A Circus in the Circus in English Moral Stories by JIRARA books and stories PDF | A Circus in the Circus

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A Circus in the Circus

A Circus in the Circus


© JIRARA, June 2021

Published by JIRARA

on matrubharti.com

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Disclaimer: This is the work of fiction as far as all the characters, their names and the names of all the events are concerned and all these are imaginary and hence any resemblance to the persons (and their lives) dead or alive, and any places are coincidental. Even if a few events might look realistic/’real’, these are fictionalised and the associated names are changed in order to maintain their privacy, honour, and security. No intention whatsoever is meant to hurt any feelings of whosoever, irrespective of their personal/cultural beliefs, social or political inclinations, religion-orientations/practicing/philosophy, life styles, and work/business. The ‘I’, ‘my’, ‘me’, and ‘mine’ (if any used) do not necessarily mean the author of this book/story/article, and these and other such pronouns: her, hers, his, he, she, him, you, your, yours, ours, theirs…; are used for effective personification and dramatization, and the readers should not take these on their ‘own persons’.


The readers should take these stories/verses/thoughts with/in good spirit. The presented ideas and material are based, where feasible, on readings and (thought-) analyses of scientific/other open literature (which seemed most profound and trustworthy), with as much care as possibly taken. The readers are requested to verify these notions on their own, and use their own discretion. However, these stories/verses/thoughts/ideas (mostly original) are expressed here with an intention of increasing awareness of the readers with a hope that in an overall sense, their (and ours) consciousness would be heightened (in all and multiple directions), so that we all can live our lives on this planet with tru hue happiness, ever-lasting peace and real joy (irrespective of our orientations). The author and the publisher will not be responsible for any negative effects/situations arising as a result of reading these stories/verses and/or following the suggestions if any; and no discussions/dispute of any kind will be entertained at any time and in any way, manner, and/or forum; because the dictum is that if you like(-d) you read, otherwise ignore, what is the point in making a fuss about it?; anyway you are independent to judge the messages in the articles/stories and utilize for your benefits if found useful, since here the idea is in the direction of ‘consciousness raising’. JIRARA.


A Circus in the Circus


Three persons entered the office of Atnasi, the lawyer, who has already occupied his seat and going through the case files for the day’s work.

Gloria: Sir, we are the three main persons from the small animal circus that is running in your town.

A: Yes, please introduce all to me.

G: Vakil sahib, this tall man (TM) is the owner of the circus, and I am the manager, and this stout man is the care taker of the one dozen animals that we have in our circus.

TM: Madam, the circus belongs to me only, it is not ‘our’ circus.

G: Ok, you are the owner, but you don’t know anything about the logistics as well as the animals.

A: Please tell me what is the problem? Who has the problem?

G: Sir, the problem is very serious, and I am having it with this TM.

A: What really happened? (At the same time Atansi directed his son to move to the inner room and close the door; his son was having the short break from his school and used to mainly sit in his father’s office; he closed the door, but was seeing and listening the unfolding drama of the case in the discussion through the slits in the old door).

G: This man misbehaved with me last night, and still he is not apologising.

A: Did you do any harm to her? What actually did you do?

G: Sir, he is very shroud man and liar, he won’t answer you.

A: You tell me exactly what happened?

G: Sir, he forcibly tried to sleep with me last night, and showed his power as if he is a very strong man, and he also harassed me for the whole night with too many failed attempts; I want to file a case against him, and want compensation from him.

A: Is he not your husband?

G: No, sir, he is not, he is just the circus man-the owner, and he is even unmarried, and he has been always trying to forcibly sleep with me.

A: Why were you silent for all those days?

SM: Sir, she is an employee of the circus, and her livelihood depends on the owner.

G: Yes sir, and I did not have any courage to act then, but this has become routine, boring, and taxing.

A: Are you married?

G: Not yet sir.

A: Then why don’t you get married with him? You two are far away from your native places, and you have to travel always together, and live together, and are dependent on each other. You can do legal marriage here.

TM: I have been suggesting this to her for long time, but she does not listen to me, sir.

G: Sir, he is the weakest man I have ever seen, you can see yourself he is so thin, the skeleton under the skin.

A: Does it matter so much? It is good to marry, given the present circumstances. And as for the case, it will take lot of time, and you will end up spending lot of money, and even if the judgement comes in your favour (and he will be punished), but your circus shows will be disturbed, your income will dwindle, and you all will lose lot of money.

G: Sir, I cannot marry him, sir he is very weak man, his male-organ is too weak, he tried a dozen times, but could not succeed, and he kept on blaming me for this, he is crooked man, he simply wants to exploit me just because I am dependent on him, and he just wants some parts of the woman for his sense gratification, and play; he cannot become a serious lover or even barely performing husband, and a responsible father.


Atansi advised the TM to behave decently like a gentleman at least for the days the circus is running in the town, and sleep far away from Gloria, and also instructed the stout man to keep watch on the tall man and Gloria, to which he readily agreed.


Atansi wanted to see the problem resolved on its own, since filing a suit would create lot of hassle for these travelling circus people, which they themselves have not realised.


The three people agreed with the suggestions and left the office of the advocate.


After a week the trio returned to the office of Atansi, and Gloria had the same complaint as the earlier one, and this time each one started complaining about other two for violation of the responsibilities that were suggested by the advocate. And the issues had become more serious, mean and highly deplorable.


Atansi thought the case would be very meaningless, lengthy, and this time he was not sure of the outcome. So, he thought that it would be better if the circus leaves the town.


A: I would suggest you please wind up your circus from here, and go back to your native state quickly, and meet your parents, and elderly people and take their advices and then resolve your disputes, that are becoming too personal, and cannot be even discussed in this court, it would be very ugly show in the court, and it would bring bad names to you three.


TM: Sir, how can you ask us to leave the town? I still have permission to run my circus for two more weeks.

G: Sir, though your new suggestion is good, we would not like to leave the town before the final date of the operation of the circus.

A: Well, I know the authorities in the municipality who have given you the permission, and get you all vacated by tomorrow evening.

All three simultaneously: sir, this is not fair at all, we won’t leave like this.

A: Ok, then I will act on my decision soon, you all may please go back now to your circus tents.


Next morning when Atansi went to his office, he could not find any posters of the circus hanging around on his way to the office, these were already removed, so also all the posters were removed from the town. The circus had left the town in the morning only.

In fact, Atansi had not talked to anybody in the municipality, even though he had said so, and even though he knew them very well!


Whether the solution that the lawyer had thought out was right or wrong, one cannot say, but it seemed logical to him given the peculiar circumstances in which the three circus persons were involved, especially in mud-slinging on each other and that to with personal attacks.
