An Unwanted Call - 1 in English Love Stories by शब्दांकूर books and stories PDF | An Unwanted Call - 1

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An Unwanted Call - 1

Sharayu got up with ringing bell ... ahhh who is this she just pissed up with this early morning call .. she picked cell and just say hello in sleepy voice

hey dear how r u?
who is this ?
you forget me ?

how sharayu shocked and she shouted who the hell is this? shall i call police

hey why r u so angry sexy babe
what you ... ?????
? is this sanyogita!!!
no ,just check the number you dialed? before getting personal
oh my apology madam , I just called by mistake. but if i called then please let me know if your are interested in indoor plantation

no not at all.. sharayu again shouted.. when she cut the phone and just lie pn bed

sharayu , 37 marred with 2 kids, housewife... just called her younger shreya dont want to go to school? get up baby.. she go to kitchen made some tea... Prateek is not in town due to business trip .. she make both her angels ready for school drop them in school bus and come back ... and just enter in gallery with cup of green coffee in hand and she take one deep sip.. with that deep sip her mind start getting activated ... how many years some one never say be sexy?.. am i yet? when prateek said this word to me?
Green coffee make her mind activated... and she just entered in bedroom and stand in front of dressing table ..

how i look like? am i really sexy? and i fit

she start observing her body shape.. she was rather pear in share slight got weight and never thought about herself in last 7 years post her second pregnancy ..

she pick a call and try to connect prateek but she could not .. very distressed she call her very close buddy Nira... she could not pick the phone and messaged her I am in meeting call you back

No i need to get in shape .. she start browsing all diet apps .. lot of now a days .. is it works? is a big question...

she make her on sleeky dress now.. just very thin on skin and start watching again in front of mirror.. she was getting desperate.. whom to ask how i look like? she think about all her friends.. oh no none of them are trustworthy.. they will make a laugh on me..

That day passed just majorly in front mirror having less food no other food not a single bite.. rather she start measuring her figure multiple time.. she start getting cautious on the people she is meeting .everywhere anywhere and start getting little upset when people laugh or wispier.. oh they are making fun of my figure.. Sharayu was completely changed in last 4 days..

that was midnight her phone start blinking.. she again see message from that number only ..Hey sexy!!!!

She whispered he again ... my god he is possible

Shall I reply him?
