Why Female And Male Responses To Covid 19 Vaccines Are Different Generally We All T in English Health by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Why Female And Male Responses To Covid 19 Vaccines Are Different Generally We All T

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Why Female And Male Responses To Covid 19 Vaccines Are Different Generally We All T

Article - Why Female and Male Responses To Covid 19 vaccines are Different

Generally we all think that Covid 19 virus attacks all of us irrespective of age , cast , religion or sex . Yes it is true but still it has been found in studies that men and women react to the Covid vaccines distinctly . There are differences in side effects and severity experienced by them . While we may be scared of side effects of vaccines, this is a good sign , it shows that vaccines are working and our body is developing immunity against the virus . The difference in the way men and women react to vaccination may be due to social , cultural , economic and genetic factors . Some of these are -

1. They Metabolize medicines differently - Studies have shown that men and women do not metabolize drugs in identical manner . Distribution of drugs depends on factors like physiques , BMI ( body mass index ) , body composition and plasma . Normally women have bigger fat stores and smaller organs as compared to men , as a result with lower doses they can get the same benefits as men with somewhat higher doses .

2 . Hormones Matter - Male sex hormonses Testosterone aka androgens have immunosuppressive properties due to the manner in which they modulate breakdown of fats. Studies have indicated lesser antibody and inflammatory cytokine ( chemical reactions ) expression in males with flu shots in comparison with females . Also men with higher amounts of these hormones have shown the worst response to vaccines while men with lesser testosterone levels have similar antibody responses as women .

In the same study , post vaccination it has been seen that women have sex hormones Estrogen which makes them capable to produce strong antibody response .This hormon induces T cells ( a type of protective white blood cells ) which kills foreign antigens and infected cells . This further passes on chemical instructions to the rest of women's immune systems . As such Women’s immune systems result in an effective response to viral and bacterial infections . It means their bodies are developing higher antibody responses to protect them from viruses more effectively .

3 . Plasma Level Matters - European research shows that men with heart failure have higher levels of protein Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 ( ACE2 ) than women . This increases men’s risk for Covid virus infection and subsequent complications .There is a protein which lives on the surface of cells of the heart , lungs, kidneys , intestines , blood vessels and epithelial cells which make protective barriers . Cardiac drugs such as protein ACE2 inhibitors can impact the level of this protein . It regulates proteins that damage blood vessels and tissues after an injury . Covid binds with it and it results in respiratory problems .

4 . Women Report More Symptoms - Some symptoms of Covid are more reported in women than men e.g. loss of taste and smell , body pain , fatigue , hair loss . The researchers have observed that the reason is more sociological than biological . Women report their symptoms easily and may like medical help more than men .

5 . Men are in more risky and tougher jobs - Studies have shown that men are involved more in high risk jobs and tougher lifestyles , as a result they are more exposed to contracting viral infection . Also they are seen smoking more and consuming more alcohol . This increases their Covid 19 complications .

6 . Chromosomes Difference too Matters - A person’s genetic build up affects how the body reacts to infections . X chromosome genes are said to be related to a person's health by regulating immunity . Women have 2 X chromosomes one of which is generally inactive in the embryo stage but some might escape inactivation . So they have more X and so have more effective responses which is good in viral infections .