Virtual world in English Short Stories by Darshita Babubhai Shah books and stories PDF | Virtual world

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Virtual world

2100 years! There will be a virtual world. What changes have taken place in the world of the future, scientifically, socially, politically, personally and in every other field. There will be a fantasy world. People will be dreamy. There will be a tremendous revolution in the field of technology. In 2100 years man will have all the things of luxury. But man will be alone.

Family practice, marriage practice will become like a diva dream. Man will become a robot. Feelings, love and emotion will go hungry and mentally broken. Alone will wander incessantly. 90% of the world's population will be mentally ill in one way or another and 100% physically ill. The incidence of diseases will increase. New diseases will grow. As we eat breakfast and dinner, their plate will have more medicine and food will be 10%. People's malnutrition will decrease, so the production of food will have to be destroyed and when the production of certain grains stops, it will become extinct. People don't have kitchens at home. Food eaten from a message or call will be present.

People will live in a dream world. Their lifespan will be very short. Birth mortality will increase by 1000%. Since the robot does all the work, the man will become useless and the man who made the robot will understand the mistake. The world will be ruled by a robot. From the relationship between human and robot, a child will be born. Man will become a corpse. Humans will be completely subject to technology. His thinking will become weak. He will forget the language of conversation, the language of technology, the language of code. He will forget to use paper and pen. The technology he invented for development will be the cause of its destruction. It will not remain on the earth, it will remain in the air and will vanish in the air. There will be no schools, temples and social institutions, only state-of-the-art hospitals run by robots instead of humans. People will be alienated from God and religion. His creativity will diminish. He will use his mind less and less in art, music, art and fashion.

The child will use the technology completely so that he will become violent as he will be absorbed in the online game. So he will become a criminal without understanding the difference between real life and virtual life. His life will be endangered and his IQ level will go down. He does not know the difference between good and bad. Since there is no family practice, there will be no one to give it a true understanding. It will be alienated from nature. He will die of hunger so he will not need food. His body will be the home of diseases. All outdoor games will be played online so there will be no sports. It will simply be a lust for victory. He will be his own culprit.

Man will progress, he will develop, but he cannot be a successful man, because he does not even have the name of contentment. He will see only his own need, he will not give anything to anyone and he will be hungry for love, feelings and emotions forever. The sad thing is that he doesn't even know that he wants Shum in his life. Digested in the world of dreams will lead to its own end.

Humans of the virtual world will become prey. There will be a robotic world.