Passport to Airport in English Short Stories by Keyur Shah books and stories PDF | Passport to Airport

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Passport to Airport

Hello friends,
In my first issue, I shared with you about Balaji's travel experiences. Today, I’d like to take you through what started off as a simple task of obtaining my first passport, but quickly turned into an emotional rollercoaster ride that continues to have a dizzying effect on me years later.
In one my first jobs, I was just hired as a Sales Executive in a Tata franchise. I’m not quite sure how I landed this job, as I had no prior experience, but my hiring manager, KP Sir, must have seen something in me. My primary objective was to make as many sales calls as possible. At first, I had no idea what I was doing, but in a few days, I started to get the hang of it. My confidence grew and I started to get closer and closer to my monthly target. In some months, I would reach these targets, other months would be more challenging. Regardless, KP Sir believed in me and started to mentor me. As the owner of the franchise, I trusted him and his process. He was fluent in English and his ability to speak with clients was admirable. As I continued to shadow KP Sir, I saw the extravagant lifestyle he led and wanted it for myself one day. KP Sir saw that I was motivated and he started to rely on me more and more. I quickly became his right-hand man and helped manage the office in his absence.
Over time, I started to meet other key members in the organization. The first time I met Anurag Sir, the CMG of Tata, I was struck by how soft-spoken he was and his calm demeanor. We became instant friends and he was incredibly supportive and continued to motivate me in reaching my goals.
In every sales organization, special schemes are often introduced to help drive sales. Tata launched a similar scheme. The top 20 Sales Executives in Gujarat would be rewarded with a fully paid week in Malaysia. When KP Sir announced this to us, I was thrilled. However, competing for a top spot in all of Gujrat was not going to be easy. I understood my goals and continued to do my job, just as I always have.
About a week later, I received a call on my mobile. It was Anurag Sir. I answered and immediately, he asked, “Is your passport is ready?” I was surprised to be asked exactly like this and replied, “No sir.” He insisted, "Apply for a passport today! YOU ARE IN TOP FIVE NOW!” he insisted. I could not believe it, I HAVE A CHANCE TO GO TO MALAYSIA.
As soon as I hung up the phone, I talked to KP Sir and he told me to go and start the procedure right now, I was so happy, I went home and told everyone at home, they were all very happy, that was only a week but the hopes were there. I got the contact information for a passport agent, Dimple Ben, from one of my uncles. I gathered all the necessary documents and took them to her house the next very day. Dimple ben helped me complete all of the required forms. I signed. I dated. I attached all the fees. We both headed for the passport office and within 15 minutes, we were there!
There was a long queue outside the passport office, I thought I would not have to stand in queue if I had an agent but Dimple Ben told me to stand in queue and leave as soon as your number came, I told him if I had to stand. So the commission money is for what? She said to fill the form, now there was no other option for me except to stand in a queue, now even though the passport application is done online but in the past, the agents used to rob the ritual.
I immediately called KP Sir and told him I could not come to the office today and took leave. He was supportive. I was standing in a queue at eleven o'clock in the morning. My number came at about 3:00 o'clock. I was very hungry after having breakfast in the morning but it was necessary to finish the job. I entered the PR office room at around 3.30 pm, handed over the form, and proceeded with all the procedures. He started asking me questions for verification. At that time normally passport was came late so When I met him, I requested him that I must have this within a month. He asked me why, and so I told him the details of my trip to Malaysia and added a little emotion and said sir this tour is very important to me, I am coming from a middle-class family and this tour will prove to be an important tour for my career and I will be very sorry if I missed because of the passport.
Aiyar Sir understood my situation, he looked like a very simple and good man. He was a little strict, but I was told in a very soft tone, he asked me not to worry as he filled in the details in front of me on the computer. He called someone and suggested something and said, “All the best.” Thanking him, I stepped out of his cabin. It was a relief to have the work done so easily and the tension from my body was slowly disappearing.
The next day I went back to work. A week later, there was also a police inquiry at home so it occurred to me that the passport would come on time, a worry was alleviated.
For fifteen days, I remained in Tata’s top ten rankings in all of Gujarat. I was feeling strong and confident. All of a sudden, on day sixteen, my ranking started to go down. With only five more days remaining, I was sitting at the 16th spot. I was getting nervous and the pressure from my competition was increasing. My CMG, Anurag Sir, tried to calm my nerves, but there was panic in my heart.
With one day left and I was at number nineteen. My head was spinning. Regardless, KP Sir urged me to remain calm. Winning this trip would be amazing for me, it would also bring a lot of positive attention to KP Sir’s franchise and team. I did not want to disappoint this team that has been so supportive of me.
In a blink of an eye, KP Sir’s phone rang. He answered and in a few moments, disconnected the phone. He turned to me and said, “20 new connections have come & NOW YOU ARE AGAIN IN THE TOP 10!” I realized that I had taken a step forward on my way to Malaysia.
On that same evening, I got a call from Anurag Sir. I answered the call and in a somber tone, he said, “Keyur, sorry, but you missed the Malaysia tour from just one number. You finished at the 21st spot.” My heart sank. After a brief silence, he screamed, “I was just joking!” I was in the TOP 10. He congratulated me and asked me and told me to prepare for Malaysia.
I was very happy to hear this. A direct trip to Malaysia from Ahmedabad was like a dream for me. I went straight home and gave this good news to everyone. Everyone was very happy. It was really incredible for me. Now, I was eagerly waiting for that day.
It was ten days since I submitted my passport application. Suddenly, one morning, Anurag Sir called me asking for the status of my passport. I told him it had not yet come. He quickly informed me that if I was not able to submit my passport to Tata’s corporate office within three days, I would be disqualified for this tour. I was completely numb to hear this. Although I was at home, nursing a wound from a small accident a few days back, I immediately marched to the passport office. I reached the passport office at about 3 o'clock and waited to speak to someone at the inquiry office. The wait felt like days. Finally, someone called me to their desk and informed me that they did not have a status update for me. I insisted on speaking with the officer in charge and was pointed to the office of Aiyar Sir.
As soon as I entered Aiyar Sir's cabin, he immediately recognized me and to my surprise, asked if I got my passport. I said, “Sir, I just came for that. I haven't got the passport yet.” He looked puzzled and quickly pulled up my file on his computer. After a few quick strokes on his keyboard, he said, “Keyur, your passport was dispatched only yesterday by speed post. I suggest you go to the Speed Post office and check.” I was happy and my heart started to beat normal again. I expressed my gratitude as Aiyar Sir wished me best as I was leaving the passport office. Finally, it seemed like all obstacles were out of the way and nothing would stop me from reaching Malaysia. I decided to make my way to the Speed Post office on Ashram Road.
At about quarter past five o'clock, I arrived at the office of Speed Post, checking there I found out that the postman who delivers the passport arrives after six o'clock. Today, I was determined not to go home without the passport in my hands…no matter what happens. I waited. It was 6:00 PM and I looked around. He was not there. I waited. It was now 7:00 PM. He was still not there. 7:30 PM now, and HE WAS NOT BACK! I was starting to panic. My heart was racing. Finally, someone from the office called me over and informed me that the postman I was looking for would not be back into the office until the following day at 7:00 AM. I was crushed. Disappointed, I left the post office and headed home.
I was not in any mood when I got home. If my passport was not submitted tomorrow, all my dreams would be dashed. I would go home and go to my room after watching some TV. I tossed and turned all night. I simply could not sleep. It was finally 5:30 in the morning and I sprung out of bed. Rapidly finished my morning activities and around 6:30 AM, I left home to go to the post office. As I rode my bike there, I came across a temple. I walked in for a quick prayer and continued my journey with the blessing of God. Typically, the road from my house to the post office was half an hour, but at this ridiculously early hour, I reached in 20 minutes.
I reached the post office, parked my bike in the parking lot, and entered the post office. All the postmen were there. So I sat down, and immediately, a postman came out from inside. As he approached, our eyes met. “Keyur Shah?” he asked. I was surprised. “Yes!” I replied nervously. “Glad you are here now. If it was any later, I would have left for my regular deliveries.” He informed me. He walked back into the office and quickly returned back with an envelope in his hands. Even from a distance, I could see my name on it and it was confirmed as he handed my passport to me. Grateful, I pulled out a 100 Rs.note and handed it to him. He was happy and naturally, I was very happy too.
I took the passport straight out of the post office and immediately called and gave the news at home. Everyone was ecstatic! Without any detours, I went straight home and called Anurag Sir and gave him this happy news. As expected, he was also very happy and told me to submit that passport to Prem at the corporate office. I quickly went into the office and handed Prem my precious passport.
In an ideal world, this would be the end of my ride as I step out of the roller-coaster and onto a plane headed to Malaysia. But as you’ve seen, I don’t live in an ideal world. My world is full of ups and downs. Nothing in my life is easy for me.
With the passport was deposited to the corporate office, everyone at home was happy, now I was starting to feel like my dreams of going to Malaysia were coming true. About a month later, I found out that my flight to Malaysia was booked on Singapore Airlines. Until now, I’ve never even left Ahmedabad. Now, as my first trip out of my home city, I was going to Malaysia on Singapore Airlines. This was like a dream for me!
About fifteen days before we leave for Malaysia, the whole itinerary came with all the details for the trip of six days and five nights. The excitement around the trip made the time fly by as the days passed quickly. Now, with only about a week left before takeoff, our relatives also started coming to meet me. I had no such background that I could go to Malaysia, so my family members were also surprised when they got this news. They came and gave greetings and suggestions. Some were so shocked that won this trip, they could not believe it. I had to show them the itinerary as proof that I was actually going. I worked hard for this and was proud (and amazed) at what I had accomplished at such a young age. My family was also proud.
With just a couple more days to go, I started packing my bags. Many thoughts and feelings flooded my mind. Time went by in a blink of an eye and finally, that day arrived. That morning, my head was filled with thoughts running frantically. I had never seen the plane up close, there was always noise coming from the sky and coming out of the balcony, today was the first time I was going to board a flight and that too International!
The flight was scheduled to take off at 12:15 AM. Our tour manager was Deepesh. He told me to arrive at the airport at eight o'clock at night. Since it was the last day, the family phone calls were constantly on. My uncle was coming to pick me up and take me to the airport. He told me he would be at my home at about six o'clock. The excitement was overwhelming. Even some of my neighbors decided to jump in the car to take me to the airport. During the entire ride to the airport, my phone was ringing non-stop with friends and family send me their good wishes. The battery on my phone was nearly dead. At 7:45 PM, I was at the international airport.
When we arrived at the airport I called Deepesh who was my tour manager. He located me and pointed me to a place to stand as he gathered other members of our trip. Ten minutes later, he arrived with the rest of the group.
Deepesh started calling out names and giving passports to each of us. I patiently waited. Then, all of a sudden, he stopped calling out names. Did I miss my name? I looked at the other four people whose names Deepesh did not call. We call stared back at Deepesh. I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. He asked us if we have our passports. “I submitted it to Prem at the office!” I exclaimed. “I don’t have it.” He replied.
I immediately called my manager and just as he answered, the battery on my mobile completely died. Silence. No one on the other end. All I could hear is the pounding in my head. I took a deep breath. Found Anurag Sir’s phone from someone in the group and borrowed another mobile to reach out to him again. He answered and I explained the situation to him. He calmly told me to wait a few minutes while called Prem to understand what was going on. I informed my family what was happening and we were all anxiously waiting for a call back from Anurag Sir. Five minutes later Anurag Sir's phone rang and he said Prem has all of the remaining passports and is in Baroda now headed to the airport.
On the Baroda Express Highway from Ahmedabad, it takes about an hour and a half to reach the airport. As it was about 8:40 PM already, Prem would not reach the airport until about 10:00 PM!!! All those who had passports started going inside the airport. Waiting outside with Deepesh, was the five of us without a passport. With a departing time of 12:15 AM, we needed to be in the airport, through security and ready to board by 10:00 PM. “How is this going to work out?” I asked myself.
At about 9:45, we called Prem. He said he was stuck in traffic on the expressway and the traffic was not moving. But my heart was racing! I felt like a dream had been shattered, like a lump in my mouth. Every minute that passed, seemed like hours. Finally, at around 10.30 PM, Prem got out of the car and started running and gave passports to everyone one by one. As expected, my passport came in it last. My heart was pounding. Slowly, peace of mind came, enthusiasm came back, mom, dad, uncle were all happy and proceeded towards my trip to Malaysia taking their blessings and expressing love.
It is said that God creates such an obstacle before something good happens but in the end your the goal is achieved, so friends, this was the journey from my passport to the airport!
Please let me know how you feel. Your greetings and comments make me more excited to write. Thank you all very much for reading about my experience. If you like this experience, be sure to share it with your friends and your group. Let's meet again with a new experience, until then thank you all very much.