Mystery of Jorawar Garh and Rambhala in English Fiction Stories by Shakti Singh Negi books and stories PDF | Mystery of Jorawar Garh and Rambhala

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Mystery of Jorawar Garh and Rambhala

Mystery of Jorawar Garh and Rambhala

Author ---- Shakti Singh Negi

Mystery of Jorawar Garh and Rambhala

I am a writer. My articles and stories keep getting published in magazines and social media. Letters from many readers and readers keep coming to me in this regard. I had just woken up. After retiring from daily routine, I was writing something in my study room when suddenly someone rang the call-bell. I got up and opened the door and saw that the post man was standing at the door.

He gave me a letter. When I opened the letter, I came to know that it was a letter from a princess of a former princely state of Rajasthan. The letter paper was very expensive and fragrant. The princess whose name was Princess Priya wrote that

Mr Pratap Singh
I am a petty reader of your works. I have corresponded with you earlier also. I requested you to visit the ancient library of my state. You have given your consent in this matter. Can you come over to our poor dinner this week? You can also talk to me on the phone. My phone number is.

-----Princess of Jorawargarh

Miss Priya

I made a call from my mobile on the given mobile number. Priya picked up the phone only. I told Priya that by this Monday I will reach Zorawar Garh. It was just 5 days since it was Monday. I started preparing. I put two or three pairs of good clothes, diary, pen, few rupees etc. in a small bag. And headed towards the bus stand.

From there I reached Rishikesh in a journey of 5 hours. I reached Delhi after catching a bus from Rishikesh. I reached Jaipur by taking a bus from Delhi. I stayed in a hotel in Jaipur. After taking a bath there, I had food and slept peacefully. After spending a day or two in Jaipur, I called Priya and told her that I would reach Zorawargarh the next day.

The next day I booked a buggy and reached Jorawar Garh. Jorawar Garh was 45 km away from Jaipur. Priya warmly welcomed me. Priya was a very beautiful girl of thirty-five years old. The look of majestic awe was on his handsome face. She was very fair complexion and five and a half feet tall. At this time she was wearing jeans and a top.

Raje - The princely states were abolished after independence. But some former kings and princesses became leaders, industrialists etc. after independence. Princess Priya's father had immense wealth and palaces. Chatur Priya converted 9 of her 10 palaces into five star hotels and kept one of the most luxurious palaces - the Raj Palace for her stay.

I was accommodated in the Guest House of the Raj Palace. It had all modern facilities. I fell asleep as soon as I left. After a few hours I woke up. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then put on other clothes and sat on the sofa. Now I looked at the room and saw that the room was very clean. Some rare books and empty notebooks were kept on a side table. Some pens were also kept there. I understood that this arrangement is for me only.

I took a blank notebook and started writing on it. The pen and notebook paper were both expensive and smelly. After studying rare books, I started writing their summaries in notebooks. Then the call bell rang. When I opened the door, I saw Princess Priya standing with a plate of food in her hands. Two female bodyguards were standing with him. Priya came in with the plate and placed the plate on an empty table in front. Both bodyguards stood outside.

Priya - You have your food.

Me - ok princess.

Priya - I will come in a while.

Me - ok sir.

I had my meal and slept after washing my hands. I woke up at 4:00 in the morning, after retiring from daily activities, after doing exercise, yoga, etc., I took a bath and started writing on the notebook. At around 8:00 Priya entered the room and said, let me show you my library. After breakfast, we both got ready.

I reached the library with Priya. The library was in a long hall. There were beautiful expensive big cupboards. Books were kept neatly in them. At the door of the library stood four big-mustache wrestlers holding guns.

Wear white clothes recently, three or four people were sitting. Everyone greeted both of us as soon as we arrived. Priya said this is the eminent writer of our country, Pratap Singh ji. His fame has spread all over the country and abroad. He is well versed in many languages. His writings run on many subjects.

I looked through the books and found that all the best books of the world are present here. And many rare books of the world are also there.

Then coming to the issue Priya said, you stay in our Raj Mahal and write a book about me and my family.

Why should I?

Priya - I want you to write about us in such a way that the prestige of our dynasty increases further.

Me - That's fine, Kumari ji. But why would I do this?

Priya - So that the people of the country know about our contribution towards the country.

Me - but I will only write true things.

Priya - All right. I will pay whatever fee you want for this.

Me - ok. I too have children. But I will not work as a servant. You can pay me fee on contract basis.

Priya - (jumping with joy) - All right. I will give you ₹ 40 crores for this work.

Me - that's too little. I will take 110 crores.

Priya - All right. The talk is confirmed on 101 crores.

Me - ok sir. You put this amount in this account. (I gave my account number to Priya.)

Priya - Now in 2 minutes I will put this amount in your account. (Priya calls her manager and tells him in a somewhat prescriptive tone.)

One hundred and one crore rupees on my mobile in a while. A message comes to my account.

Priya - You increase my honor by staying here in the palace. Your living - food, travel - everything will be from my side. Also, I gift you a five star hotel and a car.

Me - thank you. Now tell me where to start.

Priya - It's your choice. All my resources are at your service.

I - I will travel around the area - will study in the library. I will write

Priya - thank you.

Now sitting in the car given by Priya, I alone went on a tour of the entire Jorawar fort. Inspect all hotels in Priya. Stayed with the staff there for some time in the hotel found in the gift. Took some notes and went to his room.

Coming into the room, I took some rest and after taking a bath, I stood in the balcony. Priya had got new clothes and different types of cents kept in the room. I used them a lot.

Often I used to go with Priya to visit the city and forests of Jorawargarh. Till now I had been in Jorawargarh for 2 months. So I was familiar with every bit of here. Priya used to treat me like a senior friend.

The population of Jorawargarh was about 20 lakhs. This population was settled in the fort and outside the fort. Everyone here was very prosperous. But 40% of the people were very poor. That is, 8 lakh people were very poor.

Although now they were the subjects of India. But these people still considered Priya as their queen. I started earning about one crore rupees per month from my hotel. I started investing half of this income i.e. 50 lakh rupees per month on the upliftment of the poor, education, food, house, medicine etc.

Priya was very pleased with my work. He also earned half of his earning i.e. Rs. Started spending every month on the upliftment of the poor.

I increased the salary and facilities of the employees in my hotel. Reduced working hours to 8 hours. Hired new good employees. And took out some old work-thieves rogue employees. Now the hotel started running even better. Seeing this, Priya thought of doing the same in her hotels. I fully supported him in this work.

On my advice, Priya also increased the salary and facilities of the employees of her palace and also reduced their working hours to 8 hours. Now the employees and the public became very happy and happy with us. I advised Priya to enter politics. Priya took ticket from a reputed party to M.P. won the election. On Priya's request, I also joined politics and I too joined M.P. Has been made.

Now due to government efforts and our personal efforts, the people here became happy and prosperous. All the poor had become rich. Till now I had written half a book titled History of Jorawar Garh. 2 years had passed. Meanwhile, I used to keep going to my house after taking permission from Priya. The population was stabilized by implementing family planning completely in Jorawargarh.

I wrote in the book after earning a lot of important information from the study of thousands of books, museums, old civilizations etc. I also wrote information about the sites and archaeological sites around the Jorawar fort in the book. Now this story came out with this information.

9000 years ago from today there was a pre-Dwarka period civilization. There was a Mahabharata era civilization here 5000 years ago. This great fortress has withstood many attacks. The male skeletons found in the excavation revealed that people of many castes and civilizations had trade relations with here. Many invaders attacked here. DNA of a 9000 year old male skeleton The DNA of Princess Priya herself. Got from

This 9000 year old male skeleton belonged to Maharaj Vishwajit. He was a very mighty king. He was buried with some of his subjects in the rubble of the city devastated by the earthquake. 5000 years ago, the kings here were on the side of the Pandavas in the Mahabharata war. The kings here fought with the Shakas, Scythians, Huns, Mughals and the British. Raj Kumari Priya was the 286th descendant of Lord Rama.

This 286th descendant did the upliftment and development of the subjects under the direction of his friend Pratap. Now the book was complete. Priya got this book published from a reputed publication. All the royalty was given in the name of Pratap.

Pratap now bids farewell to Priya. Priya bid farewell to Pratap with tearful eyes. But took the promise to keep meeting occasionally.

mystery of rambhala

Pratap was studying a rare book sitting in his study. His wife was typing what he said on Microsoft Word on the computer. Suddenly his mobile started ringing. When Pratap picked up the phone, Priya's voice came - Greetings dear friend Pratap.

Pratap - Hello. Tell me Priya. What's up?

Priya - You are well. You make yours heard.

Pratap - Everything is fine here too, sir. My only daughter Rishika has secured first position in NEET exam across the country and now she has taken admission in a reputed college.

Priya - Then you will be alone in the house Miya-Bibi? How will you spend your time?

Pratap - I have associated my wife with my writing business. I keep on speaking and she keeps on typing.

Priya - Who else cooks the food? Hahaha.

Pratap - We also prepare food together. Hahaha. Tell me how did you remember?

Priya - there is work for you in Africa. A current king there wants to write the history of his dynasty from you.

Pratap - Ok give his contact number.

Priya gives Raja's contact number to Pratap. Pratap talks to Raja. Raja speaks in English. Raja transfers 2 crore rupees to Pratap's account for tickets etc. Two days later, Pratap puts some of his clothes and stationery in his small bag and leaves his wife and heads towards the airport. From there, he reaches the city of Pulupulu in Africa by flight.

He reaches the king's palace in Pulupulu by a car sent by the king. A grand welcome to King Pratap in his palace. The king was black in colour, seven feet tall, in Balishchha and European garb. The king's name was Kingalu.

Kingaloo (in English) - You are welcome sir.

Pratap - Thank you Kingaloo ji.

Kingaloo - Did you have any trouble coming to Africa, sir?

Pratap - No sir.

Kingaloo - We have called you to write the history of our ancestors and the continent of Africa, sir.

Pratap - Thank you sir.

Kingaloo - We will give you the remuneration you want sir.

Pratap - Thanks sir.

Kingaloo - We will give you two billion Indian rupees. Along with a dog of African breed, a palace, a five star hotel, expensive car and 20 slaves - maidens are yours.

Pratap - Thank you. You put this amount in my account and hand over other things to me. Here is my account number.

Kingaloo immediately transfers the money to Pratap's account and accompanies Pratap to a palace.

Kingaloo - This palace, dog, car, slaves and slaves belonged to you. The five star hotel standing in front also happened to be yours. Here are their documents.

Pratap - Thanks sir.

For a few days, Pratap travels with Kingaloo to his country and the entire continent of Africa. And keeps on noting important things in his diary.

Till now Pratap has been in Africa for 6 months. In this time he has learned a lot about the important places and history of Africa. His loyal dog Rambo and bodyguard Jabua also live with him like shadows.

Pratap is getting an income equivalent to two crore Indian rupees per month from his hotel. Pratap increases the salary and facilities of his hotel staff. Hires some good new employees and removes some old sloppy and quarrelsome employees. He reduces the working hours to 8 hours. All this further increases the income of his hotel. Employees become happy and prosperous.

Pratap spends half his hotel income of ₹ 1 crore every month for the development of the poor there. Maharaj Kin- Galu is very happy with Pratap's actions. In the Kingdom of Kingaloo 80% of the people were poor. Kingaloo had a lot of money. He spends some of it in helping the poor. Within no time, facilities like bread, cloth, house, employment etc are available to the poor in the country.

At the behest of Pratap, Kingaloo implements one curriculum, one flag, one language, one common law, one constitution, in his country. Kingaloo stabilizes the population of his country by family planning. He also does the work of consolidation, modernization of agriculture, etc. Now the country of Kingaloo becomes happy and prosperous.

Till now Pratap had been there for 1 year. In between, he used to go to his home in India and elsewhere with permission from Kingaloo. By now he had written almost half of the book called History of Africa.

Kingaloo told Pratap that a man-eating lion was eating people. Let's hunt the lion. Kingalu and Pratap along with some soldiers went to the forest to hunt the lion. Suddenly a man-eating lion attacked Kingaloo. Kingaloo fired several shots. But no bullet hit Pratap. Suddenly Pratap clashed with the unarmed lion. Pratap killed the lion with his hands and feet and made him a recruiter. The lion died.

Kingaloo was overjoyed. He thanked his life savior Pratap very much. Kingalu gifted Pratap a huge island built in the sea. And at the same time gave many rupees, gold, silver, gems, rubies etc. Kingalu made Pratap the king of that island. Also given a military contingent of 5000 people.

Pratap declared himself an independent king as soon as he became the king of that island. Two lakh people lived in dilapidated condition on that island. Pratap first controlled the population and got him selected. Now the population of Deep has stabilized only at 2 lakhs. Pratap leveled the entire island with modern machines and established a farm-garden, a modern smart city. Pratap settled 200,000 tribals of the island in the newly built city. They were provided employment, bread, clothes, house, education, medicine and other facilities.

Pratap also gave modern military training to all the adults of his new subjects. There were 50000 children and old people there. Half a million people were adults. Now Pratap had a huge army of more than one and a half lakhs. There were both men and women in it. Pratap provided world class facilities to his subjects. Established Army, Navy, Navy Army, Police, Border Security Team etc. business promoted.

Pratap earned a lot of money from the gold and silver mines in the island. Half the money was kept in the development of the island and half in the basement. Pearls were extracted from the sea. In a short time, this country became a superpower from the economic and strategic point of view. Pratap married a beautiful girl here and connected his blood relation with the islanders. Pratap named this country as Pratapland.

This country got the recognition of the United Nations. Pratap made one religion, one language, one culture, one country, one law, one constitution, one flag, one curriculum, one currency compulsory. It made it mandatory for everyone to live in a European manner and to wear European dress. Outside scientists also settled in this island. This country also made a lot of progress in the field of space science.

Kingalu was very happy with Pratap's actions. He also followed Pratap in his country. Kingalu also married his daughter to Pratap. Pratap used to come and go to his house in India from time to time. Meanwhile, due to the efforts of Kingaloo, Pratap was made the President of the Association of African Countries. Meanwhile Pratap had almost completed his book. Now only one chapter was left to be added to the book.
Rambhala was a mysterious fort in Pulupulu. At night, a four-armed man used to roam in that fort. He used to kill and eat the humans and animals passing by.

Pratap and Kingalu walked towards the fort with 10 soldiers with them. Soldiers were equipped with arrows - bow, spear, sword, gun. They reached the main gate of the fort. Suddenly a swarm of bats came and attacked his soldiers. The soldiers fired arrows, spears, bullets in response. Some bats were killed. The rest fled. Two soldiers of Kingaloo were also killed in the bat attack. The whole fort was surrounded by wild bushes and trees. The rest moved on. Suddenly many snakes attacked the second door. The soldiers started moving forward by firing arrows and bullets. 2 soldiers died here also due to snake bites.

Now a total of 6 soldiers Kingalu and Pratap were left. On reaching the third door, a 10-foot black man attacked. This man had four hands. His body was like a man from the head down. Instead of his head, he had the head of a lion. All the people surrounded that demon and started attacking. The demon started killing the soldiers one by one. Suddenly Kingaloo thrust a spear into the demon's heart.

The surviving soldiers were raining bullets and arrows on the demon. But it was not having any effect on him. Suddenly Pratap jumped the sword and hit the demon's neck. The demon's neck was cut and fell away. The demon fell and died. Now only 2 soldiers, Kingalu and Pratap were left alive. Together they collected dry grass, wood etc. and burnt the demon's body to ashes.

Now all four have come out. Now Kingaloo ordered his other soldiers to demolish this old fort. The soldiers destroyed the fort within a few hours by taking shovels, sabbal etc. The four-armed lion-faced demon was actually an extinct species of primitive man. With the end of this demon, there was a wave of happiness in the whole country. Pratap also added the mystery of Rambhala to his book and completed the book.

This book was also published by a reputed publication and Pratap got a lot of money as royalty. Kingaloo was overjoyed at the completion of the book. In this joy he organized a huge celebration.

Pratap on Mars

Pratap's space mission was going on in full swing. Together with NASA and ISRO, Pratap started the work of establishing settlements on Mars. Pratap settled 5000 humans of his country on Mars. Their settlements were settled on Mars at 5 places in the group of thousand - thousand.

Suddenly green dwarf Mars humans started attacking Pratap's people. Pratap defeated them and drove them aside. By making a settlement for these, Pratap settled all the green dwarf Mars humans in a certain area. Pratap stabilized their population by controlling them. Now these people made friends with Pratap. Their number was about four thousand. Pratap married his queen Kutipiya.

Pratap also built an army on Mars. In this there were 500 Hare Mars humans and 2000 his own soldiers. Now the emperor of Mars, Pratap and Kutipia were the empress. A son was born to them, Bebruven. Pratap made it the crown prince of Mars.

An artificial atmosphere was created on Mars. Fields, canals, groves, etc. were also built.

After this Pratap also established settlements of 5000 human beings on the moon. Similarly, Pratap established settlements on all the planets of the solar system. Only the planet Venus was left. Under the guidance of Shukracharya, 20 billion fierce giants lived on the planet Venus. Pratap attacked Venus with only a thousand advanced soldiers. A huge army of demons came to the field. But the demons could not stand in front of Pratap's fighting skills and war technology. Most of the demon soldiers were killed within a few hours. The demons gave up. Pratap captured the planet Venus and except a few demons, everyone else was sterilized. The demons were pushed to one corner of the planet. The demons settled in that corner. Pratap married the princess of the demons. From this a son was born to him named Khatotkucha. Pratap also became the emperor of the planet Venus. Pratap made this son the crown prince of Venus.

Meanwhile, impressed by Pratap's growing popularity, all the countries of the earth together accepted Pratap as their emperor. Now Pratap had become the emperor of all the planets of the solar system. Suddenly at the same time some strange humans started attacking Pratap's army. It was created by human fire. Some fire humans were caught. Pratap's scientists did research on these. When Pratap's intelligence department questioned the fire humans, it was found that these people live secretly on the sun. Pratap's scientists made special vehicles and clothes to go to the sun.

Now Pratap attacked Surya Lok. Agni humans used to live on Surya Lok. But he was defeated by Pratap's army. Pratap got everyone sterilized except a few thousand Agni humans. Now they started living in a cottage there. Pratap got a son named Sudharma from the princess there. Pratap declared it as the crown prince of Surya Lok.

Now Pratap had become the emperor of the entire solar system. Therefore Pratap assumed the title of Sarva Samrat. And made his only daughter Rishika as Sarva Yuvaraj. Pratap placed a state-of-the-art military contingent of two and a half thousand soldiers on the Sun and other planets to Sudharma. and established 5000 - 5000 other human settlements.

He sent advanced cows and buffaloes to all the planets and the Sun. Improved agriculture was done there. Tight administration of every planet and sun was kept. A wave of joy and prosperity ran through the entire solar system. Now Pratap's target was the solar system and the galaxy itself. His scientists started researching the possibility of going there.

conquer the universe

Pratap formed a detachment of 5000 soldiers. This unit was a state-of-the-art military contingent. Its vehicles used to travel faster than the speed of light. Pratap made Khatotkuch's son Barbara its commander. Under the leadership of the barbaric, this army set out to conquer the universe. This army captured many solar systems and galaxies. Devlok fell on the way. The barbarians made a friendly treaty with them. Then Kaal Lok fell on the way. The barbarian bowed his head to Kaal. In the end, the abode of God came. To whom did the barbarian touch the feet of God with love? God gave his blessings to the barbarian.

The barbarian returned after conquering the entire universe. Pratap hugged his grandson Barbar. Now a wave of happiness ran through the entire cosmic kingdom of Pratap. Pratap assumed the title of the universe emperor. Pratap came to be called Pratap Dev. Devraj also got the paan of wonderful nectar to Maharaj Pratap Dev. Devraj also gave many heavenly gifts to his best friend Pratap Dev. Among them the idol of Kamadhenu was Samdhenu, the idol of Kalpa tree was Jhalpavriksha, etc. In this way Pratap Dev became the cosmic emperor of the entire universe, Danuj, Manuj and other beings. Pratap Dev bowed down to the Supreme Lord and thanked the Supreme Lord by accepting his position as the great servant of all.

Pratap also limited the population here by controlling the population on the earth. Due to these actions, the power of God 'Prakriti Devi' was very pleased on Pratap and his subjects.Mystery of Jorawar Garh and Rambhala

Author ---- Shakti Singh Negi

Mystery of Jorawar Garh and Rambhala

I am a writer. My articles and stories keep getting published in magazines and social media. Letters from many readers and readers keep coming to me in this regard. I had just woken up. After retiring from daily routine, I was writing something in my study room when suddenly someone rang the call-bell. I got up and opened the door and saw that the post man was standing at the door.

He gave me a letter. When I opened the letter, I came to know that it was a letter from a princess of a former princely state of Rajasthan. The letter paper was very expensive and fragrant. The princess whose name was Princess Priya wrote that

Mr Pratap Singh
I am a petty reader of your works. I have corresponded with you earlier also. I requested you to visit the ancient library of my state. You have given your consent in this matter. Can you come over to our poor dinner this week? You can also talk to me on the phone. My phone number is.

-----Princess of Jorawargarh

Miss Priya

I made a call from my mobile on the given mobile number. Priya picked up the phone only. I told Priya that by this Monday I will reach Zorawar Garh. It was just 5 days since it was Monday. I started preparing. I put two or three pairs of good clothes, diary, pen, few rupees etc. in a small bag. And headed towards the bus stand.

From there I reached Rishikesh in a journey of 5 hours. I reached Delhi after catching a bus from Rishikesh. I reached Jaipur by taking a bus from Delhi. I stayed in a hotel in Jaipur. After taking a bath there, I had food and slept peacefully. After spending a day or two in Jaipur, I called Priya and told her that I would reach Zorawargarh the next day.

The next day I booked a buggy and reached Jorawar Garh. Jorawar Garh was 45 km away from Jaipur. Priya warmly welcomed me. Priya was a very beautiful girl of thirty-five years old. The look of majestic awe was on his handsome face. She was very fair complexion and five and a half feet tall. At this time she was wearing jeans and a top.

Raje - The princely states were abolished after independence. But some former kings and princesses became leaders, industrialists etc. after independence. Princess Priya's father had immense wealth and palaces. Chatur Priya converted 9 of her 10 palaces into five star hotels and kept one of the most luxurious palaces - the Raj Palace for her stay.

I was accommodated in the Guest House of the Raj Palace. It had all modern facilities. I fell asleep as soon as I left. After a few hours I woke up. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then put on other clothes and sat on the sofa. Now I looked at the room and saw that the room was very clean. Some rare books and empty notebooks were kept on a side table. Some pens were also kept there. I understood that this arrangement is for me only.

I took a blank notebook and started writing on it. The pen and notebook paper were both expensive and smelly. After studying rare books, I started writing their summaries in notebooks. Then the call bell rang. When I opened the door, I saw Princess Priya standing with a plate of food in her hands. Two female bodyguards were standing with him. Priya came in with the plate and placed the plate on an empty table in front. Both bodyguards stood outside.

Priya - You have your food.

Me - ok princess.

Priya - I will come in a while.

Me - ok sir.

I had my meal and slept after washing my hands. I woke up at 4:00 in the morning, after retiring from daily activities, after doing exercise, yoga, etc., I took a bath and started writing on the notebook. At around 8:00 Priya entered the room and said, let me show you my library. After breakfast, we both got ready.

I reached the library with Priya. The library was in a long hall. There were beautiful expensive big cupboards. Books were kept neatly in them. At the door of the library stood four big-mustache wrestlers holding guns.

Wear white clothes recently, three or four people were sitting. Everyone greeted both of us as soon as we arrived. Priya said this is the eminent writer of our country, Pratap Singh ji. His fame has spread all over the country and abroad. He is well versed in many languages. His writings run on many subjects.

I looked through the books and found that all the best books of the world are present here. And many rare books of the world are also there.

Then coming to the issue Priya said, you stay in our Raj Mahal and write a book about me and my family.

Why should I?

Priya - I want you to write about us in such a way that the prestige of our dynasty increases further.

Me - That's fine, Kumari ji. But why would I do this?

Priya - So that the people of the country know about our contribution towards the country.

Me - but I will only write true things.

Priya - All right. I will pay whatever fee you want for this.

Me - ok. I too have children. But I will not work as a servant. You can pay me fee on contract basis.

Priya - (jumping with joy) - All right. I will give you ₹ 40 crores for this work.

Me - that's too little. I will take 110 crores.

Priya - All right. The talk is confirmed on 101 crores.

Me - ok sir. You put this amount in this account. (I gave my account number to Priya.)

Priya - Now in 2 minutes I will put this amount in your account. (Priya calls her manager and tells him in a somewhat prescriptive tone.)

One hundred and one crore rupees on my mobile in a while. A message comes to my account.

Priya - You increase my honor by staying here in the palace. Your living - food, travel - everything will be from my side. Also, I gift you a five star hotel and a car.

Me - thank you. Now tell me where to start.

Priya - It's your choice. All my resources are at your service.

I - I will travel around the area - will study in the library. I will write

Priya - thank you.

Now sitting in the car given by Priya, I alone went on a tour of the entire Jorawar fort. Inspect all hotels in Priya. Stayed with the staff there for some time in the hotel found in the gift. Took some notes and went to his room.

Coming into the room, I took some rest and after taking a bath, I stood in the balcony. Priya had got new clothes and different types of cents kept in the room. I used them a lot.

Often I used to go with Priya to visit the city and forests of Jorawargarh. Till now I had been in Jorawargarh for 2 months. So I was familiar with every bit of here. Priya used to treat me like a senior friend.

The population of Jorawargarh was about 20 lakhs. This population was settled in the fort and outside the fort. Everyone here was very prosperous. But 40% of the people were very poor. That is, 8 lakh people were very poor.

Although now they were the subjects of India. But these people still considered Priya as their queen. I started earning about one crore rupees per month from my hotel. I started investing half of this income i.e. 50 lakh rupees per month on the upliftment of the poor, education, food, house, medicine etc.

Priya was very pleased with my work. He also earned half of his earning i.e. Rs. Started spending every month on the upliftment of the poor.

I increased the salary and facilities of the employees in my hotel. Reduced working hours to 8 hours. Hired new good employees. And took out some old work-thieves rogue employees. Now the hotel started running even better. Seeing this, Priya thought of doing the same in her hotels. I fully supported him in this work.

On my advice, Priya also increased the salary and facilities of the employees of her palace and also reduced their working hours to 8 hours. Now the employees and the public became very happy and happy with us. I advised Priya to enter politics. Priya took ticket from a reputed party to M.P. won the election. On Priya's request, I also joined politics and I too joined M.P. Has been made.

Now due to government efforts and our personal efforts, the people here became happy and prosperous. All the poor had become rich. Till now I had written half a book titled History of Jorawar Garh. 2 years had passed. Meanwhile, I used to keep going to my house after taking permission from Priya. The population was stabilized by implementing family planning completely in Jorawargarh.

I wrote in the book after earning a lot of important information from the study of thousands of books, museums, old civilizations etc. I also wrote information about the sites and archaeological sites around the Jorawar fort in the book. Now this story came out with this information.

9000 years ago from today there was a pre-Dwarka period civilization. There was a Mahabharata era civilization here 5000 years ago. This great fortress has withstood many attacks. The male skeletons found in the excavation revealed that people of many castes and civilizations had trade relations with here. Many invaders attacked here. DNA of a 9000 year old male skeleton The DNA of Princess Priya herself. Got from

This 9000 year old male skeleton belonged to Maharaj Vishwajit. He was a very mighty king. He was buried with some of his subjects in the rubble of the city devastated by the earthquake. 5000 years ago, the kings here were on the side of the Pandavas in the Mahabharata war. The kings here fought with the Shakas, Scythians, Huns, Mughals and the British. Raj Kumari Priya was the 286th descendant of Lord Rama.

This 286th descendant did the upliftment and development of the subjects under the direction of his friend Pratap. Now the book was complete. Priya got this book published from a reputed publication. All the royalty was given in the name of Pratap.

Pratap now bids farewell to Priya. Priya bid farewell to Pratap with tearful eyes. But took the promise to keep meeting occasionally.

mystery of rambhala

Pratap was studying a rare book sitting in his study. His wife was typing what he said on Microsoft Word on the computer. Suddenly his mobile started ringing. When Pratap picked up the phone, Priya's voice came - Greetings dear friend Pratap.

Pratap - Hello. Tell me Priya. What's up?

Priya - You are well. You make yours heard.

Pratap - Everything is fine here too, sir. My only daughter Rishika has secured first position in NEET exam across the country and now she has taken admission in a reputed college.

Priya - Then you will be alone in the house Miya-Bibi? How will you spend your time?

Pratap - I have associated my wife with my writing business. I keep on speaking and she keeps on typing.

Priya - Who else cooks the food? Hahaha.

Pratap - We also prepare food together. Hahaha. Tell me how did you remember?

Priya - there is work for you in Africa. A current king there wants to write the history of his dynasty from you.

Pratap - Ok give his contact number.

Priya gives Raja's contact number to Pratap. Pratap talks to Raja. Raja speaks in English. Raja transfers 2 crore rupees to Pratap's account for tickets etc. Two days later, Pratap puts some of his clothes and stationery in his small bag and leaves his wife and heads towards the airport. From there, he reaches the city of Pulupulu in Africa by flight.

He reaches the king's palace in Pulupulu by a car sent by the king. A grand welcome to King Pratap in his palace. The king was black in colour, seven feet tall, in Balishchha and European garb. The king's name was Kingalu.

Kingaloo (in English) - You are welcome sir.

Pratap - Thank you Kingaloo ji.

Kingaloo - Did you have any trouble coming to Africa, sir?

Pratap - No sir.

Kingaloo - We have called you to write the history of our ancestors and the continent of Africa, sir.

Pratap - Thank you sir.

Kingaloo - We will give you the remuneration you want sir.

Pratap - Thanks sir.

Kingaloo - We will give you two billion Indian rupees. Along with a dog of African breed, a palace, a five star hotel, expensive car and 20 slaves - maidens are yours.

Pratap - Thank you. You put this amount in my account and hand over other things to me. Here is my account number.

Kingaloo immediately transfers the money to Pratap's account and accompanies Pratap to a palace.

Kingaloo - This palace, dog, car, slaves and slaves belonged to you. The five star hotel standing in front also happened to be yours. Here are their documents.

Pratap - Thanks sir.

For a few days, Pratap travels with Kingaloo to his country and the entire continent of Africa. And keeps on noting important things in his diary.

Till now Pratap has been in Africa for 6 months. In this time he has learned a lot about the important places and history of Africa. His loyal dog Rambo and bodyguard Jabua also live with him like shadows.

Pratap is getting an income equivalent to two crore Indian rupees per month from his hotel. Pratap increases the salary and facilities of his hotel staff. Hires some good new employees and removes some old sloppy and quarrelsome employees. He reduces the working hours to 8 hours. All this further increases the income of his hotel. Employees become happy and prosperous.

Pratap spends half his hotel income of ₹ 1 crore every month for the development of the poor there. Maharaj Kin- Galu is very happy with Pratap's actions. In the Kingdom of Kingaloo 80% of the people were poor. Kingaloo had a lot of money. He spends some of it in helping the poor. Within no time, facilities like bread, cloth, house, employment etc are available to the poor in the country.

At the behest of Pratap, Kingaloo implements one curriculum, one flag, one language, one common law, one constitution, in his country. Kingaloo stabilizes the population of his country by family planning. He also does the work of consolidation, modernization of agriculture, etc. Now the country of Kingaloo becomes happy and prosperous.

Till now Pratap had been there for 1 year. In between, he used to go to his home in India and elsewhere with permission from Kingaloo. By now he had written almost half of the book called History of Africa.

Kingaloo told Pratap that a man-eating lion was eating people. Let's hunt the lion. Kingalu and Pratap along with some soldiers went to the forest to hunt the lion. Suddenly a man-eating lion attacked Kingaloo. Kingaloo fired several shots. But no bullet hit Pratap. Suddenly Pratap clashed with the unarmed lion. Pratap killed the lion with his hands and feet and made him a recruiter. The lion died.

Kingaloo was overjoyed. He thanked his life savior Pratap very much. Kingalu gifted Pratap a huge island built in the sea. And at the same time gave many rupees, gold, silver, gems, rubies etc. Kingalu made Pratap the king of that island. Also given a military contingent of 5000 people.

Pratap declared himself an independent king as soon as he became the king of that island. Two lakh people lived in dilapidated condition on that island. Pratap first controlled the population and got him selected. Now the population of Deep has stabilized only at 2 lakhs. Pratap leveled the entire island with modern machines and established a farm-garden, a modern smart city. Pratap settled 200,000 tribals of the island in the newly built city. They were provided employment, bread, clothes, house, education, medicine and other facilities.

Pratap also gave modern military training to all the adults of his new subjects. There were 50000 children and old people there. Half a million people were adults. Now Pratap had a huge army of more than one and a half lakhs. There were both men and women in it. Pratap provided world class facilities to his subjects. Established Army, Navy, Navy Army, Police, Border Security Team etc. business promoted.

Pratap earned a lot of money from the gold and silver mines in the island. Half the money was kept in the development of the island and half in the basement. Pearls were extracted from the sea. In a short time, this country became a superpower from the economic and strategic point of view. Pratap married a beautiful girl here and connected his blood relation with the islanders. Pratap named this country as Pratapland.

This country got the recognition of the United Nations. Pratap made one religion, one language, one culture, one country, one law, one constitution, one flag, one curriculum, one currency compulsory. It made it mandatory for everyone to live in a European manner and to wear European dress. Outside scientists also settled in this island. This country also made a lot of progress in the field of space science.

Kingalu was very happy with Pratap's actions. He also followed Pratap in his country. Kingalu also married his daughter to Pratap. Pratap used to come and go to his house in India from time to time. Meanwhile, due to the efforts of Kingaloo, Pratap was made the President of the Association of African Countries. Meanwhile Pratap had almost completed his book. Now only one chapter was left to be added to the book.
Rambhala was a mysterious fort in Pulupulu. At night, a four-armed man used to roam in that fort. He used to kill and eat the humans and animals passing by.

Pratap and Kingalu walked towards the fort with 10 soldiers with them. Soldiers were equipped with arrows - bow, spear, sword, gun. They reached the main gate of the fort. Suddenly a swarm of bats came and attacked his soldiers. The soldiers fired arrows, spears, bullets in response. Some bats were killed. The rest fled. Two soldiers of Kingaloo were also killed in the bat attack. The whole fort was surrounded by wild bushes and trees. The rest moved on. Suddenly many snakes attacked the second door. The soldiers started moving forward by firing arrows and bullets. 2 soldiers died here also due to snake bites.

Now a total of 6 soldiers Kingalu and Pratap were left. On reaching the third door, a 10-foot black man attacked. This man had four hands. His body was like a man from the head down. Instead of his head, he had the head of a lion. All the people surrounded that demon and started attacking. The demon started killing the soldiers one by one. Suddenly Kingaloo thrust a spear into the demon's heart.

The surviving soldiers were raining bullets and arrows on the demon. But it was not having any effect on him. Suddenly Pratap jumped the sword and hit the demon's neck. The demon's neck was cut and fell away. The demon fell and died. Now only 2 soldiers, Kingalu and Pratap were left alive. Together they collected dry grass, wood etc. and burnt the demon's body to ashes.

Now all four have come out. Now Kingaloo ordered his other soldiers to demolish this old fort. The soldiers destroyed the fort within a few hours by taking shovels, sabbal etc. The four-armed lion-faced demon was actually an extinct species of primitive man. With the end of this demon, there was a wave of happiness in the whole country. Pratap also added the mystery of Rambhala to his book and completed the book.

This book was also published by a reputed publication and Pratap got a lot of money as royalty. Kingaloo was overjoyed at the completion of the book. In this joy he organized a huge celebration.

Pratap on Mars

Pratap's space mission was going on in full swing. Together with NASA and ISRO, Pratap started the work of establishing settlements on Mars. Pratap settled 5000 humans of his country on Mars. Their settlements were settled on Mars at 5 places in the group of thousand - thousand.

Suddenly green dwarf Mars humans started attacking Pratap's people. Pratap defeated them and drove them aside. By making a settlement for these, Pratap settled all the green dwarf Mars humans in a certain area. Pratap stabilized their population by controlling them. Now these people made friends with Pratap. Their number was about four thousand. Pratap married his queen Kutipiya.

Pratap also built an army on Mars. In this there were 500 Hare Mars humans and 2000 his own soldiers. Now the emperor of Mars, Pratap and Kutipia were the empress. A son was born to them, Bebruven. Pratap made it the crown prince of Mars.

An artificial atmosphere was created on Mars. Fields, canals, groves, etc. were also built.

After this Pratap also established settlements of 5000 human beings on the moon. Similarly, Pratap established settlements on all the planets of the solar system. Only the planet Venus was left. Under the guidance of Shukracharya, 20 billion fierce giants lived on the planet Venus. Pratap attacked Venus with only a thousand advanced soldiers. A huge army of demons came to the field. But the demons could not stand in front of Pratap's fighting skills and war technology. Most of the demon soldiers were killed within a few hours. The demons gave up. Pratap captured the planet Venus and except a few demons, everyone else was sterilized. The demons were pushed to one corner of the planet. The demons settled in that corner. Pratap married the princess of the demons. From this a son was born to him named Khatotkucha. Pratap also became the emperor of the planet Venus. Pratap made this son the crown prince of Venus.

Meanwhile, impressed by Pratap's growing popularity, all the countries of the earth together accepted Pratap as their emperor. Now Pratap had become the emperor of all the planets of the solar system. Suddenly at the same time some strange humans started attacking Pratap's army. It was created by human fire. Some fire humans were caught. Pratap's scientists did research on these. When Pratap's intelligence department questioned the fire humans, it was found that these people live secretly on the sun. Pratap's scientists made special vehicles and clothes to go to the sun.

Now Pratap attacked Surya Lok. Agni humans used to live on Surya Lok. But he was defeated by Pratap's army. Pratap got everyone sterilized except a few thousand Agni humans. Now they started living in a cottage there. Pratap got a son named Sudharma from the princess there. Pratap declared it as the crown prince of Surya Lok.

Now Pratap had become the emperor of the entire solar system. Therefore Pratap assumed the title of Sarva Samrat. And made his only daughter Rishika as Sarva Yuvaraj. Pratap placed a state-of-the-art military contingent of two and a half thousand soldiers on the Sun and other planets to Sudharma. and established 5000 - 5000 other human settlements.

He sent advanced cows and buffaloes to all the planets and the Sun. Improved agriculture was done there. Tight administration of every planet and sun was kept. A wave of joy and prosperity ran through the entire solar system. Now Pratap's target was the solar system and the galaxy itself. His scientists started researching the possibility of going there.

conquer the universe

Pratap formed a detachment of 5000 soldiers. This unit was a state-of-the-art military contingent. Its vehicles used to travel faster than the speed of light. Pratap made Khatotkuch's son Barbara its commander. Under the leadership of the barbaric, this army set out to conquer the universe. This army captured many solar systems and galaxies. Devlok fell on the way. The barbarians made a friendly treaty with them. Then Kaal Lok fell on the way. The barbarian bowed his head to Kaal. In the end, the abode of God came. To whom did the barbarian touch the feet of God with love? God gave his blessings to the barbarian.

The barbarian returned after conquering the entire universe. Pratap hugged his grandson Barbar. Now a wave of happiness ran through the entire cosmic kingdom of Pratap. Pratap assumed the title of the universe emperor. Pratap came to be called Pratap Dev. Devraj also got the paan of wonderful nectar to Maharaj Pratap Dev. Devraj also gave many heavenly gifts to his best friend Pratap Dev. Among them the idol of Kamadhenu was Samdhenu, the idol of Kalpa tree was Jhalpavriksha, etc. In this way Pratap Dev became the cosmic emperor of the entire universe, Danuj, Manuj and other beings. Pratap Dev bowed down to the Supreme Lord and thanked the Supreme Lord by accepting his position as the great servant of all.

Pratap also limited the population here by controlling the population on the earth. Due to these actions, the power of God 'Prakriti Devi' was very pleased on Pratap and his subjects.Mystery of Jorawar Garh and Rambhala

Author ---- Shakti Singh Negi

Mystery of Jorawar Garh and Rambhala

I am a writer. My articles and stories keep getting published in magazines and social media. Letters from many readers and readers keep coming to me in this regard. I had just woken up. After retiring from daily routine, I was writing something in my study room when suddenly someone rang the call-bell. I got up and opened the door and saw that the post man was standing at the door.

He gave me a letter. When I opened the letter, I came to know that it was a letter from a princess of a former princely state of Rajasthan. The letter paper was very expensive and fragrant. The princess whose name was Princess Priya wrote that

Mr Pratap Singh
I am a petty reader of your works. I have corresponded with you earlier also. I requested you to visit the ancient library of my state. You have given your consent in this matter. Can you come over to our poor dinner this week? You can also talk to me on the phone. My phone number is.

-----Princess of Jorawargarh

Miss Priya

I made a call from my mobile on the given mobile number. Priya picked up the phone only. I told Priya that by this Monday I will reach Zorawar Garh. It was just 5 days since it was Monday. I started preparing. I put two or three pairs of good clothes, diary, pen, few rupees etc. in a small bag. And headed towards the bus stand.

From there I reached Rishikesh in a journey of 5 hours. I reached Delhi after catching a bus from Rishikesh. I reached Jaipur by taking a bus from Delhi. I stayed in a hotel in Jaipur. After taking a bath there, I had food and slept peacefully. After spending a day or two in Jaipur, I called Priya and told her that I would reach Zorawargarh the next day.

The next day I booked a buggy and reached Jorawar Garh. Jorawar Garh was 45 km away from Jaipur. Priya warmly welcomed me. Priya was a very beautiful girl of thirty-five years old. The look of majestic awe was on his handsome face. She was very fair complexion and five and a half feet tall. At this time she was wearing jeans and a top.

Raje - The princely states were abolished after independence. But some former kings and princesses became leaders, industrialists etc. after independence. Princess Priya's father had immense wealth and palaces. Chatur Priya converted 9 of her 10 palaces into five star hotels and kept one of the most luxurious palaces - the Raj Palace for her stay.

I was accommodated in the Guest House of the Raj Palace. It had all modern facilities. I fell asleep as soon as I left. After a few hours I woke up. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then put on other clothes and sat on the sofa. Now I looked at the room and saw that the room was very clean. Some rare books and empty notebooks were kept on a side table. Some pens were also kept there. I understood that this arrangement is for me only.

I took a blank notebook and started writing on it. The pen and notebook paper were both expensive and smelly. After studying rare books, I started writing their summaries in notebooks. Then the call bell rang. When I opened the door, I saw Princess Priya standing with a plate of food in her hands. Two female bodyguards were standing with him. Priya came in with the plate and placed the plate on an empty table in front. Both bodyguards stood outside.

Priya - You have your food.

Me - ok princess.

Priya - I will come in a while.

Me - ok sir.

I had my meal and slept after washing my hands. I woke up at 4:00 in the morning, after retiring from daily activities, after doing exercise, yoga, etc., I took a bath and started writing on the notebook. At around 8:00 Priya entered the room and said, let me show you my library. After breakfast, we both got ready.

I reached the library with Priya. The library was in a long hall. There were beautiful expensive big cupboards. Books were kept neatly in them. At the door of the library stood four big-mustache wrestlers holding guns.

Wear white clothes recently, three or four people were sitting. Everyone greeted both of us as soon as we arrived. Priya said this is the eminent writer of our country, Pratap Singh ji. His fame has spread all over the country and abroad. He is well versed in many languages. His writings run on many subjects.

I looked through the books and found that all the best books of the world are present here. And many rare books of the world are also there.

Then coming to the issue Priya said, you stay in our Raj Mahal and write a book about me and my family.

Why should I?

Priya - I want you to write about us in such a way that the prestige of our dynasty increases further.

Me - That's fine, Kumari ji. But why would I do this?

Priya - So that the people of the country know about our contribution towards the country.

Me - but I will only write true things.

Priya - All right. I will pay whatever fee you want for this.

Me - ok. I too have children. But I will not work as a servant. You can pay me fee on contract basis.

Priya - (jumping with joy) - All right. I will give you ₹ 40 crores for this work.

Me - that's too little. I will take 110 crores.

Priya - All right. The talk is confirmed on 101 crores.

Me - ok sir. You put this amount in this account. (I gave my account number to Priya.)

Priya - Now in 2 minutes I will put this amount in your account. (Priya calls her manager and tells him in a somewhat prescriptive tone.)

One hundred and one crore rupees on my mobile in a while. A message comes to my account.

Priya - You increase my honor by staying here in the palace. Your living - food, travel - everything will be from my side. Also, I gift you a five star hotel and a car.

Me - thank you. Now tell me where to start.

Priya - It's your choice. All my resources are at your service.

I - I will travel around the area - will study in the library. I will write

Priya - thank you.

Now sitting in the car given by Priya, I alone went on a tour of the entire Jorawar fort. Inspect all hotels in Priya. Stayed with the staff there for some time in the hotel found in the gift. Took some notes and went to his room.

Coming into the room, I took some rest and after taking a bath, I stood in the balcony. Priya had got new clothes and different types of cents kept in the room. I used them a lot.

Often I used to go with Priya to visit the city and forests of Jorawargarh. Till now I had been in Jorawargarh for 2 months. So I was familiar with every bit of here. Priya used to treat me like a senior friend.

The population of Jorawargarh was about 20 lakhs. This population was settled in the fort and outside the fort. Everyone here was very prosperous. But 40% of the people were very poor. That is, 8 lakh people were very poor.

Although now they were the subjects of India. But these people still considered Priya as their queen. I started earning about one crore rupees per month from my hotel. I started investing half of this income i.e. 50 lakh rupees per month on the upliftment of the poor, education, food, house, medicine etc.

Priya was very pleased with my work. He also earned half of his earning i.e. Rs. Started spending every month on the upliftment of the poor.

I increased the salary and facilities of the employees in my hotel. Reduced working hours to 8 hours. Hired new good employees. And took out some old work-thieves rogue employees. Now the hotel started running even better. Seeing this, Priya thought of doing the same in her hotels. I fully supported him in this work.

On my advice, Priya also increased the salary and facilities of the employees of her palace and also reduced their working hours to 8 hours. Now the employees and the public became very happy and happy with us. I advised Priya to enter politics. Priya took ticket from a reputed party to M.P. won the election. On Priya's request, I also joined politics and I too joined M.P. Has been made.

Now due to government efforts and our personal efforts, the people here became happy and prosperous. All the poor had become rich. Till now I had written half a book titled History of Jorawar Garh. 2 years had passed. Meanwhile, I used to keep going to my house after taking permission from Priya. The population was stabilized by implementing family planning completely in Jorawargarh.

I wrote in the book after earning a lot of important information from the study of thousands of books, museums, old civilizations etc. I also wrote information about the sites and archaeological sites around the Jorawar fort in the book. Now this story came out with this information.

9000 years ago from today there was a pre-Dwarka period civilization. There was a Mahabharata era civilization here 5000 years ago. This great fortress has withstood many attacks. The male skeletons found in the excavation revealed that people of many castes and civilizations had trade relations with here. Many invaders attacked here. DNA of a 9000 year old male skeleton The DNA of Princess Priya herself. Got from

This 9000 year old male skeleton belonged to Maharaj Vishwajit. He was a very mighty king. He was buried with some of his subjects in the rubble of the city devastated by the earthquake. 5000 years ago, the kings here were on the side of the Pandavas in the Mahabharata war. The kings here fought with the Shakas, Scythians, Huns, Mughals and the British. Raj Kumari Priya was the 286th descendant of Lord Rama.

This 286th descendant did the upliftment and development of the subjects under the direction of his friend Pratap. Now the book was complete. Priya got this book published from a reputed publication. All the royalty was given in the name of Pratap.

Pratap now bids farewell to Priya. Priya bid farewell to Pratap with tearful eyes. But took the promise to keep meeting occasionally.

mystery of rambhala

Pratap was studying a rare book sitting in his study. His wife was typing what he said on Microsoft Word on the computer. Suddenly his mobile started ringing. When Pratap picked up the phone, Priya's voice came - Greetings dear friend Pratap.

Pratap - Hello. Tell me Priya. What's up?

Priya - You are well. You make yours heard.

Pratap - Everything is fine here too, sir. My only daughter Rishika has secured first position in NEET exam across the country and now she has taken admission in a reputed college.

Priya - Then you will be alone in the house Miya-Bibi? How will you spend your time?

Pratap - I have associated my wife with my writing business. I keep on speaking and she keeps on typing.

Priya - Who else cooks the food? Hahaha.

Pratap - We also prepare food together. Hahaha. Tell me how did you remember?

Priya - there is work for you in Africa. A current king there wants to write the history of his dynasty from you.

Pratap - Ok give his contact number.

Priya gives Raja's contact number to Pratap. Pratap talks to Raja. Raja speaks in English. Raja transfers 2 crore rupees to Pratap's account for tickets etc. Two days later, Pratap puts some of his clothes and stationery in his small bag and leaves his wife and heads towards the airport. From there, he reaches the city of Pulupulu in Africa by flight.

He reaches the king's palace in Pulupulu by a car sent by the king. A grand welcome to King Pratap in his palace. The king was black in colour, seven feet tall, in Balishchha and European garb. The king's name was Kingalu.

Kingaloo (in English) - You are welcome sir.

Pratap - Thank you Kingaloo ji.

Kingaloo - Did you have any trouble coming to Africa, sir?

Pratap - No sir.

Kingaloo - We have called you to write the history of our ancestors and the continent of Africa, sir.

Pratap - Thank you sir.

Kingaloo - We will give you the remuneration you want sir.

Pratap - Thanks sir.

Kingaloo - We will give you two billion Indian rupees. Along with a dog of African breed, a palace, a five star hotel, expensive car and 20 slaves - maidens are yours.

Pratap - Thank you. You put this amount in my account and hand over other things to me. Here is my account number.

Kingaloo immediately transfers the money to Pratap's account and accompanies Pratap to a palace.

Kingaloo - This palace, dog, car, slaves and slaves belonged to you. The five star hotel standing in front also happened to be yours. Here are their documents.

Pratap - Thanks sir.

For a few days, Pratap travels with Kingaloo to his country and the entire continent of Africa. And keeps on noting important things in his diary.

Till now Pratap has been in Africa for 6 months. In this time he has learned a lot about the important places and history of Africa. His loyal dog Rambo and bodyguard Jabua also live with him like shadows.

Pratap is getting an income equivalent to two crore Indian rupees per month from his hotel. Pratap increases the salary and facilities of his hotel staff. Hires some good new employees and removes some old sloppy and quarrelsome employees. He reduces the working hours to 8 hours. All this further increases the income of his hotel. Employees become happy and prosperous.

Pratap spends half his hotel income of ₹ 1 crore every month for the development of the poor there. Maharaj Kin- Galu is very happy with Pratap's actions. In the Kingdom of Kingaloo 80% of the people were poor. Kingaloo had a lot of money. He spends some of it in helping the poor. Within no time, facilities like bread, cloth, house, employment etc are available to the poor in the country.

At the behest of Pratap, Kingaloo implements one curriculum, one flag, one language, one common law, one constitution, in his country. Kingaloo stabilizes the population of his country by family planning. He also does the work of consolidation, modernization of agriculture, etc. Now the country of Kingaloo becomes happy and prosperous.

Till now Pratap had been there for 1 year. In between, he used to go to his home in India and elsewhere with permission from Kingaloo. By now he had written almost half of the book called History of Africa.

Kingaloo told Pratap that a man-eating lion was eating people. Let's hunt the lion. Kingalu and Pratap along with some soldiers went to the forest to hunt the lion. Suddenly a man-eating lion attacked Kingaloo. Kingaloo fired several shots. But no bullet hit Pratap. Suddenly Pratap clashed with the unarmed lion. Pratap killed the lion with his hands and feet and made him a recruiter. The lion died.

Kingaloo was overjoyed. He thanked his life savior Pratap very much. Kingalu gifted Pratap a huge island built in the sea. And at the same time gave many rupees, gold, silver, gems, rubies etc. Kingalu made Pratap the king of that island. Also given a military contingent of 5000 people.

Pratap declared himself an independent king as soon as he became the king of that island. Two lakh people lived in dilapidated condition on that island. Pratap first controlled the population and got him selected. Now the population of Deep has stabilized only at 2 lakhs. Pratap leveled the entire island with modern machines and established a farm-garden, a modern smart city. Pratap settled 200,000 tribals of the island in the newly built city. They were provided employment, bread, clothes, house, education, medicine and other facilities.

Pratap also gave modern military training to all the adults of his new subjects. There were 50000 children and old people there. Half a million people were adults. Now Pratap had a huge army of more than one and a half lakhs. There were both men and women in it. Pratap provided world class facilities to his subjects. Established Army, Navy, Navy Army, Police, Border Security Team etc. business promoted.

Pratap earned a lot of money from the gold and silver mines in the island. Half the money was kept in the development of the island and half in the basement. Pearls were extracted from the sea. In a short time, this country became a superpower from the economic and strategic point of view. Pratap married a beautiful girl here and connected his blood relation with the islanders. Pratap named this country as Pratapland.

This country got the recognition of the United Nations. Pratap made one religion, one language, one culture, one country, one law, one constitution, one flag, one curriculum, one currency compulsory. It made it mandatory for everyone to live in a European manner and to wear European dress. Outside scientists also settled in this island. This country also made a lot of progress in the field of space science.

Kingalu was very happy with Pratap's actions. He also followed Pratap in his country. Kingalu also married his daughter to Pratap. Pratap used to come and go to his house in India from time to time. Meanwhile, due to the efforts of Kingaloo, Pratap was made the President of the Association of African Countries. Meanwhile Pratap had almost completed his book. Now only one chapter was left to be added to the book.
Rambhala was a mysterious fort in Pulupulu. At night, a four-armed man used to roam in that fort. He used to kill and eat the humans and animals passing by.

Pratap and Kingalu walked towards the fort with 10 soldiers with them. Soldiers were equipped with arrows - bow, spear, sword, gun. They reached the main gate of the fort. Suddenly a swarm of bats came and attacked his soldiers. The soldiers fired arrows, spears, bullets in response. Some bats were killed. The rest fled. Two soldiers of Kingaloo were also killed in the bat attack. The whole fort was surrounded by wild bushes and trees. The rest moved on. Suddenly many snakes attacked the second door. The soldiers started moving forward by firing arrows and bullets. 2 soldiers died here also due to snake bites.

Now a total of 6 soldiers Kingalu and Pratap were left. On reaching the third door, a 10-foot black man attacked. This man had four hands. His body was like a man from the head down. Instead of his head, he had the head of a lion. All the people surrounded that demon and started attacking. The demon started killing the soldiers one by one. Suddenly Kingaloo thrust a spear into the demon's heart.

The surviving soldiers were raining bullets and arrows on the demon. But it was not having any effect on him. Suddenly Pratap jumped the sword and hit the demon's neck. The demon's neck was cut and fell away. The demon fell and died. Now only 2 soldiers, Kingalu and Pratap were left alive. Together they collected dry grass, wood etc. and burnt the demon's body to ashes.

Now all four have come out. Now Kingaloo ordered his other soldiers to demolish this old fort. The soldiers destroyed the fort within a few hours by taking shovels, sabbal etc. The four-armed lion-faced demon was actually an extinct species of primitive man. With the end of this demon, there was a wave of happiness in the whole country. Pratap also added the mystery of Rambhala to his book and completed the book.

This book was also published by a reputed publication and Pratap got a lot of money as royalty. Kingaloo was overjoyed at the completion of the book. In this joy he organized a huge celebration.

Pratap on Mars

Pratap's space mission was going on in full swing. Together with NASA and ISRO, Pratap started the work of establishing settlements on Mars. Pratap settled 5000 humans of his country on Mars. Their settlements were settled on Mars at 5 places in the group of thousand - thousand.

Suddenly green dwarf Mars humans started attacking Pratap's people. Pratap defeated them and drove them aside. By making a settlement for these, Pratap settled all the green dwarf Mars humans in a certain area. Pratap stabilized their population by controlling them. Now these people made friends with Pratap. Their number was about four thousand. Pratap married his queen Kutipiya.

Pratap also built an army on Mars. In this there were 500 Hare Mars humans and 2000 his own soldiers. Now the emperor of Mars, Pratap and Kutipia were the empress. A son was born to them, Bebruven. Pratap made it the crown prince of Mars.

An artificial atmosphere was created on Mars. Fields, canals, groves, etc. were also built.

After this Pratap also established settlements of 5000 human beings on the moon. Similarly, Pratap established settlements on all the planets of the solar system. Only the planet Venus was left. Under the guidance of Shukracharya, 20 billion fierce giants lived on the planet Venus. Pratap attacked Venus with only a thousand advanced soldiers. A huge army of demons came to the field. But the demons could not stand in front of Pratap's fighting skills and war technology. Most of the demon soldiers were killed within a few hours. The demons gave up. Pratap captured the planet Venus and except a few demons, everyone else was sterilized. The demons were pushed to one corner of the planet. The demons settled in that corner. Pratap married the princess of the demons. From this a son was born to him named Khatotkucha. Pratap also became the emperor of the planet Venus. Pratap made this son the crown prince of Venus.

Meanwhile, impressed by Pratap's growing popularity, all the countries of the earth together accepted Pratap as their emperor. Now Pratap had become the emperor of all the planets of the solar system. Suddenly at the same time some strange humans started attacking Pratap's army. It was created by human fire. Some fire humans were caught. Pratap's scientists did research on these. When Pratap's intelligence department questioned the fire humans, it was found that these people live secretly on the sun. Pratap's scientists made special vehicles and clothes to go to the sun.

Now Pratap attacked Surya Lok. Agni humans used to live on Surya Lok. But he was defeated by Pratap's army. Pratap got everyone sterilized except a few thousand Agni humans. Now they started living in a cottage there. Pratap got a son named Sudharma from the princess there. Pratap declared it as the crown prince of Surya Lok.

Now Pratap had become the emperor of the entire solar system. Therefore Pratap assumed the title of Sarva Samrat. And made his only daughter Rishika as Sarva Yuvaraj. Pratap placed a state-of-the-art military contingent of two and a half thousand soldiers on the Sun and other planets to Sudharma. and established 5000 - 5000 other human settlements.

He sent advanced cows and buffaloes to all the planets and the Sun. Improved agriculture was done there. Tight administration of every planet and sun was kept. A wave of joy and prosperity ran through the entire solar system. Now Pratap's target was the solar system and the galaxy itself. His scientists started researching the possibility of going there.

conquer the universe

Pratap formed a detachment of 5000 soldiers. This unit was a state-of-the-art military contingent. Its vehicles used to travel faster than the speed of light. Pratap made Khatotkuch's son Barbara its commander. Under the leadership of the barbaric, this army set out to conquer the universe. This army captured many solar systems and galaxies. Devlok fell on the way. The barbarians made a friendly treaty with them. Then Kaal Lok fell on the way. The barbarian bowed his head to Kaal. In the end, the abode of God came. To whom did the barbarian touch the feet of God with love? God gave his blessings to the barbarian.

The barbarian returned after conquering the entire universe. Pratap hugged his grandson Barbar. Now a wave of happiness ran through the entire cosmic kingdom of Pratap. Pratap assumed the title of the universe emperor. Pratap came to be called Pratap Dev. Devraj also got the paan of wonderful nectar to Maharaj Pratap Dev. Devraj also gave many heavenly gifts to his best friend Pratap Dev. Among them the idol of Kamadhenu was Samdhenu, the idol of Kalpa tree was Jhalpavriksha, etc. In this way Pratap Dev became the cosmic emperor of the entire universe, Danuj, Manuj and other beings. Pratap Dev bowed down to the Supreme Lord and thanked the Supreme Lord by accepting his position as the great servant of all.

Pratap also limited the population here by controlling the population on the earth. Due to these actions, the power of God 'Prakriti Devi' was very pleased on Pratap and his subjects.