4 Elementals Of Solar System - 1 in English Science-Fiction by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | 4 Elementals Of Solar System - 1

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4 Elementals Of Solar System - 1

Let us start story with a riddle;

Largest Continent,
Largest postal network in the world,
Largest gathering of people with over 75 million pilgrims,
Wettest inhabited place in world,
Highest cricket ground in the world…

Yes the country is Great INDIA. As we saw that 10 years old boy without mother father only with his powerful grandmother living in Kailash Parvat. His day is going to change today…

His Grandma tells him a story,

“Many, many, many millennium [period of 1000 years] ago, there were 5 Elements who helped God Brahma, God Vishnu And God Mahesh or God Shiva for making this beautiful Kumbh (which contains universes, galaxies, stars, planets, life etcetera. As per Vedic Thoughts and Upanishads.) One day an evil came known as Mahadaitya to Gods with his ‘Rakshashiya Sena’ to defeat them and be controller of this Kumbh. The 5 elements went for fight on behalf of Gods and defeated Army but alas when they were fighting, from back Mahadaitya used Shastra which killed all 5 of them and then they didn’t return. Now Mahadaitya went to defeat Gods but he misunderstood power of all three Gods as they already knew future. Gods defeated Mahadaitya but his last wish was to be alive. So Gods kept him alive. They kept Mahadaitya in a planet from which he couldn’t escape. But if he escapes his only one strong step on ground can destroy one whole Galaxy. For continuation and stability in Kumbh 5 Elements took rebirth in form of humans and were known as Pandavs and Raghuvanshi.

In Pandavs; Yudhishtr as Energy, Bheem as Earth, Arjun as Fire, Nakul as Water and Sahadev as Air.
In Raghuvanshi; Ram as Fire, Lakshman as Water, Shatrughn as Earth, Bharat as Energy and Hanuman or Maruti as Air.
After they completed the work and killed Rakshas like Ravan and Duryodhan and his brothers, they come back. Like this for peace they take rebirth.
And every time there leaders change and forms too, they may be in the form of ants, cows, lions etc. so we should always respect animals, birds, fishes, insects, plants etc. And they may come back again in the form of humans. And they will come soon…”

After this story,
Vyom asked “Where, When and Why would they come?”

Grandma smiled and said “I don’t know, maybe you are only one of Element.”

Vyom thought his Grandma said so to keep him happy and never feel bad of his loss.

Vyom said to himself “I think Grandma can see the future as her dance forms and expressions and stances make me amazed.”

Grandma not exposing the truth together reveals it slowly so Vyom could understand everything properly.
One day, Vyom was giving food to animals and birds in forests of Himalayas. He saw a strange and a very different animal from Earth ones. He was looking as if it had not eaten food for many days so he gave him food. He was going to touch him and suddenly that animal ran into a very big hole. So Vyom also followed him and he was amazed to see red land under his feet as soon as he crossed blakish hole…