Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey - 13 in English Adventure Stories by BS Murthy books and stories PDF | Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey - 13

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Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey - 13

Canto 18

Ravan on Heat

In time it was time to dawn
Sprang up Lanka to last man.

Vedic chants that rent the air
Sounded music to Hanuman.

Surely Ravan would wake up
Then to sound of that music.

Thought as Hanuman so Ravan
Stirred in bed in Seetha’s thought.

Lust of his for Rama’s wife
Made him lose his peace of mind.

Got as he down from his bed
Lost he no time to reach her.

Entered Ravan that garden
Failed it charm his enamored heart.

Stride in his to reach Seetha
Left Ravan all deer stranded.

Heat of Ravan’s lusting self
Made the drops of dew boil.

So to be at beck and call
Moved in tow his women folk too.

Heading he thus his harem
Headed Ravan to add one.

Fanned some then their man on move
Dames with swords some doubled for guards.

Held one pretty jug of gold
Filled with vintage wine for him.

Shade one leggy lass of grace
Gave him with a hood of gold.

Still in stupor some of them
Seemed to follow him by scent.

With no time to turn becoming
Followed him some as they woke.

Let loose was hair on their face
Had they none their bras on them.

Lusted they all for Ravan
Bestowed on them he favours.

Felt they proud of his valour
Fetched which riches of all worlds.

Wore they all those gold jewels
Made which Hanuman gasp for breath.

Sighted as he Ravan then
With the women he saw by night
Overawed Hanuman none the less.

Aiding nascent light at dawn
Led him some with candlelights.

With his libido thus evident
Looked Ravan like Cupid on earth.

In his stride his silk garment
Slid over his broad shoulders.

Overwhelmed by what he saw
Discreet distance kept Hanuman.

Hand in hand moved Ravan’s wives
Seemed they strengthened his position.

Cooed then koels to caution
Seetha as he seemed nearing.

Strode yet Ravan in long strides
Towards Seetha whom he snared.

Wondered Hanuman why Ravan
Wanted Seetha who spurned him.

For she spurned a handsome king
Valued Hanuman Rama’s spouse.

At the might of king Ravan
Felt he humble being strong.

At length Ravan reached Seetha
Turned who by then his heartthrob.

Canto 19

Dame in Despair

Seetha whose head bowed so low
Sensed that Ravan neared her then.

Shook she like a paddy reed
Swept by stormy coastal winds.

Cried she no end in her fright
Black-eyed Seetha at the threat.

Like she was a forlorn boat
In the midst of sea that vast.

Severed as from a well-grown tree
Seemed so withered a branch Seetha.

In spite of her forlorn state
Gave her bright look innate charm.

Made though Ravan her captive
Mind of hers was with her man.

Bore she travails to love Ram
Than to triumphant Ravan turn.

Kept as captive by Ravan
End of tunnel she saw none.

Wondered Hanuman how her fate
Deemed it fit to languish her.

In her grief then looked Seetha
Like one caught in some scandal.

Looked she like a waning lamp
Amidst Ravan’s women on guard.

For the loss of Rama’s love
Wore she look of bankrupt then.

Made her grief then look her like
Lotus stem that plucked from bed.

Like the moon on eclipse night
Lost she spark of her charm then.

Looked she like a lotus pond
Trampled by score wild elephants.

River beds seemed cheeks her both
With lean streams in summer months.

Fair as lily though she was
Sunburns turned brown her fair skin.

Pined then Seetha as lioness
In some zoo for jungle mate.

With her thick plait Seetha looked
Like earth with its well-grown trees.

Fed by Rama’s thoughts Seetha
Lived she just by breathing air.

That her man might slay Ravan
Prayed she gods all in reverence.

It was in that state Ravan
Found the one he craved no end.