I. H. T. G. - 2 in English Love Stories by Amar Kamble books and stories PDF | I. H. T. G. - 2

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I. H. T. G. - 2

The bell rang for lunch after two classes. We came out. Sameer asked, “So your cousin is also in our college?” I said, “Yeah, division – C.” I remembered, mom had asked me to meet Shilpa in the college. We moved towards stairs; soon we saw a group of girls coming. There was the girl too whom I had met in the morning. Shilpa saw me & came to me. She said, “Hi Karan. Let me introduce you to my friends.” I indicated not to do so but you know how girls are! Shilpa said, “Girls, he’s my cousin Karan & Karan, she’s Radha, Divya, Shruti &… hey girls, where is she?” One girl was missing. Soon notebooks felled down on stairs & we saw there. A girl in blue jeans & white shirt was dealing with her sandal. Shilpa called her, “Aisha!” She looked up & Sameer kept his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him & he blinked his eyes. Oh God! Aisha came to us & said, “Hey!” Shilpa said, “Aisha, meet my cousin Karan.” I didn’t like Aisha’s greet in attitude but I had to change my mind set. Karan, all girls are not the same ok? I said, “He’s is my friend Sameer.” We looked at Sameer. He was continuously looking at Aisha. Aisha said, "Nice meeting you." Sameer said, "I luv you!" Everyone with me shocked. Aisha exclaimed, "What?" Sameer asked, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Aisha said, "Nonsense!" & she left. Every one of us (Except Sameer of course) shocked for a while. Shruti broke the silence & said, "Shilpa, Karan helped me in the morning in finding the classroom." I didn't respond.

Third lecture was of Basic Chemistry. Miss Gupta entered the class. Her look caught attention of all boys (except me!). I was sitting near Abhinav on fourth bench. He said, “Another surprise is also about to come. There is a Miss named Singhi for Basic Mathematics.” I said, “I’ll surprisingly make a scene which you definitely won’t like! Oh sorry, it’s not your fault. Every boy likes girls. It’s genetic problem of all boys. I’m thankful that I’m not a part of that.” Abhinav looked a while and then asked, “Are you gay?”

Sameer & I came to the college bus after college. There was crowd at bus entrance so I said to Sameer, “We’ll go by next bus.” He begged, “No, please! We must go by this one.” Aisha! Oh God!! We moved to the door. Everyone was in rush to get the seat like it was a parliament seat! But Shruti was standing apart from the crowd. Sameer said to her, “Hurry up otherwise you won’t get seat.” She just nodded her head. What a drama! What was she trying to prove? I just neglected her. We entered the bus. Shilpa called me. I sat with her & said, “Don’t expect any ‘thank you’ from me! She said, “I need your phone. Keep your thank you in your pocket.” Shruti entered the bus ultimately & bus started. Shilpa asked, “So, how was your first day?” I answered, “It would be greater if there were no girls in the college.” Shilpa asked, “What’s your problem bro? I know that you’ve broken up with a girl & you’re hurt by that but you should focus on your present rather than past.” Soon Aisha barked on a boy. I said to Shilpa, “She reminds me of my past.” & went to Aisha. She was demanding a seat from a boy, in attitude! Sameer was trying to calm down her. Flirty! I reached there & said to Aisha, “Why should he give you the seat? And why should anybody else?” Aisha said, “You keep quit, it’s none of your business.” I said, “Let me clear that you should come first to get the seat first." Aisha said to Shilpa, "Shilpa, control your cousin before my sandal starts speaking." I said, "Oh, you got sandals too!" Shilpa came to hold me. Sameer said to Aisha, "Why are you arguing Aisha? Take Shilpa's seat, fine?" I looked at Sameer. Shilpa said, "Yeah, you take my seat." Aisha said, "It's not about the seat, Shilpa. You didn't see how the boy was talking." & sat on Shilpa's seat. I wonder how girls can do this so confidently! I looked at that boy.

Am I overreacting? Shouldn’t I behave so rude to them? And be just, normal? Sameer isn’t doing any abnormal thing. Shruti hasn’t done anything to behave so rudely with her. And Shilpa, she is my cousin. Aisha is arrogant but she isn’t gonna cross my path anyway. It’s true that I should limit my personal issues to myself. Whatever our intension would be, people interpret only what they want to and this will affect only me, not others. I was talking like a sin to myself in front of the mirror. I kept looking for a while & then said, “Never!”

(To Be Continued...)