AFTER YOU, COME THOU - 18 in English Fiction Stories by Mario Jose books and stories PDF | AFTER YOU, COME THOU - 18

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“Pay attention to what I say, Adolfo Sammartino, go tell The Loser Titan to stay behind the scenes, so that Balou could act thereupon”.

Order: Notice from one court that empowers a lower court to enforce an instruction, to make a warning or a confidential proposal.

As soon as he ran into -and simultaneously distinguished- Valentina at the airport, on November 29th 2017, The Loser Titan remembered who he really was. Adolfo Sammartino, The Loser Titan, Balou, three in one version of oneself, three worlds fitting into the famous trinity of love, intelligence and will. Adolfo Sammartino, the biological version; The Loser Titan, the social version, while Balou comes to be the spiritual one, the latter version serving as the gateway through which one tips over into the abyss so to reacquaint him/herself with his/her higher Self. While having a coffee seated at the bar in Cali airport, the Loser Titan checked his watch: it was twelve o´clock. Noon sharp. He began to think about how punctual mid-day can be, when, from a base layer located inside his body, multiple versions of reality started to be unfolded, so long as the unrolled thread of the ages carried him to evoke faded memories, which had purposely been driven away from his discernment, as the Universal Mind´s duty is to conceal them for his own good and only allow their disclosure when It sees it fit. Immersed in a chat with Valentina a bit later, it looked as if someone had installed a new chip in his conscience enabling, through this new device, the decoding process which structures and defines his Being: the twelve. As he assimilated the three above-mentioned versions, he felt himself as experiencing the numerical symbol of the One, by means of the twelve. In so doing, a wave of frequencies transported him to the twelve months of the calendar, the twelve steps of Jesus´s holly ladder, the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve hours of the clock. Such an intense focus on these symbols prompted him, so much so that jar loose memories were displayed to Balou, who decided to sail away to plunge into the enthralling voyage of rediscovery of his essence, steering his own course of the twelve henceforth.

Adolfo Sammartino had been brought to earth in nineteen hundred sixty-seven, through her mother´s womb. Upon birth he integrated to the family composed of his father Mario, her mother Susana, other than two sisters and a brother. His given name, Adolfo, accounts for the logging on the registry of newly-born children, it´s the evidence as well as the starting point of his passing along this world. His biological version, Adolfo, enabled the flow upwards toward the ground of emotions and mind-development, at this point society has already filtered in to bring forth the Loser Titan; the existing version of The Loser Titan ultimately yielded to the delights of subtleness, thus clearing the path to the apparition of Balou, the highest peak of himself, the only version capable of rousing remembrances like the ones glimpsed at the airport. None of the versions attacks the others, they work in parallel, each of them operates under certain rules, none of the three breathes down on the other´s neck. Instead, each one sets their limits, owns a territory wherein the options considered by the free will are taken and further developed. Although the family Sammartino insisted upon him being baptised, Adolfo was not born catholic, Catholicism tagged him a label (being religion just another social convention similar to the name humans are given at birth) in an attempt to maintain the Sicilian genealogic lineage alive. During twenty-three years the label was in full force, then the time to be removed it has come. Well, say now that Adolfo Sammartino is vaccinated at a public hospital, there is no doubt the liquid is injected to his biological body, but the shot is felt by The Loser Titan, it´s him the patient screaming amidst sympathetic nurses, his grin of pain will therefore produce an audible social impact; lastly, he who might take profit of the event of vaccination for evolutionary ends, this is Balou.

While Valentina flung those blazing glances, which eroded The Loser Titan´s resistance, new images were inserted in his mind, images that made him retreat from everyday reality. A fresh new aptitude took him across the barriers of limitations to a place where boundaries disappear, where one is launched into the realm of a greater entity. Once there, he realised that time could be much more flexible than he had ever thought, it can stretch out, be distorted or bent, it can be coiled-up around itself, making room for simultaneous movements in other dimensional realities to happen, being each of them available according to what one intends and is apt to handle. Though the Loser Titan couldn´t grasp the meaning of these matters neatly, there seem to be an invisible coach who was issuing instructions to him -he was supposed to receive further instructions as to which extent this momentum with Valentina will open avenues of action for him. The Loser Titan should have to remember them when the time to make decisions comes.

Every time he answered back to Valentina´s glances, he received a steady flow of information from heaven, and it was precisely heaven that warned him to be watchful not to get ensnared in heavenly loveliness (the model´s scented glances may produce, to inattentive individuals, the effects of chloroform), because he could be, once upgraded to the version of Balou, a star too. One of the messages in the course of being transmitted, valuable to him indeed, stood out among the rest: “come on, jump off, spiral out of lineal time and shape your own reality. Your present reality is not the overall reality but the one determined by the birth of Adolfo Sammartino, further transmuted into The Loser Titan”. The next statement fortified the previous ones while enhancing The Loser Titan´s senses even more: “by means of an overrated educational system along with continuous religious teaching, it was sold a functional version of reality to your gross anatomy, your physical body, even though it was something you had never asked for. Your purchase was performed under pressure, with such a degree of formality that once the pre-sale, sale and post-sale have been carried out, a contract, which you signed at the bottom of the page, has been concluded, so prompting the end of innocence and your subsequent neural programming in order to fit in society. This is the method used to beget human beings, for whose interruption contraceptives have astutely been tucked away, largely out of our reach. “The fact remains that every inhabitant on earth planet possesses -Balou´s reception of data continued non-stop- the instruments to seek the truth somewhere inside the original self, which are to be dug up before deciding on how and when to make use of them, provided that you can envisage that by retrieving them is the only way to transcend both biological and social faint planes, only then the present reality can be transformed so that it could be given back our real face, which belongs to us as vehicles of light.

What at the airport had been considered a ride to madness by the Loser Titan, to Balou resulted in a revelation of the path that will gear him to the truth, an announcement which contained the tools of truth which are to be used in due time.

Due to this divergency and because each version of oneself is always ruled by its own laws, once in the aircraft The Loser Titan failed to recognise himself. A newfound entity had just seized his energy, was in charge of absorbing the messages and conducted the decoding process. The decoding process brought forth a new intelligence, which attributed the state of madness of The Loser Titan to a colossal disturbance of conscience caused by the reception of vibrations from other dimensions. The genetic of the Argentinian writer was rearranged consequence of activation codes triggered by the light emanated from the glaring soul of Valentina. Many of his neurons which for centuries had been dormant were awakened and rekindled, hence he began to use his physical body in full capacity just as a percentage of brain skills which had remained unemployed until then. The anatomy of Adolfo Sammartino became filled with light, and this, in turn, soaked into an enclosed headquarters up to where the memories of the spirit had been stored, for the light knew well the way to it. This kind of warehouse opened up, and that overwhelming brightness ended up in an unconceivable inner renewal: the light, somehow the nursemaid of this so-called birth, made possible the delivery of Balou´s version. In other words, a transformational happening took place at the airport: Valentina had unwillingly showered the violet ray of creation over the Loser Titan, stunning him; this ray gave off lights, made shadows roll back, unveiling secrets along its way; however, Balou was unable to figure out the reason why the Colombian model was taking part of his life. There was no rush at all to find the answer, as instructions are awaiting to be delivered in this regard.

Before falling in a deep sleep, a stark voice whispered softly in his ears: “Pay attention to what I say, Adolfo Sammartino, go tell the Loser Titan to stay behind the scenes so that Balou could act thereupon”.

Sofia stepped into the Loser Titan´s life for one week at least, someday in year nineteen hundred ninety-four. They had come into contact by the good offices of Sergio, a mutual friend in Rosario. She was a successful nosy young lawyer, owner of high-respectable breasts and magnificent hips; in addition, she bore a long hard look product of two eyes well accustomed to undertake detailed studies of evidences. “I dislike this accountant to the fullest extent permissible by law -she got convinced of this at the very moment they met-, but he possessed something peculiar…maybe his stance or sluggish movements, his awkwardness, or, maybe, the intriguing mark his tight lips leave behind set boundaries I want to cast aside. So that being said, I am going to make a critical assessment about him before sending him away. I should force him to unpack his tight lips, make him come out of his seclusion; next I will gather evidence in support of my first impressions”. They would date only once; in that occasion they went to watch the movie “The street lawyer”. She seemed not particularly interested in the film but rather in observing the Loser Titan shamelessly. She raised him one question after another like a madwoman would, you never would expect so harsh a questioning from a person willing to form a bond of friendship with another. The Loser Titan felt himself under the grip of the interviewer, fearing that on account of her some charges, accusations, defences or attacks will be filed against him. Sofia collected information about him while barely spoke of herself. She wanted to conduct the questioning without losing control and under her own steam. The Loser Titan gave a try to stop the ply of her trade by attempting to touch Sofia´s right hand, a silky surface now placed on the armrest they both were sharing. The strategy missed the target though. In an explicit urged manner, she leaned forward to ask him:

- What are your goals in life? Are you clear on them? Why do you use public transport instead of having a car? You have a degree in accountancy, right? you should earn good money. Don´t you have a career plan in mind so that you can buy a house where to raise your children?

Sofia was handing on a subliminal message to The Loser Titan, sort of: “If any intentions to court me may exist on you, it´s irrelevant you like me or I like you, you must be rich, successful enough to show your feats before society thus, to live them up to my ambitions”.

The Loser Titan turned around to face the cinephile´s complaints on Sofia loud-speaking mode, because of such noise they were annoyed and found it difficult to listen to the film. He tried to dodge the wave of complaints by attempting to give Sofia a kiss which he gracefully eluded, suggesting that she mastered the craft of deviating male kisses before a soft landing on her lips. The film they went to see was about a second-rate lawyer, a New York resident who rendered services to a law firm. While working there he came up with the idea of stealing sensitive information to be sold to a rival law firm. Defeated by the failed kiss The Loser Titan picked up track of the ongoing film: the young lawyer enthroned himself by selling his lavish loot and so turning the page of his past poor life once and forever: he had a sudden economic, financial and sentimental upturn. New friends walked into his life; new fellows strived to get closer to him. In order not to belong to the lumpenproletariat any longer, the second-rate lawyer had had to break the rules and put his principles behind.

For no visible reason, the ardent desire of the Loser Titan to retry to kiss Sofía melted away. Her question and, mainly, her inquiring endeavours revealed a result-oriented personality obsessed with the attainment of material assets, at the expense of engaging in a spiritual search.

- I run a meaningless life -the Loser Titan declared strongly to Sofia-. It has never come to my head the idea of developing a career plan or something alike. If I am now an accountant it was because of my father´s will and insistence. To me the bare fact is that accountancy allows me to pay my bills with a kid´ smile before putting myself on the road to travel anywhere, and also to afford the cinema tickets anytime I invite girls like you. Instead of owning a house I prefer to rent a flat to live in, inside a building equipped with a night watchman on whom I can rely on to take care of my facilities. I don´t like to be concerned on safety matters every time I leave my place. As per my intentions to run a household, no bloody way. I am too much an individualistic guy for that.

The Loser Titan´s answer freaked Sofia out while her fury instilled blood into her eyes, wrinkling her nose in distaste. She felt that this lumpenproletariat had made her waste her precious time. Even in the middle of the darkness the Loser Titan could see Sofia´s blood-injected eyes. The Lawyer easily summoned courage to leave the cinema straightaway, waving around her blond long hair on her way out. She steered clear of giving him explanations.

Half-way from Cali to Bogotá, the ulterior motives for having met Sonia in year nineteen hundred ninety-four finally shone through Balou´s mind, reducing his doubts to ashes: his individuality was supposed to absorb the intrinsic nature of lawyers so to be prevented from future manipulation that they sagely exert over facts, people and circumstances. The main disagreement with the film’s director of “Street Lawyer” laid on its protagonist Bobby Cunningham, who staged the performance of a lawyer losing his principles. Balou alleged that none of world-existing lawyers can work as such while, at the same time, respect the moral principles they have been brough up with, on the contrary, they keep them unused in the storehouse of memories, before giving free rein to speculation. The guiding principle of an attorney is to act on behalf of his client´s defence, in order to reach that goal, he shall have no remorse of conscience to draw upon any convoluted laws, to worship tricky jurisprudence or to resort to any dubious ways and customs scouting around his office´s library. It is known that to leave triumphant from the court (by all means) is the only thing lawyers have between their eyes.

He took a life lesson from that trip to the cinema, apart from a moral: since they never express what they think but that which is suitable to the circumstances, ¡beware of lawyers! Will Valentina be different? -Balou asked to himself, in the solitude of his thoughtful journey. In any case, he won´t take risks. To avoid them, he devised a plan which came from a twilight zone of himself: he decided not to expose his deepest innermost intentions, to that aim he will send The Loser Titan to the battlefield and put him in charge of WhatsApp texting to Valentina, in so doing he would hide the key message within the wording jumble. She would surely get lost among symbolic meanings, unable to figure out Balou´s hidden agenda. Of course, Valentina provoked the collapse of the Loser Titan, that´s the sheer truth. But she was unaware of the existence of Balou and his achievements on the grasp of reality, as the tentacular powers of Valentina runs short in this domain so far.

For the Loser Titan Valentina was all that it counted, but she meant much more to Balou. From that moment on, the sender of WhatsApp messages would be the front-man, the actor, The Loser Titan, whereas someone else would be standing at the rear guard, Balou the scriptwriter supervisor. Scriptwriters and novelists work hard for making their characters step on-stage, but the storytellers hold the holly grail, that´s to say they conceal the root cause of the narrative to the readers. At hiding the intentions, at renouncing to lift the veil that covers up the purpose behind all the acting, but in the meantime highlight the radiance, sweetness, gracefulness, the eyebrows, the soul, the pristine look of Valentina, Balou set out a strategy aimed to convert the destabilisation caused to the Loser Titan, into the lair of his strength.

Balou arrived at the printer house to pick up the print-run bonus of his French-edited book, wearing a wry smile on his lips.