A Mis-adventure in the jungle ! in English Love Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | A Mis-adventure in the jungle !

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A Mis-adventure in the jungle !

And then it happened...!!!

I heard some strange bird chirping...while still walking, I looked up and saw a beautiful red and green bird hidden behind the leaves up in a tree...did not see a big root of a tree protruding out in the path... I tripped on it and fell...THHUDDD !!!

I was having an excruciating pain in my left angle...possibly it had twisted when I fell. I just was not able to get up on my feet. I lay there for some minutes, to let the pain subside. Those few minutes seemed like hours. I had the most horrifying fear gripping me. What if a herd of elephants now came this way ? Or a wild boar or a hyena or even a fox ? I won't even be able to get up and run for my life... !

I started cursing myself. Why the hell did I come on this trip at all....

What trip ? Oh sorry !! I didn't even tell you how I landed up in this situation....So here goes...

This was in the early 80's. I had just joined as a Sales Officer then in a major manufacturing and marketing company in one of the metro cities in India. I was quite young, around 24-25 then. One day my Sales Manager called me to his chamber and told me, "Young man, let's see how good a salesman you are. I want you to go on a difficult mission. Some of your seniors have not shown their enthusiasm in taking on this challenge. In the past year, I have seen promise in you. You have an organised mind. So, although you are just fresh from College, I would like to give this important responsibility to you."

I felt a little nervous with this sort of an introduction, but garnered enough courage to ask, "Sir, what exactly is this difficult job you are mentioning ?"

The Sales Manager went on to explain that our Company had supplied some extra heavy duty storage system to an important Iron Ore Mines in Jharkhand, which was then still Bihar. The supply was still incomplete although the scheduled delivery date was already past. Around ten percent of the materials were yet to arrive from our manufacturing plants in Mumbai. The customer had obviously withheld our entire payments, till we complete our supplies and install the system. But as per our production schedule, the complete supplies would take a minimum of further 4 weeks or maybe more. On top of that the customer has now written that they will start deducting penalty charges if we do not complete the supply and installation immediately.

My job was to salvage the situation, get the penalty clause waived off and also collect 90 percent of the payment .

Now this really was a problem case. No doubt our senior sales officers were reluctant to take on this customer.

Anyway, I took up the challenge and took the next available train to the destination. I got off at Barbil station and took a bus to take me to the guest house of the Meghataburu Iron Ore mines. The bus took a winding route through Saranda forest. The further we went, the view became more breathtaking. The road was lined with Shal, Shimul and Kushum trees. Wherever the eyes went it was greenery all around. The gushing Karo river could be seen in the distance. I could also see a magnificent waterfalls a little far away. The wind grew cooler as we approached my destination. The bus dropped me off at the stand and plodded away farther up.

The locals showed me the direction of the guesthouse. It was up on a small hill. The tree lined pathway was at a slight incline. I didn't have much luggage, since it was possibly a short stay. I carried my bag on my back and trudged up the path. Magnificent - was the one word which came to my lips the moment I saw the guest house Bungalow partly hidden behind the Shal, Shimul trees and with a breathtaking view of the valley in the background. It was getting late and a beautiful sunset was painting the skyline red.

The guesthouse was small but cosy. Only four rooms were there in total. The caretaker was a very amicable person, a middle aged man in his fifties, a local resident. He checked my approval letter from the company and allotted me a good room with a view of the valley. He informed me that there's a bus in the morning which will take me to the Iron Ore Mines administrative office which was on the next hill. I came to know that this guest house is meant only for official visitors and as such is generally sparsely occupied. Right then, I was the only guest there. He treated me to a good quality tea, which was very refreshing after my journey. In those days, we didn't have the luxury of mobile phones and internet and with no television network available there, I had an early dinner by 8 pm and retired with a paperback to give me company.

I woke up early next morning and felt that I was still dreaming. It was as if the bungalow was floating in the clouds, the cloud was hanging so low. The caretaker and his wife were busy sweeping and mopping and cleaning up the rooms. It seems, they had their quarter in the guesthouse compound itself. I lazed around having a walk in front of the bungalow. The morning air was refreshing and I felt that this was more of a holiday destination where I have come on a business trip. The thought brought me back to reality and I started planning how to handle the awkward situation from where I have to bail my company out.

I had my breakfast and got ready in time, so that I do not miss the bus. I was told that there are no other means of communication in these hills. It's either the bus which comes at almost 2 hours intervals during the day, or one has to walk it up or down the hill to one's destination. I took the 9am bus to the customer's office.

Then started a real tough task. The Materials Manager or the Finance Manager were not ready at all to accede to any request of mine to forgo the penalty clause and were adamant that unless we start our supplies of the components immediately, they will even blacklist us for future orders.

I was having a joint meeting with the Materials Manager and the Finance Manager. After much requesting and cajoling, all my reasonings had failed, and I was heading nowhere. I thought that enough was enough and I had to use some other style. I just put up my hands in an exasperated manner. Both the gentleman looked at my reaction, with an astonished face. I said, sounding very sad and sombre, "Gentlemen, I must now tell you the truth. The fact is that your required components are ready manufactured. We were in a position to despatch them last week only. But we discovered some manufacturing defects in the components. Apparently these defects may not have been found out by you once the system was installed at your site. But in case of any future accidents, it might lead to damages. These would severely impair the reputation and goodwill of our Company. As such we decided not to despatch these components and manufacture a fresh lot. As you know that setting of the dies take some time and there were already other committed orders on all India by basis, which were on the assembly line. Taking all these factors into account, we need another 4 weeks to complete our supplies. Now, tell me Gentlemen, how can we knowingly supply you defective components ?"

My monologue seemed to created an impact on the two Senior Managers. They looked at each other meaningfully. Then the Finance Manager spoke up, "If that was the reason, why didn't you say so in the beginning ? "

I was anticipating this question. "Actually Sir, I was just trying to protect our reputation. I didn't want to mention to you that there were some defects in the products. But I thought it is better to tell you the facts, since otherwise if I relent to your pressures of completing the supplies with the defective components, it might lead to some losses for you and damage our reputation permanently. That would be a bigger loss for both our organisations."

The two gentlemen just nodded their heads. They asked me to give in writing a firm commitment by when we could complete the supplies and installation. I said that I'll make the letter right away. I also requested them for the payment of 90 percent of the materials already supplied. They smiled for the first time that morning. "You are quite persistent, aren't you ?", the Finance Manager said. "You give us the letter. We'll have to discuss this with our GM, then we'll let you know of our decision tomorrow."
I said, "Thank you Sir. I'll just prepare the letter and handover to you." They left me in the conference room to complete my letter.

After submitting the letter to the Materials Manager, I went to visit the site where our earlier materials had been delivered and stored. I had a meeting with the Stores in charge and then I was done for the day.

It was around 3 pm then. I found an STD booth outside the gates of the office. I put through a call to my boss at my office at Kolkata and gave him the details of all that had transpired during the day. He appreciated my presence of mind and the good progress of my mission. He insisted that since it is a big payment, to let no stones unturned to salvage the situation and pacify the customer. He advised me to be stationed over there and ensure that I only return after I get the cheque in hand.

I was quite satisfied with myself with the day's work. I had already had my lunch at the canteen. I treated myself to a cold drink and went to the bus stand. As I was reaching the stand, I saw a bus pulling away. The people there told me that the next bus would be only after 2 hours. It would be quite a long wait. The time was just past 3pm. Enquiring from the local people I got to know that there were no other means of communication to the Guest House, except walking. They said that if I follow the bus route, it would be around four to five kilometres. They however suggested that the locals mostly use a short cut down the valley. There was a walk way through the valley which reaches just near the Guest House on the opposite hill. This path is just one and a half kilometres. I showed my apprehension regarding wild animals in the valley. They laughed and said that during daylight there's hardly any chance of any animals, since it is a common walkway of people. They said that just after 4 pm there will be lots of labourers walking down this path to their villages on the other hill. They told me that it will take hardly around 30 minutes to cross over, taking this short cut.

The casual way they were discussing this gave me the courage and confidence that this path through the valley is safe. So feeling adventurous I thought I would give it a try. What I did not envisage though was that I have to climb down the hill to get to the valley. I wasn't carrying much luggage, just had a strap-on bag, with my papers and diary inside. So both my hands were free. The incline down to the valley was not so steep, and with people using the same path regularly, it wasn't so difficult to get down to the valley. There was a clear path between the trees on either side, which went straight ahead. It was quite an eerie feeling walking through the jungle all alone. The rustling of the trees, the light and shadow on the jungle path, twigs breaking under my feet as I walked was all making me excited but nervy.

And then it happened...!!!

I heard some strange bird chirping...looked up and saw a beautiful red and green bird hidden behind the leaves up in a tree...did not see a big root of a tree protruding out... tripped on it and fell...THHUDDD !!!

I was having an excruciating pain in my left angle...possibly it twisted when I fell. I just was not able to get up on my feet. I lay there for some minutes, to let the pain subside. Those minutes seemed like hours. I had the most horrifying fear gripping me. What if a herd of elephants now came this way ? Or a wild boar or a hyena or even a fox ? I won't even be able to get up and run for my life... !

I heard some rustlings.... something or somebody coming down the path from the direction I was coming. I saw two village women coming down the way. They stopped seeing me lying in an awkward manner on the ground. I recognised one of the women, the older one, middle aged ...she was the wife of the caretaker of the guesthouse. She recognised me too. She asked me in Hindi what had happened. I told her that I had tripped and fallen and now can't get up. She bent down and gave me her hand as a support to help me stand up. I tried to get on my feet, but as soon as my left foot touched the ground, a stinging pain shot up and I slumped down again. The two women looked at each other and spoke something in their own dialect, which I could not understand. The other woman who was younger, possibly around my age, knelt down beside me on the gravel path. She removed my bag strapped around my shoulder and handed it over to the older woman. She then put one hand of hers behind my back and the other hand under both my knees and stood up scooping me up in her arms. She was holding me cradled in her arms quite high up on her body near her breasts. The suddenness of her action surprised me and instinctively my hands went around her neck to hold on to her as a support, lest I fall down. Both the women saw this startled reaction of mine and looked at each other and laughed out. The woman who was holding me up spoke for the first time. "Don't be afraid Babu, I won't let you fall. You are so light, just relax your body, you are safe in my hands." She started walking with me in her arms and the middle aged woman fell in step with her, my bag now strapped on her shoulder.

I looked at the woman carrying me so easily like she was holding a child cradled in her arms. She was tall, must be around 5 feet 8 inches, not fat, but solidly built. Both the women were dark complexioned, wearing ordinary cotton saris, their hair shining, smelling of oil. The other woman, was around 45 or so, she was tall too for a woman, looked taller than me, about 5 feet 6 inches. Yes, I am a small man, only 5 feet 3 inches tall and just only 60 kgs. I revelled at the casual way this young woman was walking with me in her arms, lazily chatting with the other woman, as if my weight meant nothing to her.

The older woman asked me in hindi, "Sir, why are you going through the jungle ?" I told her what happened, that since the bus would be coming after two hours, the local people advised me to take the short cut through the jungle.

"How far is the other side from here ? Have we come half way ?" I asked, not sure how long can this young woman carry me.

"No Sir, it's still about a kilometre away, it will take another 20 minutes. You see in the jungle, one cannot walk fast as on a normal road." Then seeing the worried look on my face, the woman who was carrying me asked, "What is the problem Sir ? You look worried... Is your foot paining badly ? Are you comfortable? Am I holding you too tightly?"

As it is I was so embarrassed every time she spoke to me. Yet I felt so safe and protected being carried helplessly in her strong arms. I smiled and said, "No, no, you are not holding me tight. I'm quite comfortable. I was wondering, if it is another 20 minutes away, how will you carry me that long ?"

Both the women laughed again. Then the other woman said, "Don't worry Sir. My daughter Puja is very strong. You have seen my husband, the caretaker. He is so much bigger than you. When he was sick last year, Puja used to regularly carry him like this, to the hospital and back. And the hospital is much farther away from our house."

I said, "But still, if you feel you can put me down a little and take some rest". To this, the girl said nothing, but just giggled. Her mother spoke, "Arrey Babu, I told you na, you don't worry. We were just discussing now, how you are looking like a small boy in her arms, being carried by his mother." To this Puja giggled more loudly and said something to her mother, to which she smiled. Her mother said, "She is saying that if you are feeling sick, to rest your head on her shoulder and close your eyes. If you want you can fall asleep also. That will ease your pain. We will carry you to your room."

I said, "I am feeling so embarrassed. A girl of my age is carrying me so effortlessly like a baby." Her mother said, "If it is embarrassing for you because she is of your age, then I can carry you too. I am at least older to you and you will not feel ashamed."

What could I reply, I kept quiet. To this, the woman stopped walking, Puja stopped too. The older woman looked at me and said, "What do you think Babu, that I can't ?" She extended her two hands to Puja, asking her to pass me on to her. Then like a baby being passed on from his mother's arms to his aunt's lap, a full grown-up man like me, got passed on to the arms of the middle aged woman. She held me the same way, cradled in her arms holding me tightly against her breasts like her baby. She asked me to put my arms around her neck like I had been holding on to her daughter. I was feeling so embarrassed and helpless, I did as I was told. She then gave me a big smile and started walking with me. She even had my bag strapped on her back as she was carrying me in her arms. She looked at me and said, "You really are a small man Babu, and so light. I could carry you all day." Then both mother and daughter exchanged some dialogues in their own tongue and laughed. I said, "This is not fair. You two are sharing jokes and laughing, talking about me".

Puja's mother smiled and said, "No Babu, we are not laughing at you. We are just joking that you are so small and cute, we can keep you in our arms in turn and not let you down, for ever. "

I just smiled and said, "Really, both of you are so tall and strong. But generally not all your village women are tall and big. I have seen quite a few of your women here from yesterday. They are quite normal size in height."

Puja's mother was the one who was doing the talking. "Yes, that is true, women here are of normal height. I actually inherited this height from my mother's family ; And now Puja is even taller than me."

I said, "Now Puja's children will be also tall like her."

Both of their faces suddenly looked serious. Puja's mother said, "Not much of a chance there, Babu. She doesn't have marriage in her luck. Her husband has left her."

I said, "Why, what happened ?"
She said, "I'll tell you that later, Babu. We have almost reached. Now you go to Puja's lap again. I cannot carry you up the hill."

Again, I felt like a child being transferred from one woman's arms to another. Puja took me in her arms. Her mother said, "I'll walk faster and go and open your room door, so that we can lie you down on bed. Also let me see if my husband can get the doctor over to the guest house. Puja you bring Babu carefully, don't drop him while climbing the hill, come slowly, no hurry." Saying that she hurried ahead of us.

Puja smiled sweetly down at me. I smiled up at her too. There was an innocent charm in her face. The way she held me tightly on her breasts, I could feel the strength of her arms; but she was also handling me with utmost care, so that my injured foot is away from her body. She was walking slowly.

I said, "You are so strong Puja. I feel so safe and protected in your arms."

She smiled and said, "I'm happy that you like my strength, Babu. Men always keep a distance from me because of my height and big size".

I said, "Yes, I am also feeling embarrassed being carried so easily by a girl of my age. But I rather find your height very attractive and your size beautiful. And you are so much bigger and stronger than me, I feel so weak and helpless in your control. But somehow I seem to like this feeling."

Puja laughed and said, "Don't talk like that Babu, I'll fall in love with you."

I said, "So ? What's the problem?"

She smiled and said, "Problem will be mine Babu. You will go away to your own world. But I'll keep on carrying you in my arms in my dreams and will not be able to put you down from my breasts."

I could not say anything...just laid my head on her shoulder and kept staring up at her handsome face while she carried me in her strong arms against her firm breasts.