.

The one who decides to accompany Harpal, that is love.


He can rule over everyone's heart there.

Give respect to the one who takes pride, that is love.


swinging in the swing of love

The souls of love are burning


Looking at Hushn's style

Eyes are getting jammed


There is fun in Fijao.

Intoxicating anklets are ringing


I love you endlessly and endlessly.

two hearts beating together


To quench the thirst of the ages

Today I'm sliding in my arms


The earth was decorated with the swing of Sawan.

Sajni was adorned with the memory of Saajan.


in the light of twinkling stars

Rajni will be adorned with the love of Chandni.


Drop by drop gold rained from the sky

Ghazni was decorated with dew drops.


For many days, I veiled the feeling of thirst.

Avni got decorated with drizzle of rain


I used to go crazy in love.

Pagli dressed up in the bride's couple


Sweet gum has licked

wacky gum is licked


well guarded

old gum is licked


I love my heart

allure gum is licked


desires are throbbing

Emotions are going on


in the poet's poem

Alphas are ringing


at the pace of the beat

checking the speed


of moon and moonlight

I'll be thundering in the middle


see in cold weather

Sajaniya is raining


got hurt

there's a fire


touched the soul

I'm thirsty


I have come to burn dreams

I've brought ashes with you


In the running life

I am the illusion of the elusive city.


I see myself when I look in the mirror

I think I am your shadow


The burden of heart is gone

I've found a breath of peace


face has changed now

I'll be the shadow of a living corpse


You have given your wounds, now how can I hide?

There are thousand pains in the chest, how can I tell you?


The heart has become torn apart.

Own the corpse, tell me how to decorate it?


The world has left no stone unturned

I am persecuted myself, how do you satu?


I love you with all my heart

Even if you want, how can you express your desire?


I have embraced the sorrow for years.

I haven't woken you up, how can I hug you?



Whose love is flowing through the eyes

In whose memory the waterfall is flowing


Don't know whom the mad mind is looking for since ages.

In whose path is the waterfall flowing?


Knocking again and again in the heart someone from afar

In whose name the waterfall is flowing


voice is recognition

Whose thing is the waterfall flowing through my eyes?


In whose ashes the waterfall is flowing


though illiterate


read the face of children


Sometimes looking at the drops of my tears,

You will see your picture.


ever see the light in my eyes

you will see your destiny


Tabeer will be seen


Will see the effect


will be seen


Pain will be as fun as old wine

I would love it with all my heart, don't be sad.