THE DEATH BED ALIVE in English Short Stories by Mehrin books and stories PDF | THE DEATH BED ALIVE

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Every life that lives has to die. Many people give advices and many controversies are raised about the way of living.Everybody has a different way of living.

What if the end of life i.e. death itself comes alive and tells us the realities of life.
The death bed speaks: "In whatever way you live your life, one day you all have to come to meet me. Nothing is permanent. Happiness, sadness, love, heartbreak, failure and success, everything is going to end someday.
And that day is not so far.
Every moment of your life is worth living. Each day, each moment of your life is precious."
As rightly said by the death bed, life is just a temporary kind of thing. Life is nothing but a small journey of 60-70 years. We people are so much into our life that we all have forgotten the reality of our life...
Life is the gift of Almighty. We were nothing but just flesh and blood in our mother's womb. Almighty has given us a soul which we have to return to him when we die..
It's in our hands now that what do we make our soul.
Life is too short. And we should not waste it in being sad because of small silly issues. We must be happy with what we have and not just crave for more and more of material pleasures...
We need to perform good deeds and make others happy. By doing this we gain great satisfaction. And as we all know,"Satisfaction is the greatest happiness."

In this pretty journey, don't waste your time on people who don't bother you. It simply means that they don't deserve you and your good vibes :). And if you meet someone like that, just tell them this :

"I have stopped bothering people..
Who consider me like nothing...
From now on...
My only focus is me..
And ofcourse, Almighty"...
So as for you...
You, The Unlucky One
"You don't deserve my vibe bae..

Haha, Savage!! But you can try this😉.

In life you'll meet many, many, many sort of people. Some will come to teach you lessons, some to show you the real meaning of love and some come to teach you only what love is not. Almighty sends them to you with a sweet lesson. The lessons can sometimes be worst, but afterall it's on us... How we deal with them.

Someone once told me, "To some people, you just have to act like a mirror." This is so right. No more, no less. Just a perfect blend of similar efforts.

People come and people go, this is life so just go with the flow..


So that was it. My first try to write such an article. I hope it gives you rays of hope in your tough times. Thank you for reading ❤️❤️. Do drop your feedbacks.

This was a small attempt to spread positive vibes. Hope you enjoyed reading it.

Wish you a happy, safe, and successful life ahead.

Happy Reading!! ❤️