Secret of Shiva linga - 7 - Mooku Podi Siddha in English Thriller by Subbu books and stories PDF | Secret of Shiva linga - 7 - Mooku Podi Siddha

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Secret of Shiva linga - 7 - Mooku Podi Siddha


Mooku Podi Siddha

In the hills … you can silence your mind with ease. The reason being as there are not many people roaming around the forests in the hill, the volume of thought waves spread over there in the atmosphere will be very less! That is why people who stay there are not affected by the normal thought waves. The people who live in the cities are quite unaware of this fact. Only when they get a chance to live in these forests in the hill, they could realize this. Just feel that unknown silence; start thinking about something, hold your breath and concentrate on it and travel in it deeply, Yes, all these are easily possible in the hills.

Another surprising fact is that …!

In hills, our thoughts will come in to reality instantly. For example, if you think with trust and full confidence that ‘Today I will see at least one tiger. or ‘I will see a strange animal’, you will see that it is happening effortlessly before your own eyes.

To tell in short, the forest is a place of universal intelligence. We must know how to make use of it.

In Mooku Podi Siddha’s hut, Raju explained to Siddha about his daughter’s disease and his problems.

“Ji… now you know about my daughter’s plight… how can we save her?” he asked politely.

“What can I say … on one side I see Naranathu Branthan on another side Vararuchi,I see karmas and fate. You have to understand that any sin committed is followed by severe punishments. Many moral stories tell us you sow the seeds of goodness and reap the fruits of goodness. Our epics Ramayana and Maha Bharatha also teach us the same. Despite of all these scriptures which guide us still if you do sins knowingly then the results will be very bad and you will experience it’s effects as you now suffer…”

Raju did not find anything new in the Siddha’s words so he asked, ”Ji,…to my conscience, I have not committed any sins then why I am suffering like this?.”

“Raju, how can you say that you have not committed any sins?.”

“Ji, I might have committed some sins when I was young!..”

“You need not worry about the sins which you have done unknowingly because that you can just wash it away with water like a spot of dirt in your white shirt. But there is no escape from the sins which you have done knowingly.”

“Ji, there are so many people living in this world by earning money through unscrupulous ways and they are enjoying their life…sometimes even murderers escape punishment, live in peace and are bestowed with awards for the protecting Dharma…”

“You have to see life in different dimensions and then speak. What you see with your naked eyes are not the truth. There is another dimension for it which you fail to see. To see it you need an inner vision, a mind with more clarity and clairvoyance.”

“Do you mean that the reason for my daughter’s disease is the sins that I have committed…?”

“Yes,Raju,the word medicine also should be understood as ‘Medi Sin ‘.The cause of all diseases are sins. If you change the pronunciation of the word ‘sin’ a little bit and increase its tone like how the singers drag it. Then you will get a different meaning. It means that it has been already ‘seen’. Yes, it is already seen by your conscience and is recorded in your thought process, from there it moves to the next stage. Even a small dust particle in this universe has its role to perform. For example, if we drop some dust on the ground, it will stay there for some time then it moves here and there with the flow of the wind. It may get stamped when people or animals walk on it. It may get crushed and get mixed with the earth there. After sometime if a seed falls there by chance it grows into a plant. Then it’s form is different …

When a small dust particle has so much role to perform, then how much our thought process has to undergo and perform…?”

“I am sorry Ji, I could not understand what you said!”

“Simple, what you think boomerang back to you…”

“Is it my thought process that has made me sit before you and listen to you today?”

“Yes, there is no doubt in it”

“Okay, Ji… I did a mistake, that is why I am suffering. I agree that. But I should be given a chance to correct myself is it not?.”

“Who said that there is no chance of correction for you… no one will call you and give you a chance, you have to search for it!”

“Then if I search for that chance and get it, will it solve my problems?”

“It depends on the gravity of the mistake. If a man fought with another man and torn his shirt, we can stitch it back but If he is going to tear his body into pieces and kill him, how can you bring him back to life?”

“Then the only way out is to experience the same pain again right?”

“No doubt in it?”

“Ji, if that is the case, what is the fate of my daughter?”

“The moment you came to this hill your problems have started to resolve by itself.… But always remember that you cannot get a medicine that will save a life so easily. You can get it only if you are prepared to spare your life or give away your life to save another life then perhaps you may get it.”

“Now I understand it Ji… If I my conscience says something is wrong I will never do it.”

“You are right… don’t think that Lord Muruga is there only in this particular hill and always remember that there is only one God in different forms. To me this hill itself is Shiva, the blowing wind is Shiva… come close to me for a moment and have a miraculous experience. with me”

The Siddha covered Raju’s ear with his palms and within a second he went into a thoughtless stage and his entire body felt a chillness which he has never experienced before. What happened next was so amazing he heard the chanting of….

Om Namashivaya…

Om Namashivaya…

Om Namashivaya…

Om Namashivaya…

continuously and that also like someone was whispering it in his ears very close.…

He was stunned…

He listened silently for a very long time and felt very much relaxed.

“Ji… How is this possible? “Raju asked.

“A number of Siddhas in this hill are chanting this Panchaakshra forgetting themselves and that is what you heard… that is why I said. Shiva is there in every inch of this hill…”

“Ji… I am saying this honestly from my heart of hearts now I feel very much blessed and relaxed. I am very fortunate …”

“Raju, only fortunate people will have more tests. If you win over all these tests, then all your problems will come to an end…”

“Ji, I will bear any kind of tough tests for my dear daughter…”

“You should…then only you will become a role model Dad for everyone. You might have done some good deeds in your life path that is why you were able to step on to this hill … start your journey afresh from here, Raju, and write your own destiny…”

The Siddha applied holy ash on Raju’s forehead as he did earlier for the tribal people.

“Ji… please bless me hereafter, I will not commit even a smallest sin in my life.. Not on this hill but anywhere throughout my life… whatever may happen… even if my life is in danger… let Shiva guide me and show me light on my path.”

Raju prostrated before the Siddha with folded hands and started his journey. It was early morning Brahma Muhurth time…the dog Bhairav joined with him and followed him.

“Raju… this is not a normal dog. If Bhairav is coming with you, then some change is going to happen in your life but be on the alert to face the unexpected …”the Siddha said to Raju’s surprise!

Babu who fell into the deep valley fortunately landed on a soft leafy bush miraculously.

Freshness spread all over the hill when the vibrant morning rays of the sun touched the mountain range. Baya weaver birds which have almost gone extinct in the cities were seen here in flocks. Some strange birds were also seen together with them they were seriously discussing something.

Babu, who was in an unconscious stage after falling down, opened his eyes slowly when the warm morning rays of the sun touched his face.

He could not understand where he is and why he is for some time!

He tried to stand up by pressing his right hand on the muddy bottom of the stream water. The stream was full of bushes and creepers. Whenever he tried to stand up the force of the water pulled him down. Somehow he managed to hold on to a strong creeper and looked down at the water…..

Babu could not believe his own eyes. He found himself in a stream. A lot of beautiful water lilies were in it. A deer along with its fawn was drinking water on one side of the stream, some Siddha’s were floating on that stream quite unaware of what is going on around them. They were doing Jalasana yoga. Seeing all this Babu forgot all his pains, simultaneously inside his mind some unexplainable changes were going on. He took hold of a creeper and reached the shore. He realized that his shirt was completely torn in to pieces and his dhoti had got stuck in some tree branches up there, only his innerwear alone was there to save his honor. His gold chain was still there glittering in his neck in the sunlight!

When he jumped to the shore holding the creeper a loud noise came in that silence. The Siddhas who were floating in the stream were not affected by that. But the deer which was drinking water from the stream ran away from there swiftly hearing that sound.

Babu with folded hands prayed standing in the shore feeling the presence of the supreme in that stream, he took a handful of water from the stream drank it and sprinkled the left over on his head.

When he turned and raised his head up and saw the height from where he has fallen in to the stream he felt slight dizziness. The scene of Pavithran pushing him down from the uphill to the stream with all his might came in to his mind. The next moment his body started to shiver thinking of the fate of his daughter Bindu.

“Oh my god! I don’t know what he did with my daughter after pushing me down from the hill…” he murmured.

Babu did not find any way to go out from there. The Siddhas were also in Jalasana closing their eyes. ‘Try calling them ‘his intuition said, but some kind of unknown fear shut his mouth. He felt very thirsty and drank the stream water. It was very sweet and gave his body some sort of miraculous strength. He drank more and more water. He sprinkled some water on his head and felt as if he were a new born baby. That moment he heard the sound of a tiger. His veins froze. There was a thick bush near from where that sound came, with leaves hanging like Money plant. A tiger with black stripes on body and violet eyes walked out from with wet tongue towards him. The way it walked almost stopped his breath. There was no place to hide. He could find only one way out immediately. He just jumped into the stream… and started to swim to reach near the Siddhas floating there. The tiger casually came, drank the water from the stream and went back.Babu felt as if he had been blessed with a second life. Still he was wondering about the Siddhas who were floating in the stream.

He felt a heavenly bliss when he dipped himself in the water. The moment he dipped, he heard the sound of someone chanting ‘Om Namashivaya… Om Namashivaya’ in his ears! Around him, many fishes were swimming. He even imagined that maybe those fishes were the ones who were chanting the holy names in the water.

The sound of chanting the holy names made him to take a dip again in the stream. This time also he heard the sound very clearly. Not just that ,now he was able to see what was there under the water crystal clear as in a lagoon. When he immersed himself further deeper and deeper in to the stream, he saw a group of Shivalinga there!

Algae covered green Shivalinga. Every Linga was about one feet in height and one feet in width…

Totally there were nine Lingas in three groups, each group with three Lingas!

The moment he saw the Lingas he became breathless and was forced to come out of the water immediately.

He came out of the stream and took a deep breath of the air outside. The speed with which he came out of the water created a large ripple and shook the flow of the water in the stream. The ripple pushed the floating bodies of Siddhas to the shore.

Babu was standing in the shore in total confusion he could not believe his own eyes. All of a sudden he felt that a new energy has entered in to his body. Is this a dream …

The reflection of the rising sun in the stream painted unimaginable works of art that the human beings can never imagine.

Babu strongly felt a kind of positive vibrations within him!

His inner mind said ‘you are safe, nothing bad will happen to you and do not have any fear’.

But the image of Bindu came into his mind and he started worrying about what difficulties she may be facing at present.