I MIGHT BE A KILLER - 2 in English Short Stories by Vismay books and stories PDF | I MIGHT BE A KILLER - 2

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it feels good.what happened pooja harsh asked me with put his hand on my shoulder and sat beside me.I saw this boy harsh it was right here in the kitchen, telling me like it's your husband's fault, and it's my fault.after hearing this harsh is thinking about something but I continued talking.it is 8 to 10-year boy ghost harsh.he told me he's gonna kill both of us. first harsh didn't believe what I m saying. but he knew me, I never lied about anything. you can see fear all over my face. harsh still trying to understand everything, it's a lot to understand.I am still sitting on that sofa and harsh is trying to clean that broken glass window. while cleaning harsh notice something.he takes one piece of that broken glass window and stares at it. I also watch harsh while he was watching that broken glass window. on that glass, there is a word written "kill u "after reading this I see the horror in the harsh eyes. harsh come to me and ask me like you see the boy is 8 to 10 year, thin built, with large eyes with medium hair.is that right? that's the boy I shout in my mind.I realized something in the period of initial dating harsh told me about one boy who is mistreated by harsh by mistake and later dies. he is the first who is die in a harsh career, he treated so many difficult cases but no one dies. but that boy is not that fortunate. he died at the hands of the best pediatrician.harsh close that matter by explaining a few medical words to the parents of that boy. later harsh started seeing that boy everywhere. and that was the time harsh wanted to end his life.but somehow it stops seeing that boy because of so much psychiatric treatment or his mother went to every temple in India for his health. I shook all my thoughts and looks at them harshly. harsh is deep in his thoughts with fear in his eyes. sweat beads appear all over harsh faces. I take a harsh hand in mine trying to make him feel better.harsh started crying and saying please leave me alone you sick ghost, leave me alone.then we both go the sleep.The next morning we were both silents at the breakfast table. then harsh left for the office. this morning we both decide to leave this house, but we couldn't find another house in 5 min we have to wait at least 4 to 5 days.then I was told harshly to leave this house and live in some hotel for few days. harsh told me if ghosts want to revenge on us then they can follow us to the end of this fucking world, no matter wherever we can go. That's logical I say in my mind.after harsh left, for office, I tried to watch something on tv but every time some boy is there and I ended up remembering about that ghost boy.I turned off the tv and try to sleep.after a little bit of difficulty, I get to sleep when I woke up its already 4 pm.I slept for so many hours because yesterday night I can't get any sleep well. I made a ginger tea for myself and sat on the sofa. I texted harsh " while returning from hospital buy rat poison because I heard last night rat in our bedroom"harsh replied immediately ok love you. after this I started watching house photos on some websites and also trying to talk to some broker.I didn't find anything good.I leave that idea and try to watch some Netflix shows while watching this I wondered nowadays all shows are more violent and crime, sometimes this shows is mis influence some people because we portrait gangsters as a cool dude with everybody in town afraid of them, and girls are dying to fuck with him. I turn off the tv and lying in bed for some time.and around 6;30 I make another cup of ginger tea for myself. I try to watch some news on tv but ended up in frustration because tv news is nowadays delivered comedy and they are shouting at each other. the irony is in every show their shouting at each other and someday they are making some episode on noise pollution. I was bored of watching tv so I go to the kitchen and started making dinner. today also I am preparing butter chicken for harsh. I am preparing dinner while listening to music. subcountioely listening to the music I danced a little bit and chuckles at my dance step. around 10 harsh came from the hospital and we had dinner. he was so tired because of the long day.after dinner, he directly goes to the bed and lies down.after finishing my work I also went to the bedroom. I placed a water jug near our bed. in the middle of the night, I feel someone is stretching my arm. I don't know I sleep in a walk or not but when I woke up I am in the middle of the hall. I don't remember leaving the bedroom.I skip a heartbeat. my heart is pounding in my chest. I expect something unexpecting. that ghost boy is somewhere around and laughing at me. inside the bedroom, harsh sleep break. and his hand goes toward my side of the bed but I m not there. his eyes searching the entire room for me and then his eyes met with the boy outside of the window.that boy looks very scary.from his eyes and ear, blood is dripping drop by drop. his eyes were completely white. harsh voice is lost somewhere. he feels his entire body feels paralyzed. the boy started to scream you killed me bastard it's your fault. after hearing this harsh gathered all his strength and screams. I heard the scream of harsh and run to the bedroom. harsh was trying hard to breathe. I reach for a water jug in the bedroom and poured a glass of water too harshly.harsh drink that water with closed eyes.after this harsh promised to leave the house tomorrow.we try to get some sleep.in the morning it's already 10 am and harsh still in the bed, harsh never late for his work. "harsh you are late for the office" I try to wake up harsh.but when I touch a harsh hand to wake up my heart skips a beat. the harsh hand is too clod.from bed, I wake up and see a harsh face. froth is coming out of the harsh mouth. my hands are on my mouth and I started crying. I am still trying to wake up harsh but it's too late, harsh is gone.but I don't understand why. after heard of my scream people come to our house. they are trying to calm me down. I am crying hysterically. someone called the police while I was sitting on the sofa. some give me a glass of water. after 15 minutes I see an inspector with havaldar. both are overweight people with chewing some tobacco. police sent the body for pm. they also found an open packet of rat poison under our bed. inspector indrajeet Pandey comes to me. if you heard the name indrajeet Pandey you think of an ideal policeman with six-packs and all but, in reality, indrajeet is overweight, bald with a big mustache man. he asked me harsh is having a difficult time recently? Does he have any medical problems? suicidal tendency? I told him about the boy harshly mistreated and died, later his ghost or hallucination haunts harsh for a long time. from the table, I take one file of a harsh medical condition and his all psychiatric treatment. after some time everybody left, I was alone in the house and life also. The next day I am in the police station for some paperwork. if someone saw my face they know I was crying recently. Indrajit told me it was a clear-cut suicide case. so they gonna close the file. and the whole police dep is offered condolences and sorry for my loss. I left the police station and come to my house. I don't wanna attend any calls and hear people sorry. I take uber home, I gave the uber driver 100 rupees when I step down from the car. thanks for the tip he says and left. house is very much quiet, I walk to the hall where all the frames are on the wall. I am looking at the harsh picture, in that photo harsh is wear an apron and a stethoscope with holding a newborn baby. from that frame reflection, I saw my angry face. I spit on the photo and I am smiling. I spit again on the photo and shout murderer. I throw that frame on the ground. broken glass voice fills the entire room. before marriage, I never think harsh as a monster because he was a perfect, good-looking, successful pediatrician. after our marriage also everything is good. sometimes harsh eyes bother me, sometimes they are full of life, and sometimes they are lifeless just like some cold-blooded murderer. I remember after 3 months of our marriage. we are in between sex, harsh is above me and he grabbed my neck and started to choke me during sex. that time he was some another person, look like he is in a trance or something. for me it's hard to breathe, darkness started to cover my eyes. when he realizes what he is doing he leaves me and started apologizing. I was so angry I left the house for few days. I can't leave with that monster. after that incident now and then he messages me for forgiveness. he is so sorry for that incident. my mom and dad don't know about that incident but they know we are having a big fight. my mom told me to go back, fights are common between married people. so after 1 month I finally went back. but after that harsh trying best to impress me.he learns some good recipes and takes to me to a good restaurant. every 2 to 3 days I smell different perfume when he comes home.he tried desperately to hide but I know when something is wrong. so I started following harsh. after finishing work around 4 to 5 harsh go to some luxurious hotel and come out with some girl.every day every girl was different. I felt disgusting on that thought, he first enjoys with his girls and then he comes to me and made love with me. he is obsessing with women. he loves to inflict pain on another woman. he s fucking sadist. one day I was following him to the sixth floor of some fucking royal hotel. I saw harsh entering into 6 the floor. on that corridor one girl is coming from another side, she saw harsh and his expression change like she saw some ghost. that girl is coming to my side where there is a lift.she saw me so I immediately made some story and stop her. I asked you to know that man, today is my turn with him. I know she is a call girl. first, she hesitated to talk then she told me not to go to that man's room. I asked why her eyes are full of tears and she told me he killed my friend while having sex. mostly strangle her. that day we have a customer on the same floor with the opposite room.my friend went with that man. but after 2 hours police were everywhere on that floor. that man bribe everyone because I saw him giving an envelope to the officer. police made a case of suicide and close the case. nobody gave a damn about one prostitute is getting murder, her own family also. I don't want to involve in some police case so kept quiet.I have to take care of my family. I heard her story I am standing in the same spot for I don't know how long. my husband is a murderer I told myself. then that girl left. I came home, crying all day. I know no one is gonna believe me when I told them about harsh. because he is so perfect for our society. that day I decided to take revenge for that girl and myself. every day he is with some prostitute, and after that, he mad love with me show me he cares, my life is disgusting. I was living in hell. I have to execute some plan. I remember one thing that harsh scared of. he is only afraid of the ghost boy. he is also not a very good doctor. he treats the s patient who has money if you don't have money harsh first insulted them to go home without treatment.then we move to the new house I first bribe that lady to come and tell me that this house is cursed, that thing is only planting to seed. then following day I started acting like I saw some ghost of a boy, I also write kill on that broken glass. my plan was perfect, scared the shit out of harsh and when he saw boy ghost that I pay, he scared very much in that time I offer him that water from a jug. inside that water, I already mix rat poison. I slowly observe his death.when his heart finally stopped I make myself a tea and watch tv. he never suspects me nor did the police ever suspect me because I am just a housewife.
- the end