AFTER YOU COME THOU - 22 in English Fiction Stories by Mario Jose books and stories PDF | AFTER YOU, COME THOU - 22

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“Be prepared to be those who activate the codes of light in the soul.” “Okey, it´s a deal –The Loser Titan took the challenge not quite knowing what to do actually-, I will be one of them.”

Priority: The predesignated primacy that the soul should give to something, to someone or to the effects that an event may produce over the time. Order of preference to be respected.

Cali, Colombia, June 12th 2012

By mid-year two thousand twelve, The Loser Titan had just finished the script of his novel “The meteor of the Final Judgment”. Like any other story of his own, it was self-referential with an underlying sheen of autobiography. The storyline tackles the issues of the salvation of human soul and the second coming of Jesus Christ to earth, both of them largely discussed with priests during the author´s last period of catholic believer. The narrator introduced these themes through Adolfo Banegas, the masculine male character of the book, a catholic Argentine lawyer. Adolfo Banegas was at the time a traveller interested in digging into what happens beyond death; secretly hoping to become one of the saved. The feminine character, a Jewish French-born woman specialist in sophrology, practised hypnosis on patients referred by one of her doctors’ friends, well-known by his eccentricity. The Argentine and the Jewish French sophrologue had been lovers in the past, but now they strived the best to bring to light the hidden side of a legal case which had fallen to the hands of Adolfo Banegas. The case starts with the death of a tenant and his lover, presumably due to a gas leakage, both being found in the toilet of the tenant´s flat. However, the characters´ main goal stood out all along the plot: their quest for the meaning of life. The author´s concerns laid, without hesitation, upon the fact of physical death, hypnosis and redemption, where do we go to after passing away, as his growing interest about these matters could be clearly seen through the pages of the Meteor of the Final Judgement.

Halfway the preparation of the manuscript, a revelation came to legitimise his proneness to vernacular esoterism.

The Loser Titan could easily evoke the moment he received an email from Carmen Janeth, because it coincided with his ex-boss´s birthday. He was seated at his desk in the office checking emails while he glanced at the landscape highlights: a green iguana parading around crawling along the narrow trail that leads to the kitchen; two engineers coming back late from lunch sneaking into their cubicles through the office back door (the attendance control device was broken at the time); until Martha, the housekeeper, stormed in bringing a cup of coffee for The Loser Titan. Yang, the house-pet, escorted her along the way. Martha dragged him out of his self-Absorption when she said to him.

- Doctor Adolfo, Doctor Adolfo, wake up, here it´s your coffee. No sugar, as always. By the way, I remind you -she informed him- that the convivial meal in celebration of the engineer´s birthday starts in twenty minutes. At the same place. We count on your presence.

- I am busy now, Martha -The Loser Titan muttered, like an automaton whose attention had been detracted from three-dimensional reality.

The email subject “The events to come next December 12th 2012”, uplifted him to another world.

For once in a lifetime The Loser Titan had not rectified Martha as for the term of endearment by which she used to call him: There was no Doctor Adolfo Sammartino at all. The only doctor in the family was his father. Unlike him, Mario Sammartino, a renowned gastroenterologist, had helped recover the health of so many people, whereas The Loser Titan was nothing but an accountant in pursuit of individual evolution as well as to get to know himself in depth. Martha sidestepped the classical objection raised by the Loser Titan, thanks to his attention being diverted to the message which, little by little, was being absorbed while he assimilated its new meanings.

The email from Carmen Janeth dealt with issues summarised as following:

⮚ The 12-12-12 is a master super number, a code based on colour, sound and numbers, three figures composed of two digits in progression each of them hence, an incredible cosmic-energetic detonator; additionally, as if it were not enough, if you sum up the figures digit per digit, we come to 9, which is the number of the mastery over matter; over duality (pregnancy, the brewing prenatal stage taking place in the maternal womb, is associated with number 9). Furthermore, adding up all the digits of 12/12/2012 is equal to number 11, which is the symbol of uniqueness. A closer look on these dates (they are both the same but expressed in two different ways) will reveal, in terms of numbers, a quantic leap, a jump from nine to eleven.

⮚ On 12-12-12 it will take place one of the three cosmic events -unprecedented in the history of Planet Earth-, which is the activation in the soul within the DNA -for the first time and on a permanent basis- of the codes of light, thus reconnecting the ten dormant filaments that exists in each human being. Thousands of years ago, during the obscure and declining era of Atlantis, these codes were removed from the human race, through this photonic activation however, the ascend to the fifth dimension will be available for anyone wishing to exercise his free will, for the precondition to achieve it is met: that the connection of the strands of DNA and the cell-based encoding process are done. In doing so, we will recover what it is ours in our own right: the memory of who we are and the reason why we incarnate on earth. Any aspirant, any human being wishing to achieve his ascend or evolution can be properly prepared for the big time, so long as he previously adjusts to the following rules:

- Endeavour to be silent a few minutes per day, in order to listen to the voice of your heart, of the divine self and to have the connection with your soul established.

- Be committed to shelter the sun consciously, in order to get from it its high-frequency energy.

- Follow the direction given by the voice of your heart.

- Total detachment from old-fashioned restrictive patterns, which often nourish the energy of fear.

- Spread love in all of our relationships.

- To host, during meditation, the energy of the source. It exerts a great influence on our subtle bodies, it is so a powerful transmutational agent that it may free ourselves, thus attaining the connection with our presence I AM.

- To feel the union with THE WHOLE when practising visualisations

⮚ The empowerment of the DNA on 12-12-12 via the codes of activation, implies for us to vibrate at a higher frequency than the current average on earth. The higher the level of vibration achieved during that day, the more harmonious the entry of light will be, as well as its ruling power over each of us. As for that day, meditation is highly recommended, sexual intercourse should be avoided, to take a promenade in the sunshine and keep contact with nature are specially encouraged. Give up meat and all which contributes to drive us away from our essence, find time to exercise in the open air. Once 13-12-12 arrives, everything will be different. Many people might be willing to make a drastic switch in their lives. The jump from Homo Sapiens to Solar Man will be at hand.

⮚ For those properly, consciously and sufficiently prepared, the most sublime aspiration any human being could have ever held will have come true that day: the awakening of the dormant conscience; the elevation of it to new dimensions and challenges until it reaches the Higher Self.

⮚ Whether to partake in the party or stay away from it depends on the choice you are going to make. In no way it is a question of invasion to the free will, but rather a drastic possible change of life direction.

The convivial meal to commemorate the anniversary of Marc Andre Houdet increased in intensity, cries became stronger as cans of beer were opened. The desk of the Loser Titan is ten meters away from the convivial meal site, screams and yells should normally have spoiled the financial Manager´s reading and processing of the 12-12-12 email, but the truth was that disturbances didn´t crop up on account of the concentration he had gained.

The relationship between Isis and The Loser Titan was grounded in sharing spiritual, mystic and evolving experiences since they met in 2009. Far different picture from the ongoing convivial meal under the nose of the Group Financial Manager of the smallest multinational in the world. In parallel with the event of 12-12-12, Isis was willingly sowing -yet right ahead of time- the seeds of what ultimately would result in a complete turn in her life, paving the path forward for the arrival of Huidobro Escobedo. Unlike Isis, it was the reception of the email from Carmen Janeth what pushed The Loser Titan to get ready for the 12-12-12.

In spite of the claims of his work colleagues regarding his presence at the convivial meal, The Loser Titan eschewed the invitation and preferred to run away using the same back door the engineers had to sneak into their cubicles a while before. There was a change of mindset inside him and now, endowed with new energy, he decided not to decline the invitation to the reconnection of the strands of the cellular DNA. “Be prepared to be those who activate the codes of light in the soul”. “Okey -The Loser Titan took the challenge not quite knowing what to do actually- I will be one of them.

Carmen Janeth was a fifty-five years-old well-off married woman, with a well-shaped body and better conjugal life; even so, she flirted more than is wise with the Loser Titan, though she failed to intimate with him. Although the visit to strip motels was dropped in the trash, there was a golden rule in which the Loser Titan always takes delight: if and when the attempt to make love was somehow thwarted, the golden rule is to opt for becoming, with the no-lover- colleagues in the search for the truth. Once this choice was made, The Loser Titan answered to the email and thanked Carmen Janeth for that earth-shaking information she gladly shared with him. But an intriguing idea arose: Why did she send the email to him and not to anyone else?

Upon returning home (this means the one before the exile, when he lived with Isis) he left the door half-open: he needed a breath of air. Nirvana, one of the seven cats that colonised Isis´s property, saw it had a chance to get in and gatecrashed inside, mewing immediately afterwards. It is well-known that these small felines excel at detecting the alterations occurred in their owners’ levels of energies, they quickly notice human’s inner changes and mood swings, as the cats´ primary earthly task is to stabilise them and to provide shamanic serenity to their unsettled spirits. No sooner it crossed glances with the Loser Titan, Nirvana took a second chance and jumped to seat on his lap, making itself comfortable in order to get its therapeutic mission accomplished.

There he was the Loser Titan -seated with a well-behaved Nirvana- thinking round and round. And just by combining his accounting and literary minds, he ended up to elucidate a remarkable similarity.

“How slow I have been at not being aware of such a simple coincidence: The Meteor of the final Judgment claims the likelihood of the salvation of certain human beings after a second coming of Jesus Christ on earth, they are referred there as to the saved ones. Now well, the people saved in the novel are tantamount to the initiates the email from Janeth talks about, the seekers who are supposed to render as conscious as to eventually activate, on 12-12-12 the codes of light in the soul within the cellular DNA. Owing to their lack of expertise in the field of Physics, priests will never openly assert the photonic nature of the inner experience of soul salvation, and even though the photonic experience in my novel has been explained with so a different argot with respect to that of the email, scientifically speaking we are talking about the same phenomena. It´s amazing how similar a message my literature and the email from Carmen Janeth put forth. Has The Meteor of the final Judgment, from the angle of Literature, been the herald of the reconnexion of the strands within the cellular DNA?”

After checking many books and also through a stressful thorough investigation, partly because of the unsuccessful face-to-face meeting with Carmen Janeth, The Loser Titan came to learn about the fulfilment of the Mayan Prophecy, which was foreseen by the Mayan Calendar and scheduled for the 12-12-12; what the email mentioned as the reconnection of the codes of light within the DNA was, in reality, nothing but what the Mayans had called “the establishment in human beings of multiple dimensions”, the disclosure of the hidden mysteries which lay behind all things, people, stars or celestial bodies. It would certainly look like a sudden blossoming. This revelation couldn´t be further from accounting and financial issues, but The Loser Titan plunged into the reading of materials which dealt about the contributions that ancient civilisations made to human development on earth. All he had to do was to put the data in context, string them together alongside historical events, unify them, rearrange them so that they could be conveyed pedagogically. The Loser Titan took some time to appraise the significance of the conclusions he had come to, until he realised that a select group of towering figures from ancient cultures had managed to delve into the kingdoms of the unknown, leaving for the posterity an indelible mark as per the grasping of reality is concerned.

“If the idea of God were inherently associated with being the fuelling agent for the creation, a mastermind which engineers and shoot energy bolts for the purpose of their transformation -The Loser Titan argued- needless to say, those ancient civilisation at the peak of their development were boosted by that propulsive creative force, thus becoming, both the high intelligence and its creations, the masters of the game. Why wasn´t afforded time for the contemporary man to the task of reading, understanding and deciphering the footprints left by those advanced ancient cultures?

By devouring several treatises about this topic, it became discernible to The Loser Titan the storage of data made by many ancient civilisations as well as messages they left for the generations to come on earth, hiding the codes -for further access- in a variety of devices such as seals, stones, caverns, churches, menhirs and monoliths. Concealed in 70.000 sacred sites bound to be reactivated on earth in simultaneous with the reconnection of the cellular DNA, there was, then, a courier service to be discovered.

In order to get an access to the hidden messages in the aforementioned devices human beings, however, should be able to awaken a broader intelligence. The acquisition of ancestral wisdom would be the prize for those who succeed in recovering the stored data, being the acquired wisdom in accordance to the projected evolution for each particular spirit. The overconscientious study of oneself is therefore mandatory so long as the initiate´s goal is to explore the mysteries of the messages left by ancient civilisations. Once the bottom of each heart has been reached, it will be the proper time to go out and mingle with people involving the entire Self with all of its dimensions.

It was upon reading about ancient civilisations that the Loser Titan grasped the scope of the event that was to be held in 12-12-12.