The Black Baron - 2 in English Short Stories by Gurchetan Singh books and stories PDF | The Black Baron - 2

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The Black Baron - 2



CH-1 resurrection

CH-2 AFB code doom

CH-3 The path towards our doom

CH-4 camp Rome

CH-5 fire in air

CH-6 The plan against DOOM

CH-7 My last breath



It was an stormy night I was in an snowy forest with piles of snow covering my body I was barely able to breath and move my body I was awake for an hour with my body left render less I lay there with my eyes closed my burns were sever but the snow helped to cool them after some time I was able to move and feel my hand I tried to remove the snow and I succeed but not completely some of the snow was heavy because of piles of snow after 16 min I was able to move my legs and remove all the snow on me I was barely able to stand my tank and my crew were nowhere to be seen I moved and tried to run I was trying to reach camp Jupiter and lay down take a good night's sleep. But all of that was about to change

I reached the camp it was not as I remembered it was in ruins the tents had been burned to the ground the AA were disoriented the camp was gone the only question remained was did it got bombarded or ambushed the only way to find out was to look for supplies if it would had been ambushed there will be no supplies and if bombarded the opposite I had to find out I looked for some medical supplies I found some med pack and syringe's I used them fast and used some snow to help me cool my burns it was night time I found my tent or what's left of it I tried to salvage what was left of it I found an piece of cloth that would help me cover my body from the cold. In the morning I tried to salvage what was left of the camp I only had an pistol the M1911 I only had 2 magazines for the pistol my next step was to head to the airbase which attacked my base I set out with only some med packs an M1911 an knife and an binocular with an broken glass I sent out in the north.

CH-2 AFB code doom

I was in an field full of snow I had left the forest the temperature was getting cold and colder by the minute I spotted an farmhouse after walking miles I finally found shelter I got inside only to find not animals but Nazi's I Gentilly toke my knife out of my holster and I snoop into the barn I took my knife in my one hand and the pistol in another I swiftly took the pistol out of the one Nazi he spotted me I quickly disabled him but snaping his neck but it alerted the other Nazi I quickly shot the remaining Nazi's I doubted that these were the only Nazi's then I picked up their radio and I heard "Scout team 5 come in return back to doom" I saw an Kübelwagen's I drove it away from the barn I was lucky in the jeep were some standard guns use by the Nazi's I drove the jeep near the forest I drove near the edge of the forest until I saw it the base now I know why they call it doom It had 7 Tiger P tanks with over 15 Kübelwagen's and had over 5 bomber planes and 6 fighter planes I was shocked I tried to get a good look of the base I got out of the area as fast as I could I spent the night on the snow in the morning my first job was to find a camp.

After an bad night sleep I prepared for finding an base I re-visited the barn one of the Nazi's had an map I wasn't able to read it but I knew how to follow direction's there were several cross signs on the map my camp was crossed there were other sign's such as an star I figured it was an American camp I set out in the direction of the camp in no time I took the jeep with me. I was getting hungry I had to eat apples from trees and there was some bread in some houses I gathered water from rivers and lakes to stay hydrated each night some German Fi 156 Storch scout the field and the forest I was only 10 miles from the American base now the fuel of the jeep midway to the Base I was walking on foot now.

I was standing in the middle of an field nothing on the map there was supposed to be an American base here but only some grass until there was a loud creaking sound a bunker hatch that was covered in mud and dirt from the dark cavern an man covered in green dark suit like an dragon strolling out of his cave he greeted me in a normal handshake he told me that they were the only ones that survived the bombing of the camp.

CH-3 The path towards our doom

The people that I met in the bunker said that they found an old German WW1 bunker it had only some supplies and some old WW1 weapons like the Beholla M1915 Frommer M1912 Stop and an Bergmann MP 18-I there was only little ammo and some med packs I told them about the base and all about it they said that the base was trying to catch them because they had the knowledge of an base that was highly classified from the allied forces they could not let the US and British know about this base. We had to get the information about the base to the US I took out my map that I got from killing an German I showed them the map one of them knew German he told use that there was an US base 110 miles from here we had to get there we had planned to follow an direct route to the base but the route was filled with lots of traps Germane planes flew over each second.

I slept then when I woke up in the morning we packed and refitted ourselves with old ww1 weapons I got the Bergmann MP 18-I it was the best weapon in the bunker we took all the supplies in the bunker we got out of the bunker it was bright as day we had packed for the journey we headed north after 5 or 8 min we saw three Dornier Do 17 and 2 squadrons of Messerschmitt Bf 109 the planes were heading for the east we were safe until 10 min later we heard 1 German scouting plane coming towards us we quickly dug an hole and put some grass and mud on us some time later the plane passed through we got out of our holes we resumed our journey towards the base after 1 hour we were visited by our friendly neighbor It was 1 whole Squadron I quickly took 1 of them by using a technique in which I rotate the head right then left very fast I did the same for 1 more then I took out the old German stealth pistol and attacked them my group did the same and we killed and took their supplies we had attacks like these after some time until I had inner peace we had finally reached the base.

CH-4 camp Rome

We had arrived at the camp I was so relieved that it wasn't just an rumble of rocks and bricks we were greeted by some armed soldier's with guns pointed at my face but then the camp sergeant came I was shocked he immediate recognized me he was our trainer when I joined the military I was glad that he had been alive he told the soldier's to stand down we shake hand he said we had a lot to catch on and told us where the med bay was after we got our treatment he told us where the our tent was and told us to come to his tent after I had settled in. After some time I went to see the sergeant he welcome me and gave me a seat I told him all about the base and why did we have ww1 Germane weapons he told me that the base had cut off any communication from the area and they had 1 plane but it had a broken propeller and some fuselage pipes had been cut off and they didn't have any place to make the plane take off other than the open field where it was scout plane 24/7 I realized that we had to take the plane to the open field then repair it which will take more than 5 hours I had an idea that if we had some wood we could burn it and dig an hole in the ground get in that hole and place the plane over the hole then add some wood around the plane and make the damaged part of the plane be in the hole we only had an 15 minute window we took some of the cameo and dig a hole after some 14 min or so I hid in the hole and threw the cameo over the hole it was successful and i kept digging

I got the supplies in then came the hard part dragging the plane it was night so we had an even small time only 5 min because the Nazi's were smart but we had the advantage it was night they had very little vison we threw the cameo around the plane and over a jeep and turned the lights off and started to drive it was me and a mechanic after some time 2 planes noises came we hid under the cameo and then the planes started to circle the place I was worried that we will get spotted and then the planes came down in altitude and flew over the jeep and plane then nothing the planes flew over and left we only had little time before another patrol came I quickly turned on the jeep and raced like my life depended on it my plan was to color the plane like an British plane because tomorrow there was going to be an dogfight in the skies that was our intel I placed the plane in the position then I slept for some time I woke up and saw the machinic working on the plan after 2 hour we heard gunfire the plan was ready.

CH-5 fire in air

We started the plane and as soon we did that 2 germane planes came at us with guns blazing the plane was hit but only some holes in the wings quickly sat in the plane and flew off when I got some speed I pulled up then out of know where guns were fired at me I got in the air I drew most of the attention of the fighter's now 4 germane planes were after me I was getting shot I had been hid badly if any bullet hit the engine the plane would explode then an spitfire drew attention of the germane planes he said "get away now chap now's your chance" on the radio I got out of the mess and flew towards the nearest base with bomber's after some time I was going through the English channel now I managed to get to 5,000 feet it was like sailing in the most calm water's the air was going through my face like water but with no resistance and it was cool the air was surfing through my hair then I heard sound of another propeller and I saw a British Hawker Hurricane they radioed me and told me to say my designation I thought that this was not the proper protocol for seeing an unknow plane I told them that I was running low on fuel I needed to land they agreed with me but they had terms that I land on an field not on the runway when I started my descent I saw the city of canterbury in ruins

I landed then I was greeted with a bunch of soldier and their commander I told him I needed to see the general he said I know we been waiting for you so how was the flight he told me that I needed to come with him I followed him I saw the town in ruins it was devastating.

CH-6 The plan against DOOM

The town was in ruin's half of the town was stones and dust most of the people were on the streets or in an half blown house I followed the officer into an tent in an camp not technically it had an runway and some bomber and hurricanes inside the tent was an battle plan and an desk and chair there was the general at the end of the tent looking at some documents he put the chair in front of and said get in he asked me to give him the intel I said what intel he said about the germane camp I told him about the camp nothing out of detail he told me to freshen up I had an wild day ahead of me I got in my tent I settled in and slept then in the middle of the night sound of bombers and bombs came they were bombing London I woke up shocked then the guard came and said that they do this every day I just standing there while they were bombing London the innocent lives I went into the commander's office and told him to give me any file related to the bombing he gave me only 2 files one was name the blitz and the other Luftwaffe I opened the first document it read:
The Blitz is a German bombing campaign against the United Kingdom from 1940 blitz the German word for 'lightning war'
And some information about recent bombing's and other details the other folder Luftwaffe it read:
Luftwaffe is a generic German term for an air force. It is the official name for the Nazi air force founded in 1935. Led by Hermann Goering, it's become the largest and most powerful in Europe till now.

Now I knew why the German where doing this after some time i went back to my tent and slept the next morning i told the general that I had a plan i laid out an map of the base and camp doom.

We will send 2 squads of hurricanes that will intercept the bomber's mid-flight near the base and if we send an dummy bomber's against the base first then Surprise attack them.

CH-7 My last breath

After I told my plan to the general he said that he will get permission first then implement it after a few days we had permission we quickly loaded the bomber's and fighter's with fuel and we made as light as possible we had 6 Avro 679 Manchester and 19 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.II and 15 Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIc night fighter
Our plan was that 5 hurricane will go with the bomber's then midway of the flight the fighter's will turn back and the bomber's will start ascending to a height of 9100 feet then go radio silent when the fighter will return then the spitfire's will take off and ascend to the height of 7100 feet and they will meet the bomber's and the fight's then the spitfire's will attack with their bombs and destroy their roads and tanks and AA's then the second layer of the of the bombing will take place and destroy the runway,hanger's,bomber's and planes.

The next morning we started the planes I was the commander of the red squadron (spitfire) the bomber's took off and the fighter's too then there was radio silence after some time the fighter's came back and we took off we intercepted the bomber's then came the hardest time of all going high in the altitude and remain undetected we got high in the air then the fake bombers were out of formation and took all the aa firing then 10 Messerschmitt Bf 109 came out of know where and attacked the fake bomber's then our part came the bomber's descended and we destroyed the Messerschmitt Bf 109 I took down 3 of them then I heard the sound of explosion and were a little distracted the German's took this as an advantage and blew up my fuel I had fuel over my eyes the plane was spinning a little too fast I blacked out when I woke up the plane was half destroyed the tail was ripped of the engine... no hoe I got out of the cockpit I looked around with my pistol there was fire explosion's my vison was getting blurry then I got shot on my back 1 time I fell to the ground with seeing an large explosion at the camp then I blacked out.