THE POWER GIRLS - 1 in English Love Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | THE POWER GIRLS - 1

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Chapter 1 - The Journey Begins

We are a Company marketing Health products for some years now. But our products, although popular in the local market, have not been able to make much of a breakthrough at the National level. We had planned some nationwide advertising campaigns this year to increase our reach. We received a lead from our Sales team that there is a National Women's Powerlifting meet programmed in the next month at Mumbai. It was suggested that we can use this platform in promoting our products and brand name, as our products can be useful to the sportspersons in boosting their strength and vitality. To this effect we began discussions with the organisers and also our state power lifting federation to find out how we can get involved in this event. After weighing out some options and equating our budget, it was decided that we can sponsor our state team for this event. In return the team members would be wearing our logo and using our products openly during the meet. We can also display banners and hoardings in the event.

I was then a Manager of our Marketing department based at our Kolkata Head Office. I was given the responsibility of executing the entire process and to be with the athletes from the beginning, ensuring that they receive all required support. Also to ensure that our Brand and products are highlighted at all opportune locations. Accordingly I started my preliminary work a month ahead. Train tickets for the participants; hotel bookings; preparing the logos to be imprinted on all their sports kits, the athletes' track suits and sports gears... And similar other ancillary work were to be coordinated and organised.

This year the State Federation had selected three participants for the the meet. They decided in not sending any separate official as team manager to reduce cost, but instead since I will be there with the team looking after the coordination, they had given that responsibility to me only.

All arrangements were taken care of and accordingly two days before the meet was scheduled to start we assembled at Howrah station to board the train. I had only a brief meeting with the participants for about thirty minutes, a few days prior to the departure. I had handed them them over whatever was required and had a briefing session on how they should try and display our brand logo and use our health products openly to help in our promotion. In exchange the company will take care of all their needs and expenses. The three girls arrived in adequate time at the station and we boarded the train all together. We had reserved a first class AC cabin which was entirely to ourselves. The girls were carrying big suitcases and also handbags. I was just having a small suitcase. The space under the berths got all full and even the side tables were packed. We settled down and soon enough the train left.

Now is the time to introduce the members of this trip. Pratima Pal was the senior most member. She was of my age, 30 years old. She will be participating in the 84kg category. Pratima is a huge woman of 5 feet 10 inches height. Because of her magnificent height, even with her 84 kg weight, she doesn't look fat. The next girl was Mala Biswas, competing in the 76 kg category. She was very young just 21 years of age. She was also a tall girl about 5 feet 8 inches, solidly built. The third girl was Aarti Das, 27 years, participating in the 69 kg category. She was also tall enough for an indian girl. Arati was 5 feet 7 inches. Although I was their team manager and a guy, I was the smallest one in this group with my 5 feet 3 inches height and 64 kg weight. By the way, I'm Sumit, 30 years and a bachelor. I sat with Aarti on one lower berth, whereas the big girls Mala and Pratima sat on the opposite lower berth.

The girls, in their Salwar kamiz did not look like sports women, but just like three ordinary women out on a train journey. It was a long journey to Mumbai and it was just past 8.30 pm... The train will reach early morning of the day after. I had already packed up our dinner from a good restaurant. I initiated a conversation of self introduction, so that we all get to know each other better. The two senior girls Pratima and Arati, knew each other from earlier tournaments they have participated in. For the young 21 year old Mala, this was her first tournament visit out of the state. But she had met the other two senior girls in local competitions. However none of them have visited Mumbai earlier, so they all were excited about the trip. From the discussions that went on, I also learnt that Pratima and Arati, the seniors, were both employed with the Police department, although in different locations. Both have got their jobs because of their sports achievements. The young Mala was eager to do well in this coming tournament so that she can also get job offers. All three girls came from middle class backgrounds and they all needed their jobs to support their parents and siblings. None of them were married. While the parents of Aarti, the 27 year old, were searching for a suitable boy, Pratima was not interested in marriage. Her logic was that, since she is already 30 and with her height of 5 feet 10 inches and build of 84 kgs, getting a suitable boy to match her, has till date been impossible. So she had made up her mind to remain single only. The young Mala ofcourse was more interested in her career in sports and getting a job, rather than marriage.

The girls now turned their questions on to me. I told them that my parents are from Kolkata, I have a sister who was just married off. That I am 30 years; have a decent job and my parents are also in search of a bride for me.

Introductions completed, Aarti, remarked that they had thought that some senior ex powerlifter lady would be their tour manager. Instead, they are happy that since I am of their age group, they can be more free with their jokes and pranks. As Pratima, the senior most said, "In such a tour where there are pressures of performance and tensions of results, unless we can joke between ourselves during the free periods, it will be too much of a stress".

We had our dinner around 9.30pm. I asked them what time they wanted to go to sleep. Pratima said that there's no hurry as tomorrow there's nothing to do in the train. So we can go lying down as much as we want, since the entire cabin was ours only. Then she said, "See it is difficult for the big girls to climb up and down the bunks, so let Mala and me take by the lower berths and Sumit and Aarti, you both are smaller than us, so you two take the upper ones."

I said, "I don't mind going on the upper berth, but have you seen how you girls have kept your bags ? The side stairs to the upper bunks are all packed with your hands bags."

Pratima said, "So what's the big deal ? You climb from the front. You are so light, just pull yourself up."

I said, "See Pratima, I'm not so athletic as you are, I can't climb that way."

Pratima smiled mischievously, "Don't worry Sumit, I'll put you up on the upper bunk."

I exclaimed, " What do you mean ??"

She laughed, " What , what ? Want to see ?" The other two girls started laughing.

Pratima said, looking at me and smiling, "Stand up Sumit." I didn't move.

Pratima got up from her seat, came towards me, put two hands under my armpits and pulled me out of the berth and up in the air. I screamed, "What are you doing Pratima !!?" But by that time she held me up with her hands outstretched over her head, so my head was about touching the ceiling of the compartment. Then laughing loudly she just put me up so as to sit on the upper berth. She stood there looking up at me and laughing. The young girl Mala was rolling in her seat with laughter.

I smiled at Pratima, "So you have already started on your pranks as you were saying ?"

She had her hands beside my knees on the upper bunk and said, "Yesss...So, today and tomorrow, this is the way you are going to go up on your bunk, Manager Sa'ab ! And when you want to come down, just order me , and I'll get you down like this.....!"

Saying so, she put her hands under my thighs and pulled me towards her and took me in her arms in a front straddle on her body. I actually fell from the bunk and she caught me on her breasts. With the suddenness of her action, I gave a short shriek and my arms instinctively went around her neck and shoulders and I held her tightly for support. My legs on an impulse wrapped around her waist, lest I fall down. There was a laughter riot in the cabin, as all the girls burst out laughing. She stood back at the centre of the cabin, with me on her breasts for the others girls to see us properly. She carried me in front of the mirror between the windows and looked at me clinging to her body, my head now a little higher than hers. She laughed and said, "See Sumit, you are now even taller than me. Look girls Sumit is now 6 feet tall ".

I said, "Come on Pratima, put me down."

She was still laughing, "Why ? Don't you like it up here ? See in the mirror, you are looking like a cute boy in his mother's arms." She started rocking me like a baby in her arms.

Both the other girls were now standing beside us. I was feeling so embarrassed. All three girls were about my age only, in fact two were younger to me. And here I was, a fully grown up adult man, helplessly being carried by a girl, who is of my age only. And the worst part was, she was holding me so high up on her body and so strongly, I couldn't even try to free myself. I was purposely not struggling to get free, because I knew I would fail...and then the girls would make even more fun of me.

Then, Mala, the young girl said, "Pratima didi, he is feeling embarrassed, please let him down."

Pratima was still rocking me. She looked at my face and said, "Are you feeling embarrassed little man? This is just a little ragging by a senior girl. We do this to every new member joining our team. Don't feel bad Sumit... You are amongst friends. See we are all in the same age group. As for me, you and me are of the same age. So, think that you are on your cousin sister's lap. Then you won't feel embarrassed. Also just appreciate that we all three girls are much bigger and stronger than you. So just forget your male ego, and accept the fact that within the four of us, you are the smallest and weakest. But don't worry, each one of us girls can individually protect our little man."

Mala once again requested, "Didi please let him down, he is not liking it."

Pratima looked at Mala and said, "Arrey it seems you are having a lot of sympathy for him ? Ok now it's your turn to be ragged. Take Sumit in your arms and hold him there until I tell you to put him down."
Saying this she held me out towards Mala. Mala hesitated, so Pratima said, "Extend your hands Mala.. No, not this way... You take him in your arms cradling him like a baby lying on your hands. Yes... Take him on both your hands, put one hand under his back and your other hand behind his thighs... yes ... that's the pull up your arms, so that he is on your breast... Bounce him once and adjust him."

I had been passed on from one giant girl of 5'10" & 84 kgs to another big girl of 5'8" & 76 kgs. I was feeling like a baby being passed on from his mother's arms to his aunt's arms. Now when Mala bounced me in her arms, I got startled and instinctively my arms went around her neck. Both Pratima and Arati laughed out loud. I think Pratima wanted this only, so that I put my arms around Mala's neck. But Mala's face was serious, she wasn't even smiling. She was looking at me with a sad face.

I was beyond feelings now. It was as if Pratima's words were coming true. I wasn't feeling embarrassed any more. It was as if I had resigned to the fact that although I was the only man there, these three girls were much bigger and stronger than me. So there's no point in being ashamed at being lifted and carried by them.

Pratima's ragging was now targetted to Mala. She was ordering and Mala had to follow... "Now Mala, stand in front of the mirror turn Sumit's face towards the mirror so that both of you can see each rock him in your arms like a baby...slowly... Ok now go and sit in your place holding Sumit in the same position. Yess... Make him lie on your lap... No no, not that way...sit with your legs up...cross your legs like you are sitting on the bed....hold Sumit on your lap cradled in your arms ...good... now press his head on your shoulder... Close his eyes with your palm....And slowly rock him to sleep as if he is your baby. "

Pratima addressed me now. "Sumit....see, Mala is merely a 21 year old girl and you are a 30 year old grown up man. She is just toying with you like you are a baby on her lap. And try as you might, you will not be able to free yourself from her hold, unless she lets you. What I'm trying to tell you is, don't feel bad about this. You, men all along have this notion that women are the weaker sex. But here between us three women and you, a grown-up man, you are the weaker sex. Sumit, please do not take it as any personal humiliation. I don't want to rudicule you. Just because we three are here with you alone, I want you to accept that although we are girls, we all are bigger and taller and stronger than you. Even though you are the man here and actually our team manager and our leader. But we will respect and obey you as our leader and manager, don't have that doubts about that.
Now Mala, release Sumit, let him sit up."

Mala released me. I got up from her lap, straightened my Tee shirt and stood there between the girls sitting on the two lower berths. My mind was racing fast. I was trying to understand why Pratima was doing all this to me. Yes, there was an initial shock, when Pratima was rocking me in her arms and talking sweetly with me, but clearly rubbing it in, on how I was weak and helpless like a child being carried in her arms. But I quickly got over that shock and was trying to analyse why she was humiliating me. Then when she passed me on to Mala's arms and made her treat me like a baby on his mother's lap, it became clear to me that she was trying to pull me down in front of the other two girls. Pratima was trying to prove to the girls and also to me, that she was in fact the leader of the group as she was the biggest, tallest and strongest amongst us. She was also trying to display that even Mala, the youngest girl, can easily overpower me, the manager and declared leader of the group. Pratima was out to destroy my male ego in front of the other girls to prove that she was the actual leader of this team. This was amply clear in the last sentences of her, when she said, '..even as girls, we are bigger and taller and stronger than you, although you are the man here and actually our team manager and our leader. But we will respect and obey you as our leader and manager, don't have any doubts about that....' "

I analysed that Pratima must have expected to be declared the leader of this team. But the authorities thought it best not to name her the leader. Since I was representing the Sponsor, they made me the overall manager of the team. This they did, basically to keep the Sponsors happy and also to avoid any conflict in the group, with one manager and another captain in a small team.

When I analysed the reason why she was out to pull me down in front of the other two, my first impulse was to confront Pratima and prove to her that I am the boss. Then I thought to myself, that why was I there. My mission was to promote my company's brand and products through these girls to a national stage. My being a manager of this team was purely coincidental and a matter of convenience for the State Federation. I do not have to prove any point that I'm superior to Pratima or that, man is not the weaker sex. That was not my mission or project in this trip. As a shrewd manager I'll have to get my work done without any problems and also get appreciated for my work. Now if I go on an ego conflict with Pratima, she and her friends, might create issues or hurdles for me in the coming few days, where my purpose and my company's interests may not get properly fulfilled. So, I thought it better to play along with Pratima and win her over as a friend, so that my work gets done smoothly and I get the maximum mileage of my products' promotional campaign.

All this written down might seem long, but the thought process in my brain worked fast. So while Pratima was busy ragging Mala and Mala was busy cradling me on her lap and treating me like her baby, my brain was working fast and I was deciding how to handle Pratima from now on. She might be physically stronger than me, but I'll have to beat her in the Mind game.

Chapter 2 - The Mind Game

When I got off from Mala's lap, I saw that the seat beside Pratima was vacant. Arati and Mala were sitting on the opposite lower berth. I went and sat on Pratima's side, but away from her by the window. I drank some water from the bottle and looked out of the window, without talking to anybody. My mind was still busy...I hadn't quite made up how to approach the situation. The three girls were also silent. I could feel that they were all looking at me. I was still looking out of the window. Pratima slid towards me sitting right beside me. She put her arm around my shoulders and gave a soft squeeze. I turned and looked up at her. Even sitting beside me, she was half a head taller than me. She smiled down at me and asked, "Angry on me ?"

I returned her smile, "No no, why should I be ?"

"So why aren't you talking to us?", she said.

"You want me to talk ? What do you want to hear ?" I said in a serious tone.

Pratima replied, "Whatever you want to tell me."

I smiled, "Ok let me tell you this, Pratima...Thank you... Thank you for giving me this experience. Firstly, let me tell you that, I had never been ragged in my life, not even in college. I never stayed in a hostel, so this experience was totally new. All the more so, being ragged by a girl, that too of my same age. You see, from the day I got the details of you three, I knew that all of you would be much bigger than me in size. Also obviously in strength, since you are all power-lifters. So that fact was already accepted by me. Ofcourse you wouldn't have known that, so you thought of drilling that fact into me. And that is why I want to thank you specially. I didn't have the experience of being lifted and carried by a girl. Yes, initially when you lifted me and was rocking me in your arms before the mirror, it had rattled me. But then I thought that what you were saying was correct. That actually all three of you are taller and bigger and stronger than me. So why should I be embarrassed if you can hold me easily in your arms. Especially when there are nobody else in this cabin. But when you passed me over to Mala, that broke whatever shame I had left. A girl nine years younger to me was lifting and carrying me in such a way like I was a small child. So I decided that since I cannot resist being carried by the big girls, why not enjoy the ride. After all, I was in the arms of beautiful young women. I think you big girls will spoil my taste in girls of my size. I think I'm developing a liking in being carried by tall, strong girls. Good for me, in this tournament, I'll get a wide choice. Almost all girls over there will be bigger and stronger than me."

Arati said, "But Sumit, I was watching you intently. You were not at all enjoying the ride as you say. You were very grim when Pratima or Mala were carrying you. Now you are making up stories to cover up."

Pratima said, "I'm not at all beautiful. So you must have enjoyed being on Mala's lap."

Mala quipped, "I'm also not beautiful."

I laughed, "Ladies, 'Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder'. To me, Big is Beautiful. So all of you are beauties to me."

Aarti said, "Now, another one of your stories. You never told us you liked big girls."

I smiled, "But when did we discuss this topic ? How can I say on my own that I like big, tall girls ? Then you all would think that I'm trying to flirt with you."

Aarti said, "Then how do we know that you are not trying to do that now ?"

I said, "Madam, I cannot flirt with my Clients. That's business rules. You three are my clients now. That is why I said, the tournament will give me an opportunity for plenty of my type of girls of other states...big and tall and strong." I winked meaningfully.

Pratima said, "Are you serious ?"

I asked, "Serious about what ?"

Pratima said, "That you like big, tall girls and that you cannot flirt with clients as per your company rules ?"

I smiled mischievously, "The first part is correct, the second is not ."

Aarti said, "I still don't believe you. How can a guy like girls who are bigger and taller than him ?"

I said, "I know it is not the general thing. I can't explain this, but somehow I have this weird liking. If you don't believe, I can't convince you."

I said, "Now enough of pranks and teasing me for the first day, it's getting late, let's all retire for the night. We can start our chats tomorrow morning. Now ladies, I'm going to the washroom, I'll change into something more comfortable. If you ladies want to change, you can change in this cabin only. Lock the door, I'll come back and knock."

Mala said, "I'll also go to the washroom. I'm coming with you".

Once we were near the washroom, Mala held my hand, "I'm extremely sorry Sumitji, I did not want to do all that to you. What could I do, Pratima didi is so much senior to me..."

I said, "Arrey Mala, don't bother. I know you did not want to do that. It's between issues. And one thing, don't call me Sumit ji, it sounds too formal. You call me Sumit only."

She said, "No, how can I ? You are nine years older to me. I'll call you Sumit Bhaiya then."

I changed into a pair of Bermudas and a loose tee shirt. Once back in the cabin, I found that the girls were making the beds. Railway attendant had already provided the bedsheets, pillows and blankets. The tall girls, Mala and Pratima were doing the upper berths and Aarti was doing the lower ones. Once done, Pratima and Aarti went to the washroom. When they were gone, Mala asked me, "Did you feel bad when I lifted you in my cradle ?"

I didn't answer her question directly, but said, "You really are very strong Mala, you were actually holding me like a baby on your lap. I actually felt very safe and protected when you were holding me to your breasts."

Mala's face brightened up, "Really ? In fact I was having a strange feeling when I had you lying on my lap, with your head on my shoulders and your face was actually touching the inside of my neck. I was actually feeling very protective towards you as if you are my baby boy. And to think that I'm nine years younger than you..."

The two other girls came in. Mala was about to say something more, but she stopped. I said, "So girls, pack up time."

Pratima said, " Yes, so you two go upstairs. Mala you take that seat. I'll lie down on this one. Ok, so this time who will put Sumit on his upper bunk ?" she laughed.

Aarti raised her hand, "I didn't get a chance yet. Both of your had your fun with him, now it's my turn."

Pratima looked at me, "So, Sumit, go to your new Mummy." All three were laughing, even Mala too, this time. Aarti approached me. She said, "Come my baby, come to Mummy." She bent down and picked me up on her left hip and held me with her left hand under my back. I had to wrap my legs around her waist and my hands around her shoulders. She said, "Bye girls, I'm taking my little child for a walk." She walked with me towards the door and with her free hand opened the door latch and was about to open it. I screamed, "Hey, what are you doing Aarti? You can't carry me outside like this." Aarti started laughing. She moved inside and stood in front of the mirror and was looking at me through the mirror. "Look at yourself sitting on my hips hanging onto my you still feel that you like big girls ?"

I said, "Not when the big girls bully me.."

Pratima said, "See Aarti, he is again meaning that he likes Mala's lap more than ours."

I said, "I didn't say that."

Pratima came and stood beside Aarti who was still holding me on her hip. Pratima said, "Then tell us now, whose lap did you like most ?"

I said, "No, I cannot compare the three of you, Didi"

Pratima was taken aback, "Didi ?? Why are you calling me didi ? I'm the same age as you."

I laughed, "Arrey, you only told me, when you were carrying me to think of you as your cousin sister."

Pratima protested, "No, that was because you were feeling embarrassed when I lifted you. I don't want to be your sister."

I said, "Fine, no problem for me. Now Aarti aunty can you put me up on the upper berth or you need the help of the bigger girls ?"

Now it was the turn of Aarti to protest, "Yes, I can lift you up myself, but why are you calling me aunty ?"

I laughed, "Arrey, you only said to me just now 'Come to Mummy' and also that you are taking your little child for a walk...I cannot call you Mummy, so calling you Aunty."

Aarti said, "No no don't call me Aunty..."

I said, "Ok , so everyone is now disowning their relation with me."

Pratima said, "If you want, you can call Mala your sister." (I was enjoying this now...)

I looked at Mala and smiled, "I don't want to impose any relation on anybody..if Mala wants, she can call me Bhaiya." Mala was smiling, but she didn't reply...I think she was also enjoying her seniors' predicament.

Then Aarti carried me in front of the berth and hoisted me up... This girl was also pretty strong.

I said, " Now I want to see who is going to lift Aarti up on her bunk."

Pratima came forward.

Aarti immediately replied, "No, I don't need anybody's help. I can climb up on my own." She just hosted herself up to the upper berth...I appreciated her, "Wow ! What strength in your arms, Aarti !"

I cast a glance towards Pratima... She wasn't smiling or appreciating. (Good, I thought, some competition was hotting up between the girls.)

I said, "Ok ladies, now let's all say

goodnight. Just one point, if anyone of you want to go the washroom at night, please call me, I'll go with you."

Pratima said, " Why ? We can go alone, why do you have to come? We can take care of ourselves."

I said, "Yes, I know that, but the people out there don't know that. If somebody tries some mischief, you may be able to defend yourself. But there will be an unnecessary ruckus and police issues. Why go into all that hassle and tension when you are going for a competition. If you take me along, nobody will bother you."

Pratima said, "... And if you want to go to the toilet, you call me. I can't sleep too well in the train and I'm also just diagonally opposite you, so I'll get you down."

I smiled, "Yes madam. Now you can put off the lights and just keep the night lamp on... Goodnight everybody.."

The story doesn't end here...

I was fast asleep...I get a tap on my shoulder ... I turn around to see Pratima standing beside my berth. She whispered, "I want to go to the washroom. Will you come with me please ?"

I sat up on watch says it's just past 3 am at night... The other two girls were fast asleep, one of them was snoring. Pratima held me under my thighs and pulled me onto her body. She lifted me bodily out of the berth and put me down on the ground. I wore my slippers and followed her outside, shutting the door behind us. There were nobody in the corridoor. We went out of the air-conditioned glass panelled doors towards the washroom. Once we were out of the AC corridoor, Pratima turned to face me. She came very close to me, put both her hands on my shoulders and looked down at me and whispered, " I'm sorry !"

I was surprised, "Sorry for what ?"

She made a sad face, " I tried to dominate you today. I humiliated you today in front of the girls."

She was standing so close to my body, I had to look way up to meet her eyes ... she was seven inches taller than me. I said, "It's ok, Pratima, it was just playful ragging. I didn't mind. As you said then, I was amongst friends."

Her face lit up with a bright smile, "Really ? You are so good..even after I bullied you so much.. you are calling me a friend..can I hug you my friend ?"

I just smiled and nodded. Pratima bent down, put one arm behind my back and the other arm behind my thighs and stood up cradling me in her arms. With the suddenness of her action and the jerkings of the train, my hands instinctively went around her neck. She pulled both her hands tightly so that my body squeezed over her breasts. She pulled my face very close to hers and kissed me full on my lips...a long hard kiss. I was suspended in mid air so high up on her body, lying on her strong arms. She looked at me straight in my eyes, holding my face close to hers and whispered, "Sumit, I think I'm falling in love with you..." Then abruptly she put me down and went into the washroom.

I stood there dazed... What was that ? How did this transformation happen in her ? I wasn't getting any plausible answer.

She came out after a few minutes. I told her to go the cabin, "I'll just go to the washroom and come back".

She said she'll wait there. I told her, it's unsafe to wait alone.. She said, "If somebody comes I'll say, my boyfriend is inside, so I'm waiting." I smiled at her and went in.

We went back to the cabin. She picked me up again and placed me on my upper berth. Then softly patted my cheek, smiled and went to her berth and laid down. She mouthed a silent Good Night and giving me a big smile, closed her eyes.

I knew tomorrow will be quite interesting......