The Four Wheel Saga Book - 2 in English Fiction Stories by Noah Clementine books and stories PDF | The Four Wheel Saga Book - 2 - Prelude: The Dragon's Day Out

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The Four Wheel Saga Book - 2 - Prelude: The Dragon's Day Out

A minute passed in silence, and then there was the rustling of leaves and breaking of twigs. A tall, well-built figure emerged from the wilderness. He wore dark baggy warrior breeches and a sleeveless, black armor vest; a leather mask covered half of his face. Youthful hair fell to his shoulders.

Yorokobi: "Who are you? Identify yourself!"

Stranger (loudly): "I feel no warrant to be known to weak men- who are about to die."

Yorokobi: "You sound pretty pompous for a bandit and smuggler. Tell me, what artifact did you make use of, to teleport? The Overlord has banned black market items in these lands. We will confiscate what is in your possession, and produce it before him. If you submit willingly, we will let you live, but prepare to spend a long time in the dungeons."

The stranger exploded into laughter as if the mention of the dungeons was a familiar limerick. It was adolescent laughter that gave away his youth. Yorokobi estimated him to be in his twenties, perhaps about his age. A life wasted, he thought. But he kept his ideas to himself.

Chief Bursar Uno, peeking from the deck, had seen all that had transpired. He abandoned his luxurious breakfast and ran into the cabin after instructing his mercenaries to join the fight. The deck guards of Yorokobi's squad also joined their captain.

The stranger put on a somber face as he surveyed the eleven defenders- six Karasuma warriors led by a captain and four hardy mercenaries from Karasuki. He thrust his hand into the air, and a large weapon apparated in his grip. It was a seiton technique. Yorokobi spied the weapon- a pitch-black, four-foot-long, double-edged ax; there was something primeval about it.

The sun slipped behind a cloud, and the morning went dim. The stranger placed the ax’s head on a shoulder and taunted the defenders with an open fist.

Yorokobi: "It seems you have a death wish. Very well."

The Captain uttered a low whistle. Five guards took positions around him in a battle formation—two on either side and one behind. And together, they started advancing at a slow pace. The remaining guard sprinted to his left and disappeared into the woods.

Yorokobi barked an order, and the formation guards activated quick kitsu sequences.

Fui-kitsu water wolf!!

Four water wolves splashed onto the battlefield and dashed forward on a collision path with the target. The battle formation also spurred on. This will be over in a few moments, Yorokobi thought.

The stranger stood motionless until the wolves were frighteningly close to him. Abruptly, he breathed in, muttered a few inaudible words, and banged the head of the ax on the ground. Almost instantly, a ten-foot wall of fire erupted in front of him and raced ahead- evaporating the wolves and moving onward towards the squad. It grew in the expanse as it sped towards them, taking the form of a winged beast. It rumbled and growled. Yorokobi's heart did a double-take. What enormous raiki must this individual possess to summon such an over-powered offense? He had never seen such a queer fire beast. Was it a dragon? But the Captain was battle-hardened. He immediately made a counter. A simple water wall won't work, he concluded.

Fui-kitsu triple water wall!

Water walls swept forward like sea waves, colliding against the fire onslaught and vaporizing instantly.

Chisssssssshhhh! Chwissshhhh! Chwussshhhhh!

The raging fire-beast diminished but was still alive. It spread its wings and advanced for the kill. The Captain had to think fast- he amassed copious raiki and invoked his most powerful fire defense.

Fui-kitsu cloudburst!

A thunder crack sounded, and a downpour of rain flooded the field for a few seconds. The fire beast leaped for the last time and died in a fracas of steam and smoke. A layer of mist and vapor sloped into the air like a tornado. Yorokobi spied on his adversary. He still stood in the same position, unmoving. Was he as strong as a Kin Lord? Who was he, really? No matter. It will be over soon. Karasuma warriors were excellent assassins.

A silhouette emerged from the dark of the forest into the foliage behind the stranger. It was the guard who had run off into the woods at the beginning of the battle. He dived off a branch, headlong- a dagger pointed at the back of his target. Yorokobi saw the stranger move for a second; it was a flicker. Or was it too fast for his eyes to see? And the next moment- the assassin guard fell behind him- his body cleaved into two. The stranger had swung his ax in a split second and returned to his position. The assassin never had a chance.

Yorokobi clenched his teeth and uttered a growl of anguish. The layer of mist and foam descended from the sky. The terrorized captain searched for his opponent. In the translucent atmosphere of vapor, he could see a pair of glowing eyes. And without a doubt, they were yellow. An Ishigami? Impossible!

Yorokobi paid some attention to his surroundings. The mercenaries had fled and were trying to unlock the ship. He had to keep the stranger occupied long enough for the Chief Bursar to escape. His mission was paramount.

He felt his raiki reserves returning and made them surge for an ultimate attack.

Doi-kitsu storm explosion!!

The attack hit the target and blasted a hole in the ground. As the dust settled, Yorokobi found that the stranger was nowhere in his line of sight. How could he dodge at such a short distance? Everything was happening too fast for him to understand. There were sudden thuds around him. Without looking, he could tell that the heads of his squad members had been lopped off. He felt a presence behind him, and he tried to swing his sword back in an arc. But his arm wouldn't work. He looked, horrified, at the ground and saw- his arm had been chopped off like a vegetable- in a splatter of blood. At that moment, he realized that if he did not use his ocular powers, he would die.

The Captain's eyes flooded with pink and became rouge. Behind him, the ax came for his head but missed. He was already off the ground. The rootlets of a nearby alder tree had come to life, bound his feet, and catapulted him into the air. Chlorokinesis. Yorokobi was shot a hundred feet into the air as a projectile, far from the battlefield. As his body hurtled upwards, the sun came out from behind the clouds, and the Captain saw the stranger jump onto the ship. Chief Bursar Uno will not have another breakfast ever again. It was his last thought- before the pain of his injury took over, and his rouge eyes went dark. His body dropped into the frothing rapids of the Reisui river. And disappeared.