Sector-19, The way go to death... - 1 in English Horror Stories by Vidhi books and stories PDF | Sector-19, The way go to death... - 1

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Sector-19, The way go to death... - 1

About author: my self vidhi and i reads in eleventh class and this is my first story on matrubharti and excuse me if I did any grammatical mistake.

So let's start.

The way go to death..
Under the moon light and dark sky snnn( sound of wind) wind is blowing over the river passing down the bridge of cassero city,at the edge of bridge there is a statue of an angel is standing holding a clock in her hand . And needles of the clock is showing 3:05am on it.Tik Tik Tik( Clock sound) . A man on a cycle
is passing through the bridge and he bow one's head front of the statue . He is unknown to the danger which is coming front of him.The wind change the way to the storm.
Oh, what the hell is this?. the man said.Ouch dust gone to my eyes,and he loose his balance and fell down ooo it's hurt me.Now say, In this bloody storm how it will be possible to reach the store and if I be late to deliver the newspapers to the whole city then my boss will kill me.He tries to get up with the support of his cycle as he begins to leave a horrible sound touches his ear." Poster boy".
Hmm he get scared and cried with screaming voice,who is it? Snnnnn (sound of storm). He moves his head around but he finds nothing there,fear is flying over his face.
Hmmm by making sound he swallowed his saliva which get collected in his mouth.He claimed himself that it's was just an illusion and he breathed peace.storm get calm down and his ear again feel a sound, " poster boy".he get scared and this horrible sound shake his heart from inside. Hmmm who is it?? He start crying.He left his cycle.znnnn ( falling sound) .His ear feels the sound of water current and he steps left and went at the edge of bridge and he saw the running water flowing below the bridge and he again cried with fear who is it?? as he move his face back a black spirit came from the the dark way and he grabs the man with his blooded hands. aaaaa leave me he screamed and spirit jumps into the river along with him. Zzrrrrrr ( water sound) bubbles get develop into water with many circles over there and the colour of greyish water turns to red.
Again wind changes and passes through near the statue and a stone come near the clock and broke the glass into pieces.Tik Tik Tik sound get stopped and the needles get stop on 3:25 am.
To know what the way is coming now front of the characters of the story which put them into death and is someone overcome from the death or not ,who was that spirit?
To know keep reading the story
and stay home safe.Tell how u rate for this part is coming soon
Carry on ur entertainment here.