I MIGHT BE A KILLER - 1 in English Short Stories by Vismay books and stories PDF | I MIGHT BE A KILLER - 1

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HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A GHOST?IF your answer is no, then look around someone is always watching you. after reading these lines in a book I put a book on the table. my name is pooja and I am a housewife. today is a very special day for me, today is my 5th anniversary of marriage. my Lovely marriage life of 5 years. we are very happy in our marriage life. Harsh is a lovely husband any woman can imagine in their life. In the chair I am thinking about my life from the day of marriage to today, my life changes completely. I studied chemical engineering and after marriage, I choose to be a housewife. harsh is a pediatrician at a famous hospital in Delhi and his income is also very good.
I shake all my thoughts and look at a clock it shows 7:45 am. I stand up from the chair and move towards the bedroom. I slowly open the door of the bedroom went quickly to the bed. I bend slightly, so my hair touches Harsh's cheeks, I am in a romantic mood. after a touch of my hair on his cheeks, Harsh chuckles in their sleep and slowly opens his eyes with a big smile on his face. And that’s the smile I fall in love with him. harsh possesses mysterious eyes and I always feel that eyes hide so many secrets.
I gently smooch him on the lips and say happy anniversary honey. He responds with a smile and said " happy anniversary my love, you are the most important person in my life, without you I am nothing."

I smile back and then we cuddle together in bed and talking about our 5 years of marriage. there is so much laugh, pain, sadness, happiness in that 5 years, but we are also awfully stubborn, so we never leave each other hands in any situation. In between the conversion, I saw from the corner of my eye, Harsh is looking at me with a smile. In my mind I say I know that look, this is "let's have a sex look" .then a harsh hand moves toward my tummy. He comes closer to me, I feel his breath on my neck, his juicy lips, then we kiss deeply on the lips. After harsh started kissing all over me. his hands wandering around all over my body. Every time Harshvardhan touches my body, "aah" comes out of my mouth. We made love in bed. Today's sex feels like first raining in monsoon. Harsh is very good in bed. After that Harsh left for the office and I am lying in bed thinking about how lucky I am. harsh comes within 1 hour because we are shifting to the new house. I m very happy because this is my dream house. we bought a farmhouse in Delhi. it's slightly outside of the city. we have a swimming pool also in the house. mostly the stuff of this is house is packed. I make ginger tea for myself. I poured one cup of tea for myself. harsh made me gesture like he also wants tea. I poured another cup of tea for harsh.

"you never liked to drink tea after the one you had in the morning? I asked with surprise in my voice."

"smell of tea is in the air so I couldn't resist myself, it's entirely your fault." harsh replied with a smile.

why my fault? I asked questions but I know what was coming.

"because you make beautiful tea just like you." harsh replied.

our conversation is broken by a knock on the door. I open the door. I see one guy in their late twenties with premature balding, I feel pity for him, he wears a red t-shirt with old blue jeans. I also seen one truck was parking on our house gate, the driver was sitting in that truck, mostly snoring. both guys are we lease for transporting our house stuff to a new location. I slide away from the door so this guy enters the house. most of the things we already packed in big boxes that look like we are smuggling some statues as we are seen in Bollywood movies. the plan is pretty simple, this guy is transporting all the stuff to the new house then we drove our car to the new place.

Before going to our new house let's going for shopping, I told harsh. this is our ritual for every anniversary. we are going shopping for both of us.
after 2 hours we are in our car. I was smiling like a baby because I always wanted a big house, this is my childhood dream that comes true. we drove to the outside of a city where our farmhouse is situated. harsh parked car right in front of our farmhouse. the farmhouse has one big metal gate and all around the farmhouse is greenery. me and harsh are talking about something and suddenly some old lady came from nowhere and staring at us.it's weird for both of us but that lady keeps staring at us. her white hair with bad clothes makes her look horrible. her eyes met with us and she told, "this house is cursed, I always heard screaming of people in the night, just leave this house and find some other place.
harsh started scolding that woman and make her leave, he turned to my side "just told me you don't believe that crap, nothing is cursed here ok believe me".I just nodded because frankly, I don't believe in this ghost place and all. I never had any kind of ghost experience. that day we sleep early because we were exhausted from making home arrangements.

after 1 week I was working in the kitchen, it's around 9;30pm .harsh slept early because he has one long operation so he was very tired. I don't remember but the operation is related to the heart. tap water is running and I was washing the dish. I checked one washed dish. the chicken smell is still coming from the dish, I washed again that dish.

suddenly I felt someone is standing behind me. I chuckled a little bit because I know harsh is there. I continue my work without looking back. I felt that someone is slowly coming to me. and then I felt a breath on my neck. second-time breath was heavy, and next time breath smell rotten dead bodies, I couldn't understand why harsh breath smell like rotten dead bodies." I am gonna kill you"deep but heavy with a childish voice shout from behind. one last breath he takes and because of that my hair comes ahead of my eyes. I suddenly turn behind but nothing was there. dead silence. I can hear the cricket voice in the background. my eyes searching the whole room for some evidence of person but no one is there. I felt a shiver passed down my spine. sweat beads appear on my face. I never felt this kind of fear. suddenly from nowhere, I saw one small boy coming to me with a knife, his leg is not touching the ground he is flying slightly above the ground. I don't know what to do, I just freeze there and I close my eyes and scream. harsh heard my scream and comes fast as possible to me. he hugged me when he saw me in terror. I slowly opened my eyes. I am unharmed. nothing was there. I am taking a deep breath, I can hear my heartbeat. I felt relieved in harsh arms. I thought I can live my whole life in harsh arms. harsh released me from his arm and asked me " what happened pooja why r are u screaming?" I didn't answer harsh questions, my voice is lost somewhere. harsh handed me one glass of water, I take few sips of water, now I feel good.

"Someone is in our house harsh"I stammering while speaking because of fear. harsh didn't believe what I am just saying because he remembers correctly while going to the bedroom, he checks all doors, all doors locked. means someone enters the house by breaking some door. harsh take me to the bedroom and told me to lock the door while he was checking the entire house. "don't open the door except for me" harsh told me. I lock the door when harsh was searching the house. harsh take the baseball bat for his safety .he checks the hall, kitchen, bathroom, everywhere, no one is there. after checking harsh come back to the bedroom and knock with whisper his name. I slowly open the door and asked "you find anything? anyone? "
no one is outside pooja, I checked everything, are you sure you see someone? harsh asked.
yes, harsh I feel someone was behind me. he threatened to kill me, I raise my voice slightly and continue talking, he was a child harsh. peoples are right this house is cursed, I can't stay here, I started crying after saying this. harsh hugged me and take my face in his hands and told me, don't worry nothing has happened to you until I am here, you look tired today that's why you are having this kind of experience if you take good rest everything going to be ok pooja. I wanna counterargument to harsh who do not believe what I have seen but I don't have that much energy, I decided to go sleep.

The next day nothing feels normal, this house doesn't feel like my house. I spend the entire day staring into the wall of the house and try to hear some voices but nothing is there. after trying hard I get some sleep. when I woke up its already 7 pm. I freshen up and make myself a ginger tea. I sit on a sofa and start watching tv. I feel very good after sleeping. I get up after some time and start making dinner. when I started cooking doorbell rings. I look at the clock it's still 7.30. I started walking towards the door and slowly I open the door. outside the door, harsh is standing and smiling.
"why you come early today?" I ask surprisingly but I already know the answer. he replies with a smile "I want to spend time with my wife" and enter the house. I know harsh comes only for me because of yesterday's incident. I like him more when he worries about me. after finishing our dinner we directly go to the bedroom for sleeping.
for a long time, we lay together in bed without talking. and then harsh takes my hand in his hands and whisper in my ears I love you. and he kisses me on the lips. we kiss for a long time.it felt like time is stopped and every part of the body freeze except the lips. we take out our clothes. now I am lying in my underwear and bra. I feel a harsh hand on every part of my body. he started kissing all over my body. I feel him inside of me and moaning continues for some time. after that, we are tired of and we are in a deep sleep.

around 3 pm I am still asleep but I hear some voices, I wake up and try to awake harsh but harsh is in deep sleep. now that voice is clear. it says "mama," and it comes from some distance. subcounciely I woke up and started following that voice, that voice is coming from the kitchen. I am frightened like hell. I am searching the whole room with my eyes for some clues because I don't know what the hell is happening here. my mind tells me to go to the switchboard and turn on the light and shout like anything so everyone knows you are in some danger or started to run from this house as possible, as you can. but suddenly something comes to my leg, I looked down slowly. the stethoscope is there, generally, this stethoscope is hanging on the hanger. I looked left side from where the stethoscope is coming.no one is there. I suddenly feel someone is standing right in front of me and staring at me. I turned my eyes from left to center. the little boy is standing beside the sink. one hand on the tap. and he looks at me very angrily. its looks like an 8 to 10 yr normal boy. what on earth I do something to upset this boy. I take all my strength and say "who r u and where are your parents how come you enter my house?" within 10 seconds I shoot 3 questions and then I take a second to take breaths. he doesn't reply and just like a small child his face turn into the teary-eyed face. suddenly tears coming from his eyes. I couldn't understand what is happening right now and then his tear converted into red color, blood, its blood. now blood is coming from his eyes, ear, and nose and he mumbles something. I couldn't understand first. I focus and try to listen. "your fault and your husband's fault" the boy is saying. it's both of your faults and now I have to kill both of you. suddenly tap water is starting to running and glass behind that boy broke and the boy pointing something at me and ALL broken glass is coming in my direction. I don't know what to do, my legs are freezing and I close my eyes with my hands and screams. the boy suddenly jumps into the sink and disappears just like water.
harsh come to me after hearing my screaming. he saw me covering my eyes near the kitchen table and he also saw a broken glass window. he comes closer to me and said "what happened pooja why are u screaming and why that window is broken." my whole body is shaking. why I am not shaking I just saw the ghost of a boy. I slowly open my eyes, I checked my hand and face, no injuries are there with broken glass. suddenly I am trembling and feeling so much cold. harsh go to the bedroom and comes with a blanket. he told me to sit on a sofa. and he prepared hot green tea for me. he gives me a cup of green tea. warmness from tea transform
to my body.- to be continued