The Nanny's World - 3 in English Fiction Stories by Tanuja Triveni books and stories PDF | The Nanny's World - 3

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The Nanny's World - 3

Just then my phone pop and it was a message from the company. They have transferred advance payment in my account and I transfer those money to Mrs. Bahar’s account. I was finally relieved. It was though a tough but a nice day, I got my job, I paid the rent and most importantly I am going to stay at Mr. Williamson’s house from tomorrow onwards. I will get to see him everyday, I shall be so close to him. ‘uugghh well why am I thinking all these stuff? Joe get it all together. You are now his daughter’s nanny and a single mistake will take all your happiness away’, I say this to myself while going to my apartment. I meet Mrs. Bahar on my way. ‘I see you have transferred money into my account’, she asked. ‘Yes, Mrs. Bahar. You are right. I got a job today. I paid my rent from the advance payment they gave and I will stay at Mr. Williamson’s house now onwards. You might have heard about the famous business man here and I will be leaving from here tomorrow morning.’, I replied and thank her for letting me stay there, loving me and understanding me. ‘I feel so happy for you. May god bless you my child’, by saying this she left and I went into my house where Tiffanie was already waiting for me. How did the interview went? Did you got the job? You look sad? Is everything ok? She jumps into thousands of questions. ‘Calm down! Calm down Tiffanie. Take a deep breathe first. You just shower a lot of question and now let me answer to them. ‘The interview went well and I got the job’,I replied her by giving her a tight hug. She too got so happy by the news and we decided to celebrate it by having delicious lunch.
In the evening, I started packing my stuff. I was happy that I got the job and also I was leaving my only friend Tiffanie here. She helped me while packing .However, she too seemed sad. We didn’t talk much that night, just had dinner and went to sleep. It was my last night there with Tiffanie and tomorrow would change my life.
The next day, I wake up early. I had breakfast with her and head back to Mr. Williamson’s house. I was pretty nervous. Though I spent a lot of time with children but I didn’t know Eylul. Mrs. Williamson died when Eylul was of One year. It must have really hard for Mr. Williamson to take care of her alone. However, They have appointed nine nannies till now. No one had lived for more than a year and now I was the tenth nanny of her. I don’t know how would she react after seeing me. I know how it feels living without a mother. But what about her? There were a lot of things going in my head.
Finally, I reached Mr. Williamson’s house. I ring the bell but nobody opened the door. So I tried knocking it again and just when I was going to knock on the door, Mr. Williamson opened the door. ‘Good morning Mr. Williamson. I am sorry but I am quite early here today. He gave me a smile and ask me to come in. I enter the house and it looks so adorable. I have never been in such a beautiful house. ‘Who is this lady, daddy? Why is she here?