THE POWER GIRLS - 2 in English Love Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | THE POWER GIRLS - 2

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( I would request the readers to please go through the first part of this series 'The Power Girls' so as to better comprehend the continuity of the story so far...)

In the morning, my eyes opened at around 7am. The train was moving at full speed. No idea till where we have reached. The three girls were fast asleep, or at least they seemed asleep. I didn't want to wake any of them up to get me down from the upper bunk. So I just lay there thinking about last evening and night's incidents.

From the conversation with Mala, it was clear that she definitely has a soft corner for me. But that feeling was not very clear as to its nature. However the sudden turn which Pratima displayed regarding her attitude towards me from being the bully in the evening to saying that she is falling in love with me at late night, baffled me. And then that sudden kiss !! What may have been the reason for that ? It's possible that she had taken my words seriously...what I said about my liking of bigger and taller girls. She possibly felt that she has got a chance with me. She had told us last evening only, that with her huge figure of 5'10" height and 84 kgs weight, it was impossible to find a suitable man who would want to marry her. So she just might be grabbing at an opportunity, since she was also not growing any younger at 30 years. Whatever may be the reason, I thought that at least my apprehension of Pratima resisting me as a leader of this team will now hopefully not be there.

I sat up on the bunk. I needed to go to the washroom. I think I can climb down. Getting up on the upper berth from the front is difficult, but not while getting down. I swung my legs down, took my balance holding on to my bunk and the next one, on which Aarti was snoring; and climbed down. I took my tooth brush and toothpaste and went out shutting the door quietly.

On return, I found Pratima awake. She was searching through her handbag and brought out her tooth brush. She gave me a big smile and whispered a 'Good morning', so as not to wake the others up. I smiled too and handed her my toothpaste. She went out to the washroom. I put her pillow up on my berth and sat on the lower berth, where Pratima was lying till now. I sat by the window looking out at the fresh morning villages and lush green fields outside.

After returning, Pratima sat beside me and said softly, "I couldn't sleep last night. Can't sleep in the train, you know."

I said, "In that case, why did you get up so early ? We have nothing to do. Let me go up to my upper lie down some more. You need rest, you have a competition coming up."

She said, "No, you don't have to go. I'll lie down here." Saying that, she stretched out on the berth, resting her head on my lap. One more surprise for me ! I looked down at her face. She was looking up to me with her head on my lap, with a broad grin. I had one hand on the armrest by the window. I didn't know where to keep my other arm, now that she was lying on the berth with her head on my lap. She took my free hand and clasped my palm inside her big palm.

I whispered, "What are you doing ? The girls will wake up anytime now."

She whispered back, "So what ?" Her eyes and smile were mischievous.

Sure enough, with all those whisperings, Mala woke up in the the other lower berth. She turned to look at us . At the same time, both Pratima and I looked at her too. There was a look of surprise on Mala's face. I wished , "Good morning ! Did you sleep well Mala ?"

She replied, "Good morning" and sat up on her berth, yawning.

We heard and then saw Aarti climbing down from the berth above us. She also looked surprised seeing Pratima lying with her head on my lap. I wished her too.

She sat down beside Mala and smiled back. "Good morning everybody. So what's happening Sumit ? One more ragging session ?"

I smiled back, "I don't know.... Ask her."

Pratima replied with a big smile, "No, no... Ragging is over... Now we are friends."

Aarti gave a crooked smile, "Good". She got up, took her tooth brush and went out. Mala did the same and followed her out. I was looking at Mala's face...she carefully avoided any eye contact with me.

After they were gone, Pratima looked at me and gave a hearty laugh. "Did you see the look on their faces, Sumit ? They both were shocked to see us like this." She laughed again. She touched my cheek with one hand and said, "Are you okay ? Am I too heavy ?"

I said, "No problem, I'm not carrying you, your head is only on my lap."

She said, "Tell me one thing Sumit, what did you think about what happened late last night at the corridor ?"

I thought for a moment and said, "Frankly, I was surprised."

She again asked, "Were you upset at me for that kiss ?"

I smiled, " No, why should I be ?"

She said, "No, the manner in which I kissed you, carrying you in my arms and forcibly kissing you?"

I said, "No, I don't think you forcibly kissed me... that was done on the spur of the moment. I was surprised.. yes...but why should I get upset if a beautiful girl like you kisses me, even forcibly ?"

Her face was beaming, "Do you really think I'm beautiful even with my huge size and dark skin?"

I said, "You have a lovely oblong face with high cheek bones .. I like it that way....and you are not at all dark. You are not very fair, but definitely fairer than me; and I'm not dark skinned. And the best part about you is your fantastic height and your robust figure."

Now Pratima's face was gleaming, "Really, do you mean this ? I didn't know anybody could like my huge fat figure."

I said, "No, you are not fat. Your bone structure is thick, that has also added to your weight. But you do not have fat in your body, neither do you have prominent muscles. Your body is solid, but very feminine."

Pratima clasped my hand tightly. "This is the best description I've ever heard from anybody regarding my figure. This is the best prize of my life, much more than all the medals I've won. I never thought that any man ever looked at me because of my femininity, which you have. Men always shy away from me, repulsed at my huge size. They suffer from an inferiority complex because of my strength, since I'm a woman. You are the first person who is not overawed by my strength, but you are appreciating it. Sumit, I think I can die for you !"

I laughed, "And no woman has ever said those words for me !" We laughed together...

Mala and Aarti came in as we were laughing... "What's the joke ?" said Aarti.

There was a knock at the door. Pratima sat up; Mala opened the door. The railway catering person came in with our breakfast order. We had ordered 2 veg and 2 non veg breakfasts and tea, last evening only. After breakfast, I discussed about the arrangements made at Mumbai once we reach the next day early morning. I informed the girls that I've booked their hotel quite close to the venue where the competition will be held. The hotel is a moderate one but I've booked all separate single rooms, so that the girls can have their own privacy and concentrate on their respective performances. Tomorrow we will visit the tournament venue sometime during the day. The organisers have said that they will provide some practice equipment and a gym for training. The senior girls related how these practice areas are over crowded by participants of all states. They said that because of this problem, they generally cannot train with weights in such competitions, but only do freehand exercises to keep themselves fit. I suggested that since this day is getting wasted in train journey, they can do their free hand exercises or yoga in the train if they feel like.

Aarti said that she has an idea how they can do weight training even if they cannot use the gym. She said, "Why don't we use Sumit as a weight and do our trainings. I do it like that at home when I cannot go to the gym. I use my younger sister."

I was amused at this, "How can you use me as weight ?"

But Pratima turned the idea down. "I know what you are saying Aarti, we all practice that way sometimes. But we can't use Sumit that way. Remember, he is our sponsor. If he gets hurt, it will be a disciplinary issue for all of us." Suddenly, Pratima had turned very protective of me.

Aarti wasn't convinced, "Pratima, it seems you are getting very protective of Sumit today. Remember how you and Mala were handling him yesterday ? Weren't you worried that he might get hurt then ?"

Pratima was also not backing out, "What are you talking, Aarti ? Mala and me are so much bigger and heavier than Sumit. How could we drop him from our arms. He is so small and light. Why, you have also carried him last night."

Aarti got her point, "That's exactly what I'm saying. He is so light, all three of us can easily lift and carry him. So where is the question of his getting hurt ?"

Pratima was quick to answer. "No, Mala and me are much bigger than him. But you are only 6 kgs more than him. Supposing after a few reps you get tired and he falls off your hands. Then all of us will be blamed." Aarti did not reply. Pratima continued, "In that case, Mala and I can use you as our weight."

Aarti was again active, "Ok agreed.. You two use me as your weight. I'll use Sumit."

I intervened, "Hold on... Just a minute.. I think you both are discussing about using me as weight.... May I know how exactly you are going to use me ? And what is this Reps you are talking about?"

Pratima was quick to reply, "Listen Sumit, what she is saying is that, when we don't have barbels and dumbels for weight training at home, we use somebody who is smaller than us for squats or curls. And Reps means how many times we can repeat the movement, 5, 10,15..etc...number of times."

I was still not not clear, "Now what is this squats or curls you are talking about ?"

Aarti replied this time, "Come here Sumit, I'll show you."

Pratima was sitting beside me... She put out her hand and stopped me. "No, the train is moving, you should not try squatting with him on the train. You will lose balance and both will fall. Come Sumit, I'll show you. Mala you just sit behind me. If I lose balance because of the train jerking, just steady me."

Pratima stood in front of where Mala was sitting. She called me to stand in front of her. Then she bent down and picked me up from the front. She asked me to wrap my legs around her waist and put my arms around her neck and hold on to her tightly. Then holding me up on her body, she started doing sit-ups with me hanging on to her body from her neck. She went down on her hunches... Then stood up again... Then sat on her hunches again and stood up once more. Wow ! I was feeling so powerless hanging on to her body. Her face was right in front of me..breathing in and breathing she went up and down. She was looking so strong and her face was so calm. I kept on looking at her face. She stopped after 5 reps and started laughing, "Why are you looking at me like that ?" she said to me. I said nothing... I couldn't... I was so overwhelmed by her strength. To imagine that I'm a full grown-up man of 30 years; she was a girl of the same age as me and she was doing sit-ups with my 64 kgs weight hanging from her neck on her upper body. I felt so weak and helpless being held by her like that on her breasts. She didn't put me down. She was smiling sweetly looking at my eyes straight, holding me tightly pressed to her body. I forgot the existence of the two other girls. She looked so beautiful. Her neck was so thick and shoulders were so strong. I felt like kissing her full lips sitting so high up on her breasts.

Suddenly there was a jerking in the was slowing down... Pratima lost her balance. She took a step forward and regained her balance. But my chain of thoughts were broken. Good for me...otherwise I would have kissed her today. That would be real front of the two other girls. Pratima put me down and sat on the berth. I sat down beside her.

Aarti spoke, "What was that ? For a moment I thought you guys are going to kiss. You were looking at each other so romantically."

"What nonsense Aarti !" I protested. "Are you girls planning to do this Squat thing with me ?"

Aarti replied, " it okay with you ?"

Pratima spoke up before I could reply. "Not on the train...Saw what just happened ? If Aarti would have been carrying Sumit, definitely we would have had an accident by now. Aarti would have fallen over Sumit and imagine what would have happened to this poor guy. If at all we have to use him as weight, if we do not get any gym facilities in Mumbai, we'll do that in the hotel room, not here on the moving train."

I said, "Just tell me, if this was squat, what is the curl like ? Don't have to show, just tell me..."

Aarti looked at Pratima and said, "I've got an idea...if I do the curl with Sumit, with me sitting on the berth like how Mala was holding Sumit on her lap yesterday, then there's no chance of him falling off due to the train jerkings."

Pratima was again opposing this idea, "No, if there is any sudden jerking when you are on the down movement of the curl and the train jerks, then Sumit will fall off your hands."

I was purposely not interfering in this altercation today. It seemed that Pratima was opposing everything what Aarti was suggesting. Since Pratima had shown an inclination towards me last night, she was becoming over possessive about me. So I thought it best to keep away from their squabbles and let Pratima decide what she wants in this exercise routine of theirs. As it is, I am nobody to decide on how they would practice for the tournament.

Pratima continued towards Aarti, "Mala can however do the curls with Sumit and you can stand in front to support. Mala is stronger than you."

Mala immediately said, "No, I don't want to try. If anything happens, I'll be blamed."

Aarti was not wanting to let go of this opportunity, "In that case, let me try and let Mala or you stand guard."

Pratima possibly thought that this argument is going too far and ultimately relented, "Ok, you try and I'll stand there to catch Sumit if he falls."

Aarti was happy to finally have her say, "So let me do the curls standing up and you sit there on the berth. If Sumit falls you can catch him on your lap." She said this to Pratima, sounding as if it was a win-win situation for both of them. Pratima agreed to this idea.

So I became the human weight again, this time for Aarti. She picked me up in a cradle carry with one arm under my back and one under my thighs. I was lifted up to her stomach level, with her hands stretched down. I was getting used to this by now, being lifted and carried by each of these three big girls by turn. She started curling her arms up and then slowly down... I was going up to her chest and then again down to her stomach level. I was being handled like I was a human barbel. I was amazed at the strength these girls possessed. I can't even think of curling some girl who is say even 30 kgs of weight. Aarti curled me five times, then she placed me on Pratima's lap. Pratima willingly caught me in her arms cradling me on her lap. She looked down at me and smiled. What could I do ? I smiled back at her. Aarti went and sat beside Mala, exhausted after her exercise. But Pratima kept on holding me on her lap. In fact she was now sitting cross legged on the berth, so that she can hold me on her lap like a baby, the way Mala was holding me yesterday.

I started laughing. I am not getting embarrassed anymore now with the girls lifting and carrying me, which has now become quite an usual thing for me. I was actually finding this funny now. I said, to nobody in particular, "Since yesterday evening, I think my age has gone down from 30 to 10, the way you girls are carrying me around."

Aarti said, "A 10 year old boy doesn't lie on his mother's lap the way you are lying on Pratima's. Maybe 5 years would be the right age for you." All of us laughed, except Mala.

Aarti came up to us and pressed my head on Pratima's shoulder near her neck. My face went into the crook of her big neck. Then she took Pratima's dupatta and covered my face. Pratima looked on amused. Then seeing my face hidden under the dupatta on Pratima's breasts, both of them started laughing out loud. Then Aarti said, "Now you look like one and a half year old baby on your mother's breasts." Pratima started rocking me on her lap like a baby. Both Aarti and she went into a laughter spree. Mala was still looking out of the window.

I removed the dupatta and said, "Pratima, let me sit up properly, I need to make an urgent phone call."

Pratima made me sit up on her lap only, but did not let me down. With one hand she gave me my mobile phone, which was lying on the side table by the windows. "You make your call sitting on my lap na, the other person won't be able to see you."

Although this story is being written now, the incidents were of early 2000, around 2003-04. Mobile phones had just started becoming affordable in India. But the advent of camera phone and smart phone culture was yet to come in vogue. Lucky for me, because imagine what would have happened if these girls were taking selfies with me on their laps.

I tried contacting my agents at Mumbai, who were supposed to put up our Company's banners and hoardings at the designated locations of the tournament venue, sitting on Pratima's lap only. On making contact, I got up from her lap and stood just outside the doorway talking to the person.

I saw Aarti calling Pratima and they both went off towards the washroom. On finishing my call, I came and sat beside Mala and said, "What's the matter, Mala ? You are neither talking, not smiling today."

She turned to look at me and said, "Is there anything going on between you and Pratima didi?"

I said, "What do you mean? What can be going on?"

She said on a serious tone, "You very well understand what I mean. Are you two having an affair ?"

I said, "I don't know, but she seemed to have changed her attitude towards me from last night."

She looked down straight into my eyes. Even sitting down, she was 5 inches taller than me... And said, "I saw you two last night."

I was startled, "What did you see ?"

She said, "I woke up late last night at the sound of the door opening. I saw you and Pratima didi go out....Thought you had gone to the washroom... So after a few minutes I also went out. As I was about to open the AC corridoor glass door, I saw Pratima didi cradle carry you up in her arms and forcibly kissing you."

I kept quiet, then asked, "So, what did you do?"

She said, "I came back and laid down closing my eyes. Then you two came back after a long time. Then after you two feel asleep, I went out on my own."

I said, "Did you tell this to Aarti ?"

She said, "No, but she also understands that something is wrong, the way Pratima didi is behaving since this morning." She stopped and then asked, "Did you like it ? Her kiss I mean?"

I said, "I'm a young guy, how can I not like it when a young woman kisses me."

She said, "But how can she love you? She is so much bigger in size than you. She is just seducing you for her security?"

I said, "What security? She already has a job."

She said, "Job is not everything. She knows that no one will marry her because of her huge size, and since you said you like tall girls, she has targetted you. You look like a small boy beside her. How can she love you ?"

I said, "You are also so much taller and bigger than me. You only said you had a strange feeling holding me on your lap yesterday.."

She thought for a while. Then said, "Yes possibly Pratima didi also feels the same way towards you. I am also possibly saying all this because I'm jealous of her."

I put my hand on hers, she did not remove it. I said, "But Mala, you are nine years younger to me. You have a bright career ahead. This is not your age for marriage. And when you will be 26-27, ready for marriage, I'll be 35-36.

Also you have such a beautiful tall figure. You will get much more handsome and tall guys wanting to marry you. What will do with an old man who is so much shorter than you ?"

Mala gave a wry smile, "May be you are right. Actually when I held you inside my lap last evening, that was such a heavenly feeling, which I never ever experienced in my life. I don't know whether that was love or infatuation.

But coming to think of it, my parents also would want me to marry somebody of my age bracket and according to my height. But I'm not sure, whether I will ever forget yesterday's experience of having you in my arms... You will always be my first love." She kept quiet, then said, "Just tell me one thing... During the next few days we are together on this trip, can I pick you up in my arms a few more times ?"

I said, "I am not sure, with Pratima behaving so possessive and protective about me, how much she will allow you..... But if you really want that, I think you should utilise those weight training sessions with me and don't say no, like today."

She smiled, "Actually I was so upset after seeing you two together last night, my brain was not working properly then.. So I said no. Anyway, you go and sit there, they may be coming back any time."

I sat on the opposite berth.. both of us were silent.. not knowing what to say. We were both looking out the window. It was such a revelation to me... Didn't expect Mala to get so worked up about Pratima's relation with me. I thought that possibly she being a little introvert and being such a tall girl and into such a strength sports as power lifting, she did not find any suitable boy to befriend her. Similar to what Pratima was telling me regarding boys shying away from her because of her massive size and strength. This is the problem with these big girls... generally men do not get attracted to them. I only hope and wish that at least somebody from the same background may like her someday. She is young and has a good tall figure. I canonly wish her well.

The two other girls came in shortly. From their jovial mood and giggles I could guess that Pratima had divulged her secret to Aarti. That means, both the girls are now aware of our affair. Obviously I'll ask Pratima later on what exactly she has told Aarti and what was her reactions.

I do not know how our odd sized relationship will unfold and take shape in the coming future. But for now, the only thing I can say is that I'm in for an interesting few days at Mumbai and also on the return train journey.