Incredibly True in English Science by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Incredibly True

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Incredibly True

Incredibly True

There are several things happening in the world which are hard to believe but they are true .

There are many strange things in the world, some of which we might have seen and for some we might have heard from others or books . But those incredible things, though hard to believe, are true . Let’s have a glimpse of some such incredible truths .

1 . Eternal Reefs - It is a company that turns dead bodies into ocean reefs .

These are memorial reefs . There are many people living near coastal areas who like to be cremated in the ocean or seas . There are other people also not living near coast but share the same wish .

In the late ‘ 80s two roommates of the University of Georgia often used to dive off Florida Keys . After a few years they were very sad to see the state of reefs . The reefs were deteriorating and getting degraded.They vowed to preserve the treasure of nature . Once they were out of school they started to think how to contribute to help and restore such a fragile ecosystem .They decided to create a material and a system that can replicate the natural marine environment which can support coral and microorganism under the ocean .And the concept of reef balls was born . Such ball material needed to be friendly to the marine environment . They should be made of natural ingredients that can attract and encourage marine life to settle around them like the one offered by reefs .

Eternal Reefs is a part of the international company Reef Ball Foundation . Reef Balls was founded in 1992 by Don Brawley . Reef balls are the materials which Eternal Reefs uses for memorialization of people’s dear ones after their demise .

Eternal Reefs give unique choices to people to replace cremation urns and ashes scattering with permanent environment living legacies . Families and friends are invited and encouraged in the creation of reefs as memorials of their loved ones . It mixes the remains of a person with concrete in the shape of pearl onto which personal messages are carved or environmentally friendly mementos . This pearl is encased in a reef ball and dropped at the floor of the ocean . This ball provides a habitat for fish and other marine life which results in a vibrant ecosystem .

Now Eternal reef balls Cremation is gaining momentum and it is estimated to be active in nearly 70 countries around the world . They can use all or some or none of remains of cremated bodies including pets . They are approved by the US EPA .

2 . There are flying bicycles too .

It might appear as a stunt or Sci Fi fiction but there is a flying cycle . Once it was impossible to see a flying car . We have been listening and watching about successful testing of flying cars . Soon they will be seen flying in the air . Who believed that there can be driverless cars but Driverless cars are now a reality and they are plying around in some countries .

Similarly there are flying cycles too. It might sound funny but it is true . In 2013 Two British scientists came up with the novel idea that can make a bicycle fly . They are John Foden and Yannick Read . They designed a cycle XploreAir Paravelo which looks like a conventional bike but is a foldable bicycle which is connected to a very light weight trailer . The trailer can be disconnected also . On the trailer are mounted a fan motor which is powered by a biofuel and foldable wings .Both the bike and the airframe are made of airplane grade aluminum . The motor runs the fan and with a sufficient runway it can catch up to a speed of 40 km per hour in air and it can reach a height of 4000 feet in air . The trailer docks to make a “ para trike ‘ like take off , the wings are unfurled and the motor is fired .Once airborne , the bike can remain in air upto 3 hours . The fan can also be detached and folded to mount on your back . This flying machine does not need a licence in some places like the USA and the U.K. Their invention failed to meet a funding goal to manufacture enough numbers of flying bicycles to be available in the market . They are offering their novel flying machine through special production “ Bespoke Production “ i.e when you speak to have some product which is customized for your needs .