GAME OF DEMONS - 1 in English Horror Stories by Omar MoHamed books and stories PDF | GAME OF DEMONS - 1

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The story Has Theory . If you know the name of the demon you can easy sent him to hill .
1950 ... In Cameron . Regon and Mark opend
the demons gate.
Mark ran away and left Regon alone . After a minute there is explosion and demons came out from the gate. Regon has scattered face can not understand what is happening and said to him self " It's not what I expected." ( With terrified sound )
The demons came out and they put Regon in the gate
And close it . The demons Spread all over the world . They destroy cities , kill people , take there soul . The world need someone to help them . In 1980 a man has come has killed all the demons in 10 years and come to the last demon , the king of demons . The man take 2 years to kill the king . At the end he kill him And became the Greatest , powerfull , strongest demon Hunter in the world . The world witnessed the most powerful demon repellent ...Einu .
In 2000 . Einu has family they live in london . Lara and Jame his two kids and his wife Lenda . Lara is bigger than jame . She in the University in paris she come to visit her family once in month . Jame has 9 years old
Einu stoped from hunting demons and he now work in company . Einu has friend his name is Mark . Mark has doughter Elsa but his wife has died that what Einu know . One day Mark has dinner in Einu's house . After the dinner Einu take mark to show him the house . Elsa playing with jame . After the show mark said to Einu
Mark :
what a beautiful house .
Einu : thanks .
Then Elsa come with a heavily breathing
Elsa : Ma... dad can we go home now . ( Trying to speak normally )
Mark : yes , of course honey , Thanks Einu for this dinner , next time in my world . ( With a smile )
Einu : of course Mark . ( With a smile too )
The day has ended Einu went to sleep .
Next day Einu woke up and go down stairs trying to find Lenda ( his wife ) but he can not find her .
He asked his son
Jame : i don't know .
Einu search in every corner in the house but still couldn't find her . He think she will be gone to the neighbours . Einu go and Knock the door . A man come to open .
Einu : hi iam your neighbor , i cant find my wife is she here ?
The neighbor : ...Do i tell him ( with very quiet voice and looking up in the corner of the door )
Einu : hello !!
The neighbor : no she isn't .
And he closed the door . Einu start to back to home he listened Lenda's voice coming from the neighbor house saying Einuuuu
Einu : Lenda ?!! ... Lendaaa

In the next chapter ...
Lenda :
Why Einu why ?
Einu : leave my family ... Pleas don't hurt them .
Man : no one lives in this house after the terrible crime

Written by Omar Mohamed