Father and Son in English Classic Stories by SHAMIM MERCHANT books and stories PDF | Father and Son

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Father and Son

Richard cleared the dry leaves and dust from his father's grave and gently lowered the bouquet of fresh white lilies on the marble as he crouched in front of it. Blowing a flying kiss, he chuckled and said softly,
"By the time you realise that your father was right, you have a son who thinks that you are wrong ..."
Shaking his head, a small laugh left his lips again. Not worrying about the muddy ground, he squatted down and became more comfortable. His eyes fell on the tombstone and he read his dad's name loudly, pride filling his voice,
"Mr. Robert D'Silva!"
He never read the word 'late' before his father's name.

Keeping his hands on the grave, he began talking to his belated father, as he usually did, every Sunday.
"Dad, you always said these words, when I argued with you or when I wanted to have my way. I never quite really understood why you believed so strongly in it. I thought you were just trying to prove me wrong."

Richard breathed a ragged sigh and looked around the cemetery lazily.
"You know, Raphel is now fifteen years old and yesterday I had my first big argument with him. Isn't it funny dad? I used to call you backward. And now, I, a software engineer and my son tells me I'm old school of thoughts. I mean, can you imagine!"

Richard leaned forward and kept his hands on his father's grave, stippling his fingers.
"Moreover, you know what we fought about? Which subjects he should take up in college? I insisted on science and he wishes to take arts. What's the use of getting 90% in tenth if he wants to pursue music? It doesn't makes sense, at least not to me."

Richard shrugged his shoulders and puffed.
"My wife tells me don't be judgemental, give Raphel some space. And Raphel!! He tells me upgrade yourself dad!! As if I belong to the stone age, huh!"
After a minutes silence, Richard started talking to his father once more. This time of the week was his favourite, when he would come here, and spend some quality time with his dad, pouring his heart out. He smirked on himself before saying,
"Now when I reflect upon our time together, there are so many things about you which I shouldn't have apposed at all, actually there was no need to appose. Like when you scolded me for buying a new mobile phone, which I had bought only because a friend had a similar one. Like when you wanted me home early, every night, and I thought you were being bossy. But today when Raphel is not home by 10, I land up calling him till I see his face."

Richard shook his head and ruffled his hair.
"Dad, truth be told, I appreciate you more so now than I did when you were with us. And I'm really sorry about that. Frankly speaking, I don't wish to repeat that mistake with my son. I want to be his best friend. I'm trying, but then the father in me keeps popping out from time to time."

The sound of crunching leaves on the ground makes Richard turn. He sees Raphel coming towards him. A smile spreads on his lips as Raphel kneels down next to him. He huffs before saying,
"I had to go so far to bring the candles. The guy outside was out of stock."
Richard sighed a relief and thanked the lord inwardly. That delay gave him some precious moments with his father. He patted Raphel's back and said lovingly,
"Nevermind. Now light them and say a pray for grandpa."
Both father and son joined their hands and sat for two minutes, praying silently.
Raphel opened his eyes first and stood up, dusting his knees.
"Let's go dad, I'm running late for my basketball game."

Richard kissed his father's grave and standing straight to his full height, gave his son a one armed hug. Raphel was surprised at this sudden gesture of affection,
"Dad? What?"
Richard chuckled and said,
"Raphel, we may have differences, but you'll always be my best friend. Am I yours?"
Raphel's expressions changed from confusion to amusement and then he embraced his father.
"Of course dad! My old man always becomes emotional when he comes to the cemetery. Come on, let's go."

Hand in hand, father and son walked out to continue to live their lives.

Shamim Merchant, Mumbai

Shades of Simplicity

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