EARTH PATH - PART 2 in English Fiction Stories by Rajesh Maheshwari books and stories PDF | EARTH PATH - PART 2

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NO. 1 Human Life LED By Desires

NO. 2 Effect Of Astrology, Horoscope, Planetary Position And Karma

NO. 3 Pleasantness Of Speech

NO. 4 Profession And Our Feelings

NO.5 Honesty And Morality

NO.6 The Back-Ground Of Success

NO.7 Knowledge Of Mathematics

NO.8 Selection

NO.9 Entrepreneurship And Women Power

NO.10 Capital…

NO.11 Business Management: A Challenge

NO.12 Competition – A Sign Of Progress

NO.13 Alertness

NO.14 Braindrain – Concerns, Contemplation And Brainstorming

NO.15 Experience

NO.16 Nation First

NO.17 Reputation: A Coveted Accomplishment

NO.18 Spirituality And Evolution Of An Individual

NO.19 Warriors - A Drop Became An Ocean

Ž Prem Dubey

Ž Vivek Agnihotri (America)

Ž Sameer Lal (Canada)

Ž Smt. Rashmi Dhope


The blessings of God are immense. It is only because of him that we achieve success and goals in our life. This world runs on energy, consciousness and thoughts. Till there is movement and consciousness there is life. No movement means death. Civilization, culture and values are the foundation stones of our life and make it worth living. In life, education leads to wisdom but it is our civilization and culture that add values to it. Our attitudes change the moment we come face to face with reality. We undergo a total transformation. The outline of what we dream about our future should be based on reality. The most important thing is that we should remain humble in life and respectful in speech. We should keep trying to pursue a life free of desires, worldly pleasures, greed, resentment and lust for materialism – instead lead a controlled, balanced and thereby a happy life. Man is the supreme creation of God on this earth and on his shoulder rests the responsibility of shaping the world. Business, trade and job are a form of man’s creativity and a very important part of society. The youth of the country, after completing higher education is caught in a dilemma of what to do next? His family members have very high expectations from him. There was a time when working in the field of engineering and medical was considered to be the best but now education has opened many more venues. Students who have acquired professional degrees very easily find a means to learn a livelihood while working in a field of their expertise. They also have the option of starting their ownbusiness, industry or work at a high post in any good institution. It is a reflection of our alertness and the pace of the nation which keeps changing, getting refurbished and refined. While making a choice between business, industry and job we must always consult with our family members and our well wishers (who have some knowledge about the subject) but choose using our own discretion and then remain firm on it. If your interest lies towards own business or industry then remain committed to it with total honesty and work to your optimum capacity and potential. We must not forget that very few industrialists and traders are able to hold their might at national level. We keep hearing about those few successful people and do not know about those multitudes of people who fail to succeed and get lost in the dirt of the past. You come across three types of industrialists and traders. First, those who avail government benefits and loans in the name of their business and then cannot be seen anywhere. They are a blot on the nation’s reputation and the society. Second, those who, in the absence of experience or some other reason, fail to provide stability to the industry or business started by them. They fail to run it properly, lose their own capital and go bankrupt. Third are those determined few whose goals are clear to them. They are the ones who succeed in life and become partners in the country’s progress. Having taken birth and lived my life in a business family I have seen, tested and lived through the various stages, various ups and downs that come in way of both business and salaried jobs. Today the competition in trading, business and jobs is very fierce and starting and setting up any new business is not as easy as it was about 30—40 years ago. Now it is important to be bold, have large capital and remain on constant guard. If you have these three requirements only then should you step into trading and doing business otherwise only disappointment will fall in your lap. Today, majority of the industries that are set up crash. There are very few which are able to hold themselves together and that too with great difficulty and fewer out of those generate profit. Today even graduates do not get jobs easily. They have to face very stiff competition. We should always be careful about our outlook towards life. We should choose between industry, trade and job so that our choice gives us mental peace, job satisfaction along with increasing earnings. We should lead a virtuous life. We should keep working with increased vigour and to our maximum capacity and remain alert about the right and the wrong as we march towards our goals.


How much success we achieve in life depends not only on our karma but also on our horoscope, lines of our destiny, planetary positions etc. These play an important role in determining our attitude and inclinations. Regarding this, engineering graduate Pandit Rohit Dubey, a well known astrologer and the editor of the Bhuwan Vijay Panchang, states, “ Grahaadhinam jagatsarva grahaadhina narawara, kalgyanam grahadhinam graham kaarya phal prada Meaning, this entire world is under the influence of planets and so is man. The outcome of our karma and that of our efforts and its reflection on our business or other areas of enterprise is also governed by the planets. Basically the force of the planets occupying the tenth quarter, eleventh quarter and the third quarter are taken into account when looking into business and areas of enterprise. Besides the growth or loss in any business can only be predicted after having studied the planetary position in the concerned person’s horoscope, mahadasha, antardasha and pratyantar dasha of Vimshotarri. The navmansh kundali also has an important role in being inclined towards business. Navmansh and dashambhav kundli play a determining role in selection of business and livelihood. The position of sun, mercury, jupiter, mars, venus and the north node of moon help in succeeding in business. If Dashmansh , the indicator of business and area of enterprise, aligns with the indicator of destiny, the master of adnate in the twelfth or the master of twelfth in the adnate then the person overcomes all difficulties and succeeds in business, overseas trade and all other areas of enterprise. Within its planetary period the master of the tenth quarter facilitates high position, growth, profit in business and trade. The study of the horoscopes of many successful industrialists reaches the conclusion that when the planetary positions are right and their force is at its optimum then industries can be set up at many places and will run successfully for long but when the planetary alignment is adverse and the planetary period shows retardation, there is a slump in business, employees become dissatisfied, ill effects of bureaucracy, administration and banking restrictions gradually lead to shutting down of the industries. Thus always get your horoscope read, work using your discretion and keep faith in God and you will definitely succeed. According to Rajesh Pathak ‘Praveen’, an academician, General Secretary of the literary body, ‘Patheya’ and the editor of Sanadya Sangam, astrology plays an important role in life. According to him the twelve zodiac signs, nine planets and their motion can have both, positive and negative effects. They affect destiny too. Religious texts and codes of conduct state that nothing moves without karma. Karma forms fate. All , Vedas, upnishads and the Geeta, state that karma is everybody’s duty. This is what should be done. If we continue to do what is right in the best possible manner, our karma bears good fruit. This is the basic principle behind doing our duties. We carry some impact of our karmas over to our next birth also. That is fate. Thus, from above stated points it is clear that the horoscopes and planetary alignments play an important role not only in business and trade but also in growth or downfall in our life. Similarly destiny too frames our life although karma is the most important thing to make it favourable. Although horoscopes, planets, destiny etc. affect your life but your karma has the power to change them. Success is guaranteed if you continue to do hard work and perform rites and rituals to turn planets favourable to you. Thus it is clear that growth or failure in business and trade and other means of earning livelihood do get affected by horoscopes and position of planets therein but they are very deeply impacted by destiny and karma. Times and fate are never ill suited and are never meant to harm us. If we are not getting the desired results then it is because of our karma. There is something that we are not doing right. Our thought process, contemplation and reflection are misguiding us. Our karma is responsible for that.


We can only achieve success when our thought process, our contemplation and our analytical mind guides us along the right path. We fail when we lose sight of our goals and then start to blame fate and circumstances. To succeed we should be patient and keep faith in future. One should always keep in mind that morality, faith and confidence are the pillar stones of our life. In their absence life is like a tree which has lost its leaves and thus can neither give shade nor produce life giving air. There is a huge difference between our education and the realities of life. Education teaches us all about honesty and high ideals but once we complete our education and step in any field of life, the realities of life leave us astounded. Whether we want it or not, we inadvertently become a part of corruption, bribery, nepotism etc. If we refuse to compromise, success eludes us. This is a bitter truth that in order to succeed we have to accept all these illpractices too. Today any businessman or industrialist has to resort to these every step of his way and price of each job to be done is ‘fixed’. Unfortunately for our country, whoever opposes it finds it very difficult to survive. In life, speech can hurt more than a sword. A sword hurts our body and the wound can be healed but speech hurts our soul and leaves a lifelong, festering wound thus we should be careful of our speech and using our discretion, should not allow such mannerism of speech overpower our thinking. We should keep the worries of life away and think of meditation as our friend. We should infuse warmth and pleasantness in our speech so that all get impressed by us. Kaushal Kumar, son of a known industrialist, Banwari Lal, completed his education in America and returned to India to take care of his father’s factory. He was regarded as having sound knowledge of education, literature and social activities but there was a flaw in him which was pride of being wealthy which made him short tempered and loud. He had no control over what he spoke, to whom and where. One day he summoned the Labour union leader of his factory and asked why the quality and production level of the factory not optimum? During the discussion, Kaushal Kumar lost his cool and started abusing the union leader and the factory workers. The union leader too became enraged and heated words and loud argument ensued. All workers left their work stations and gathered in front of Kaushal Kumar’s office. Three people out of them walked into Kaushal Kumar’s office to resolve the issue but soon Kaushal Kumar got so vexed that he raised his hand on one of them. Immediately the union leader came out of the office and informed all workers about this. The moment they heard this, the workers became violent, barged into Kaushal Kumar’s office and started scuffling with him. As soon as Banwari Lal came to know about what was happening, he rushed to the factory. The scene there shocked him. He immediately summoned the police and with great difficulty the workers were brought under control and Kaushal Kumar’s life saved. After this, Banwari Lal counseled Kaushal Kumar that in the past also, many times, he had been advised to keep a check on his speech but he never heeded to the counsel and the listener would feel offended and humiliated. What had happened that day had put a blot on the family reputation. From the place where each worker looked up to Banwari Lal with respect, his son had been beaten up. With no reputation left to protect, how will Kaushal Kumar now walk into his office? Kaushal Kumar realized his mistake and pledged never to let his tongue run loose. That is why it is said –
‘Aisi bani boliye, man ka aapa khoye, Auran to seetal kare, aaphu seetal hoye’


While choosing between industry, trade and a job we should be very careful because this decision is going to decide our future for us. Today there are many options available in all these areas. We have to decide which type of industry or which trade or what type of job we want to step into. There is no rule that says that you have to have a lot of money in order to succeed. There are many examples where in the absence of funds, success has been achieved only with hard labour and persistence. At its mouth a river starts as a thin stream but as it flows ahead it turns into a huge water body. It has been truly said –

Agar na dete sath kahin nirjhar – nirjharini

To ganga ki dhaar ksheen rekha hi rah jaati

If we have pure intentions, honesty in our heart, a body healthy enough for physical labour, a patient soul and a contemplative and analytical mind then with our productive creativity we can turn dust to gold. The example of the famed industrialist Dhirubhai Ambani is infront of all of us. He had even worked at a fuelling station. He ventured into the field of yarn and worked very hard with total commitment and placing his country before all else, he became the topmost industrialist of the nation. All those industrialists who have made their presence felt at the national level today, be it Tata, Birla, Bangad etc., started at a small level. Their constant struggle has given them the recognition they deserve today. Our country’s culture, civilization and values have always guided them. Industries are generally of 5 types – home industry, cottage industry, small scale, medium scale and large scale industry. Home industry, cottage industry and small scale industry today are the foundation stones of providing jobs in the country. Today these industries are in a pathetic state because after the introduction of the GST system they have been denied the concession in excise that they used to enjoy earlier. They are now forced into competition with medium and large scale industries. High salary expectations, quality control and taxes like GST have increased their investment costs and it has now become very difficult to run these industries. There are different cells at state and national level which have been set up to help set up cottage and small scale industries and provide them financial and technical assistance but these cells fail to perform their duties well. An honest industrialist is troubled and clueless. The medium scale and large scale industries, because they are financially and technically strong, manage to survive in these circumstances and are able to maintain their entity even in the face of all the corruption and competition. Today, like Droupadi, honesty, truthfulness and morality have lost their dignity. Price rise and corruption have become a monsters like Hydra. Several intelligent and powerful nobles of our society are sitting with their heads hung low just like Yudhishtar, Bhim, Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev. They are caught in some dilemma. Many warriors like, Bhishm and Karn are watching this social debasement silently and their inactivity seems to be supporting it. Shakuni Mamas are taking birth in every household and creating pandemonium. Like Dhrithrashtra and Gandhari, the intellectuals sitting at the top most positions appear to be blind and helpless. The common people sit in hope that, like Arjun, some warrior will come riding a chariot and reestablish a courteous, courageous and morally correct society. Let the war bugle of a fight against such Kauravs blow in the country. Friendships play an important role in life. We should consider ourselves lucky if we have even one true friend in life. It is very difficult to judge how true and well wishing are those whom you have been treating as your friends till now. It is quite possible that they harbor jealousy and hate to see you grow and prosper. Such friends will never feel pride in your friendship and will remain thankless always. Friends can be of three types – social, professional and personal. Professional friendship is very difficult. Personal and social friends have nothing to do with your profession. However good the social and personal friends be, one should consider very carefully before acting on any advice given by them. Once you earn true friendship most of the hardships of life disappear on their own. Mr. Purshottam Das was a renowned industrialist of the city and had set up his business with lot of hard work and skill. Once his only son, Rakesh, returned after completing his education in a foreign country, he was given complete information about the industry. Rakesh was hardworking and intelligent but could not identify hypocrisy and lip-praise and would easily believe all smooth talk. In order to upgrade the working of the industry and modernize it he appointed educated degree holders known to him. With this change brought in by him, the old and experienced workers started feeling sidelined. The new office bearers made a new plan of production and got Rakesh’s approval after explaining to him all the benefits that can be derived from it. All old and experienced officers were not taken into consideration. The old hands tried to warn Rakesh that the high quality production that was desired cannot be achieved with the old machines that they had but the newer hands convinced Rakesh with their smooth and flattering words that it was possible. Because of the established good will of the company, it received advance payments of orders worth crores without having to show any sample. This and the profit that they anticipated made both Rakesh and his new officers beyond happy. When the factory started rolling the product out, despite all efforts the quality expected could not be achieved. When all efforts failed the newly appointed officers raised their hands up in helplessness and few even quit their jobs. Rakesh was caught in helplessness and desperation because he realized that if he failed to supply the product of expected quality, the company will lose all its goodwill. He could now see through all the flattery and lip devotion that he had surrounded himself with. But even under such difficult times, Rakesh did not lose his bearings. He called a meeting of his old and experienced officers, workers and staff members, apologized for having ignored their good counsel and asked them what to do to control the damage. All, in one voice, said that saving company’s image should be their sole motive. The top officials of the company opined that better quality machinery was required to timely deliver the promised goods. Whatever be the cost, the machinery should be bought without delay. The machines were imported and everybody worked day and night to deliver the goods to the vendors within the time limit. Although the company failed to earn any profit in the process but it managed to save its credibility and reputation which is the most important thing for any industry. Rakesh realized that nothing can outmatch experience and losing sight of right and wrong because of flatterers is a big mistake. We should never disregard experienced hands because earning profit is not always the sole objective of any industry. The emotions that are connected with the enterprise have a deep rooted impact on it.