1992 (Horror-Mystery-Magic) - 10 - Ya-te-veo in English Horror Stories by Subbu books and stories PDF | 1992 (Horror-Mystery-Magic) - 10 - Ya-te-veo

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1992 (Horror-Mystery-Magic) - 10 - Ya-te-veo


There were a total of nine secret messages in that silk fabric, about the Agasthyakoodam forest. The most important among them were the ‘Forget me ‘herbs and the ‘Man-eating trees’ in the forest. Shiv Baba might have mentioned it for some specific reasons.

Kottarathil Sankaran.

Anand found it very difficult to read the manuscript, as the language used in it was not so easy to decipher. Sankaran helped him read it and explained its meaning now and then.

The first message said, that even the ordinary grasses in the Agasthyakoodam are very rare and have unique medicinal properties . Sankaran said that one of his friends who was suffering from an ulcer just took some spinach and bermudagrass from Agasthyakoodam for a few days and got fully cured from the disease.

The next message was about how to cure leprosy with a herb from Agasthyakoodam. The third message was about a beech tree that was planted near the tomb of a Fakir in the forest. The fruits of which have the power to make the human body as strong as iron.

The eighth message said that if any living being went near a particular tree they will lose their life.

Anand asked with curiosity,

“What is the meaning of this message, Ji? "

“In the Agasthyakoodam, there are some man-eating trees, whether it is an animal or human being they will swallow them alive if they go near it.”

“Unbelievable, we know that a lion or a tiger will kill humans or animals like that and eat them. It is quite unbelievable that a tree can do this.” Anand said.

“Anand, in a forest there are different species of plants and trees. Some are known and many are unknown. Many people might have fallen victim to man-eating trees like this from time to time. Won’t a person have to survive to tell this to the world? I agree that this matter is quite unbelievable to us because no one survived it to tell us the facts. This is what Shiv Baba’s message is telling us indirectly.”

Anand was not satisfied with the explanations given by Sankaran. Madhavan tried to substantiate the statement given by Sankaran by saying,

“Anand, I have read in a book named, by James W. Buel's, ‘Sea and Land’, that the Yateveo plant found in Africa which produces a hissing sound similar to the Spanish phrase "ya-te-veo" ( "now-I-see-you"), has poisonous "spines" that resemble many huge serpents in an angry position, occasionally darting from side to side as if striking at an imaginary foe, which seizes and pierces any animals or human beings coming within its reach, right!”

Madhavan’s explanation made Anand speechless and dumb.

Anand started reading the ninth message,

“This is the ‘Forget me’ area in the forest, anyone who enters this area of the forest will forget everything and roam around in this forest forever without even knowing how to come out of this forest. Some herbs found here, when used will increase love and affection between two people and some others like the black jasmine, if used on you will change your mind and make you a slave.”

When Anand completed reading the manuscript everyone looked at Sankaran as if asking what to do next.

“Anand, is it black Jasmine or some other flowers? Please check it carefully”, Sankaran said.

“Ji, I am sure it is black jasmine only.”

“Then it is clear, Mayamma stole the box for these secret messages and she used black jasmine on us to change our minds and make us her slaves”, Madhavan said.

“Ji, do you mean Mayamma read these secret messages and then started using it for black magic?” Anand asked.

“Yes. That is the truth, Baba asked me to throw this box in a stream because he might have suspected that someone may use it for black magic. But the power of fate changed everything” Sankaran said.

“But there is nothing to worry about now, as the manuscript is under my custody, and Baba will show us a way out.”

“Ji, still Anand does not have full confidence in what we discussed, that is what I personally feel. To clear everything, he and Ashwini should join together again and live peacefully. Varma has to come out free from the effect of the black magic. Mayamma should be punished for her sins and then only we will win in this” Madhavan said with hope.

“Well, where is Mayamma now?“Sankaran asked.

“She is at present, In Lakshmipuram”

“Is your sister Sree also with her?”

“Yes Ji, Sree, Varma, and Mayamma, they are all in the same house only. Varma is still under the influence of black magic and he does not know what is going around him! Even his legal wife cannot go near him. The entire Lakshmipuram is now under the control of Mayamma. If anyone acts against her wish, their clothes will catch fire and their house will be stoned by some invisible forces, the people there have lost their peace and patience.” Madhavan said.

“Have patience Madhavan, Baba will show us a way out!”Sankaran said.

Madhavan continued,

“Ji, Ashwini and I am the only people who got relieved from the effect of this black magic and that also because we got this wooden box and were able to go through the contents on this silk fabric. We took bath in the Teerthas mentioned in it instead of going and celebrating our honeymoon somewhere else."

“That's true. Baba has saved you, he will also give us a solution to come out of all these. Let us make sure that this precious information does not go into the hands of unscrupulous people like Mayamma. Only Baba can save us now. I came to this beach as per the command of Baba, and I got back this precious fabric. So If you have no objection, please come with me to Baba’s Samadhi, rest he will take care of, what do you say?”Sankaran asked.

“But,” Anand said,

“Before that, I want to go to Lakshmipuram and find out what is going on there, in person!"

“No, Anandplease, even if you meet Mayamma once, you will go under the influence of her black magic and will lose all your properties!” Ashwini begged off him.

“Sorry Ashwini, I don't want to come to any conclusion, just by listening to the stories you people tell. Let me go and verify it myself.”

"NoAnand, please don’t go there now, your life will be in danger!”

Madhavan advised.

"Let him go, Madhavan, then only he will understand the truth in this. Experience is the true guru, so let him experience it and come back. No harm will come to him. Baba is there with us always!“ Sankaran said with plenty of trust on his guru.

Anand got ready to start his journey of adventure, in search of the unknown.

Ashwini looked at Anand longingly.Madahavan whispered in her ears,

“Don’t worry Ashwini, I am sure that Anand will find out the truth and will accept you!”

Anandi looked at Madhavan with gratitude and with tears at the edge of her eyes.