THE UNINVITED - 2 in English Adventure Stories by Nivas Injeti books and stories PDF | THE UNINVITED - 2

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2.The win isn't yours yet,Magnus

After the chaos that was created by Valco and his men,he returned to Triton.Triton awaits for the words of Valco,sitting back in his throne.Valco bends on one knee,bowing to Triton."I can see that you all are empty handed.May I know what is the reason behind it?" Triton asks to Valco and all."Lord Triton,he had done something which can be undone", Valco speaks out.Triton looks at him amusingly."He destroyed everything along with himself and left no clues,nothing to us" says Valco.Triton remains calm for a while and leaves a half smile "Do you think he is such an Idiot!Creating an extraordinary thing which doesn't have any name for it and letting it to be destroyed!", says Triton."But Lord,I have seen the explosion with my eyes", says Valco."You just saw what your eyes can see,Valco", Triton dominates Valco with his words."There is no way that he is giving up that quick.He might had another plan behind his suicide", says Triton and thinks for a while.Everyone looks at him what he might command them to do so.Triton calls the head of the technical team at his place and says "PRIMAL,I want you to do something for me"."On your command,Lord Triton", says Primal."I want you to go through the data that was captured by all the satellites in our solar system from the time of the attack,that we have done", says Triton."But Lord,I am afraid that it would kill your patience for waiting that long", says Primal."It is worth waiting Primal,just go through what I suggested you to do", says Triton."Yes,my lord", says Primal and is about to leave the place where Triton interrupts him saying "And one thing.Just check you can find any data regarding before or after the explosion that happened.I do have a theory which I think might work", says Triton with a cunning smile.
Back on Earth,in the early morning,we have Prerna walking to the running track,with her back pack on.But deep inside her mind,she keeps thinking of the incident that happened previous night.With all those thoughts,she walks into the stadium as the gate keeper says "On time,good".Prerna doesn't respond to him and walks in and sits on a bench,taking her backpack into her hands and starts unzipping it."So,the chaser of dreams is on time now", says the Coach,approaching her.Prerna freaks a bit and closes the zip of the bag saying "Ahh!I think that was a heavy sentence for me to carry on my shoulders"."But you are carrying it from the time since I know you", says the Coach and looks at her feet asking "Where are your shoes?"."What!Ahh,yeah!!They are in my bag", says Prerna."Ohh.You are being more aware of them.Take them out and put on.I want you on the track in few minutes", says the Coach and starts to walk away from her where Prerna interrupts him saying "You don't wanna see them?"."What?" asks the Coach."The shoes.You don't want to see them?", says Prerna.Coach gives a smile saying "No,I don't" and walks away.Prerna gets confused and unzips her bag,taking her shoes out.She holds them in her hand and stares at them for a while remembering where she got the shoes from.The incident from previous night flashes in her mind which is disturbed by a girl,who is mostly a fellow runner as she says "They seem big".Prerna gets out of her thoughts and asks "What?"."Those shoes.I can say just by watching your feet that those are big for you", says the girl and walks away.Prerna looks at them for a while and places the shoes beside her feet and finds them big in size.She just holds her head with her hands as she doesn't know what to do while her Coach shouts out from far "Prerna,how long are you gonna stare at that treasure of yours.Hop on to the track,quick.""Ye-Yes Sir", says Prerna and puts on the shoes.As she completed tying her lace,she finds something amazing has happened as the shoes fits to her feet perfectly.She gets into a dilemma of how it has happened.Her Coach calls her name again and Prerna stops thinking about it and walks to the track.Along with Prerna,there are 7 competitors.Coach makes a walk towards them,talking loud "To all the aspiring runners over here,till now,you used to run as soon as I blew the whistle.But in the main competition,they will fire a Gun and you should get habituated for that sound from now onwards.Or else,you might be panicked at the time of competition.So today,I am going use the Gun instead of whistle", he says and leaves the track,takes the Gun into his hand saying "By the time I pull this trigger,I want you to push yourselves as hard as you can".Prerna listens to all his words and makes herself ready.All the runners gets into their position and Coach starts his countdown from 3 to 1.Prerna strengthens all her muscles to put everything she can.As the Coach reaches 1 in his countdown,he pulls the trigger.But no one makes a move from their mark as they see Prerna laying down on the track,a few yards forward from them,as they don't how she fell.Coach runs to Prerna immediately asking her "Hey,are you Okay!Get up,get up".Prerna doesn't understand what just happened.She doesn't even listen to her Coach's words.She is trying to recollect what has happened and why did she fall on the track.Coach tries to make her sit but Prerna hesitates saying "I am sorry.I didn't eat anything before coming here.It might be the reason I fell.We can start again"."You haven't taken anything and want to run now!Just sit for a while,you need some rest", says Coach."No,no,no,no.I am totally fine.Let's just do it one more time,please", she pleases the Coach until he accepts."Okay fine,just don't fall this time", says the Coach and Prerna walks to her mark,apologising everyone."Okay,let's restart this,I am going to start my countdown,be on your marks", says the Coach.Prerna gets into mark and thinks to sort out what is actually happened.Coach completes his countdown and pulls the trigger and Prerna starts running.But this time,she concentrates on what actually has happened as she looks towards the other competitors and she finds something unnatural is happening which blows her mind away.As she completed running half the track,her fellow competitors didn't even start running from ther position.As she came closer to the finish line,she watches the gun where she finds the tip of the bullet is visible,which says that the bullet didn't even come out,but she covered the whole track.Prerna finds this all so wierd and crazy.She finds out that she reached the finish line and tries to stop herself but gets ended up falling down again.Everyone looks at her again in the same way as they did before.Coach looks at her with his hand upward holding the Gun.Prerna doesn't understand about all the crazy stuff happening her,as she gets up saying "I need to go" and walks away from there,picking her bag.Everyone looks at her in a way what might be wrong with her.
Prerna walks on the street,folding her hands and thinking how fast she ran.She looks down,watching her shoes,thinking how does this happen.As she continues walking down the street and meets a traffic signal,she stops to cross the road.On the opposite side of the road,a mother and her kid,awaits as Prerna to cross.The kid is holding a toy and playing with it.It slips away from his hand onto the road and he runs to get it.Mother being in a rush,she doesn't notice her kid running onto the road.By the time she sees him,he is in the middle of the road,holding his toy.His mother screams out loud,as a vehicle is coming over him.Prerna gets alerted by her shout and watches the kid in the middle of the road.By the time the vehicle approaches closer to the kid,Prerna grabs him and reaches the side of the road,where his mother is.It all happens in a nick of time and everyone who watched this are awestruck for a minute.Mother thanks Prerna for saving her kid.Prerna doesn't understand how to respond,as she walks away from there.She finds a place where no one can see her,takes off her shoes and places them in her back pack.
She attends her school but doesn't pay attention to her classes.She keeps thinking about everything that has happened.And the same continues with her at her work place,in the restaurant.As she was in her thoughts,she finds something on the TV in the restaurant,a news about five unknown objects,mysteriously crashing on various places in southern part of India.Prerna just keeps looking at it.Some of the workers beside her,makes a conversation about what might they be and asks Prerna,about her opinion.She just remains calm and says nothing.And after her shift is completed,she reaches her home,with some food for her Mother.She stays for a while and walks out to go and meet her friend.
Mythri remains silent,talking nothing with her eyes open wide."I know it sounds crazy,but you have to believe me", says Prerna but Mythri doesn't even responds.Prerna calls her and Mythri responds saying "Yeah,yeah.It took me a while.So,you are saying,with these shoes on,you can run fast"."Yeah", says Prerna.Mythri still looks a bit unwilling and Prerna says "Okay,you still doesn't believe me"."No,it isn't like that,I believe in you", says Mythri."That's okay, let's do one thing.Why don't you ask for something you want,which is far away from here and I will bring it for you", says Prerna."You are joking", says Mythri."No,I am serious.Just ask for something which is only available far away from here and I will bring it for you", says Prerna.Mythri thinks a bit saying nothing."Come on,What are you thinking about!", asks Prerna."Thinking about what should I ask for!", Says Mythri.Prerna smiles a bit.After thinking a while,Mythri asks for some kind of flavoured ice cream.Prerna says "Okay!" and gets into her running position."Okay?Are you crazy,it was like a 20 minutes drive on bicycle and", Mythri keeps talking and just in a nick of time,she finds Prerna,a few steps away from her,in some bushes."Oh my god,Prerna", says Mythri and walks towards her.Prerna gets up,spitting leaves and dust from her mouth,rubbing the dust on her clothes."Are you okay?" asks Mythri.Prerna doesn't say anything but gives her the Ice cream she asked.Mythri gets amused by seeing that.Prerna says "So,do you believe me now?"."You,you are fast.Not just like fast fast,you are amazingly fast", says Mythri thrillingly."I know,that's what I am saying", says Prerna happily.After a while,they both sit down,Mythri asking her "So,how does it work!I mean,the shoes.How does it happen?"."I too really don't know.The moment I put them on,they make me run fast", says Prerna."Can I try them once?", asks Mythri.Prerna looks at her for a while and says "Yeah,sure".Mythri tries to fit her feet in the shoes "You said these are big in size compared with your feet.But once you wear them,they were fit perfectly to you", says struggling."Yeah,that's what actually happened", says Prerna."Then why doesn't it happen to me", says Mythri."I-I don't know", claims Prerna.Mythri struggles for a while but ends up with her feet in the shoes."Okay,I have to agree that they are tight", says Mythri.Prerna smiles and asks her to give a try.Mythri takes her position and runs.But nothing happens.They find it surprising and Prerna asks her to try again.Mythri runs again but ends up with nothing.They doesn't understand why it is not working with her."So they only work for you", says Mythri."I-I don't know", says Prerna."Other than this making you run fast,do you anything about this?", asks Mythri.Prerna gives a blank expression."We have to know about it Prerna.The more we know about this thing,the more we can understand", says Mythri.Prerna thinks for a while."But,where do we start?", asks Mythri.After being calm for a while,Prerna says with an enlightening face "I know".They make their walk to the place where the pod with the shoes crashed.But they stop going near to it as the place is surrounded with Police and many other Officials.There were many people who came to examine what it could be.Seeing all of them,Prerna and Mythri stops their walk and decides to go around in an other way,through some thick bushes,which might lead them somewhat closer,so they can see or listen what they are discussing.They keep their presence low and walks slowly without making any noise.When they are few steps away to reach the spot they decided,they hear a sound near by,like someone fell.Prerna and Mythri looks at each other and walks slowly towards the spot from where the noise came.As they walk through the bushes,they stop at a point,where they saw something.Prerna and Mythri just remain silent with Prerna saying "What!".
Back in Triton's place,Primal rushes towards Triton,with a device in his hand to show Triton something in it."Lord Triton,I found something which might be helpful", says Primal and hands over the device to Triton.The device displays about the pods,launching before the explosion took place."You were right Lord Triton,he didn't give up that quick", says Primal.Triton lets out a cunning smile saying "Check on the data of every satellite that exists and find where these pods went"."Yes,my Lord", says Primal and leaves the place.Triton gives a pride look on his face saying "The win isn't yours yet,Magnus".

….to be continued