4 Elementals Of Solar System - 6 in English Science-Fiction by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | 4 Elementals Of Solar System - 6

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4 Elementals Of Solar System - 6

After a few months Vyom and Naman were now fully trained. Grandmother of Vyom took them to the Himalayas and gave them different training. Their powers increased and also they got to know how to use it…
Vyom had 2 special powers. They said that now he could grow 20,000 trees just by blowing air from his mouth. And the main important thing was that whatever he thinks will arrive in front of him. Other that it Naman and Vyom had some same powers kike they could add water or grow trees through their eyes., When they stepped hardly on ground water from underground could make a big sea or grow unlimited trees.
Grandma said that you need to know how to fight because the evils are looking for elementals and also seeing how people on planets are happy. THEY AGAIN WANT TO SPREAD DULLNESS AND sadness all over.
So they may come soon from their evil’s galaxy! They need elementals to make a machine which could destroy the whole galaxy in just 10 shots. If they are successful they could release their Leader, the greatest evil, Mahadaitya.
Both asked who he was. Grandma said he is the evil whom God had arrested before and if he roars the whole universe could destroy. Suddenly an arrow came from Evil’s spaceship and…
The arrow Came and made a hole in grandma’s stomach. Grandma shouted. She said that she needed to tell them later as she is now at the verge of dying, she is telling NOW.
Grandma said, “I am giving you these 5 stones when you are near an element it will blink. Also telling you that you will never grow older than 25 years of age. Also grandma coughing, also you all are immortal. Only if elementals have their stones they have partial immortelles and if all 5 elementals are together you all will become IMMORTAL. You will be immortal till you have your sign between your chests. And that is why you all elementals need to be together. And I am giving you one more stone Vyom that will tell you where elementals are in the form of riddles.”
Saying this, Grandmother took her last breath.
Both elementals were amazed as both of them were 25 now. A rope came down from the Giant Alien ship. The Galaxy police from every planet were coming to destroy this bad ship. But till then few evils came down to take the stones of elementals which grandma gave to them to detect other elementals.
But with powers of both elementals evil couldn’t even get near elementals. And hence couldn’t take stones. Seeing powers of both elementals the evil ran off that spot. When Vyom touched the stone which had riddles, a hologram came of Grandma and said to elementals that Mahadaitya is going to be released with help of his evil army in the next 2 years. All of this is planned by god. If you are seeing this hologram means that I am dead by now. And if they are unable to find 5 Elements in 2 years the Evil will release and destroy this universe and take over Kumbh!
When Vyom heard this he was shocked and said to Naman that they need to find other Elementals soon and suddenly Grandma’s hologram said a riddle. It was…
Thanks for your support but now I am ending this Novel. But don’t worry I will keep on writing different storybooks like “Buried Treasure in Deserts of Egypt”. If you want to make this storybook go on, tell me via comments.
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