Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey - 12 in English Adventure Stories by BS Murthy books and stories PDF | Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey - 12

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Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey - 12

Canto 16

She is Seetha

Prayed then Hanuma in earnest
Lord Rama he revered most
And then thought of task on hand.

Seeing her in such distress
Felt as if his heart was seized.

Casts when shadow fate on man
Can he ever go beyond its reach?

But for being Rama’s spouse
Wouldn’t have fate ever crunched her more?

Whichever way one might see it
Made for each other couple they make.

Seeing Seetha in her plight
Recalled he then Ram’s valour.

If not for her would have Ram
Cared to end ever Vali’s reign?

If not for his exile Ram
Why should ever he kill Viradha?

Miss not targets Ram’s arrows
Struck were demons in their thousands.

Khara neither nor Trisura
Could stand Rama in combat.

But for Seetha how Sugreev
Would have got great Vali’s crown.

Why in search of her I came
To this land that Ravan rules.

Were Rama to lose patience
Won’t he topsy-turvy world?

Not for Ram the crown of earth
Were Seetha not sharing throne.

But for being Janaka’s darling
Can one decline Ravan’s hand?

Daunting must be plight her now
Though she is Lord Rama’s spouse.

Wonder how she puts up with
Fiends all those who pester her!

How sad Seetha had to miss
Folk back home all who love her.

It’s her love for her man Ram
Makes which Seetha shun Ravan.

In her sorrow for her man
Lost she appetite once for all.

Ceases not she not to sigh
Once she never ceased to smile.

Seeks as oasis one in sands
Craves Rama to see his wife.

Gets Ram when his beloved back
Won’t he feel like dethroned king
Gets when back his crown in time!

No doubt it’s her will to meet
Her man that keeps her going.

Turned she to her captor blind

Ever she keeps her man in mind.

Seetha though is crown jewel
Sans Ram she’s jewel-less crown.

It’s no different with Lord Ram
Braves who though she’s not on hand.

Sight of hers as shakes me thus
How would Ram ever take her plight?

Can he bear to see Seetha’s
Plight now wretched as here captive?

In the forlorn state of hers
Shadow she’s no more than
Of the former self of hers.

Seem in vain the rays of moon
Try to soothe her soul perturbed.

At the plight of his Lord’s spouse
That’s what mighty Hanuman felt.

Canto 17

Guards all Hideous

Swans as swim in blue waters
So did moon in Lankan skies.

It’s as if moon wanted him
Espy Seetha’s distressed self.

For the eyes of Hanuman then
Seetha seemed a sinking boat.

Seen then Hanuman in moonlight
All those guarding Rama’s spouse.

Saw he many a single eyed
With no ears he many there found.

Baldish there were some of them
Had hair others from head to foot.

Many had there such drooping lips
Brushed which with their sagging breasts.

Midgets ugly were there too
With weird sentries in their scores.

Coarse all were they in discourse
Wore all sheepskin for their dress.

On their well built torsos some
Had there animal heads varied.

Had some of them camel feet
Moved while others on elephant legs.

On their beastly bodies some
Carried handsome human heads.

Noses had some there across
Had others vertical lips on them.

Tongues had many of carpet size
Hanged which on their wall like lips.

Ogresses such as kept an eye
On Rama’s spouse in that garden.

Armed they were all to their teeth
With varied weapons of war carried.

Flesh they ate of every beast
Drank they blood from veins direct.

On guard was that hideous lot
Circled Seetha round the clock.

Bathed not Seetha in Lanka
Cared she not to comb her hair.

Pulled was Seetha thus forlorn
Weaned from Rama for so long.

Bereft though of she jewels
Love for her man lent aura.

Seemed she hapless deer no less
Strayed who into lions on prowl.

Looks she had of looking glass
Never once dusted for so long.

Failed that graceful Ravan’s grove
To cheer despaired Rama’s spouse.

Sans her smile did Seetha seem
Flowerless plant in midst of spring.

Moved was Hanuman by her sight
Thought he too of Rama’s plight.

Won’t she know in heart of hearts
That her man would come to her?

Doubt she had none in her mind
Life of hers was tied with Ram.

Heat of her sighs seemed to char
Nascent leaves of high branches.

Having perceived her nature
Poised Hanuman to praise her.

Felt he glad for his Lord too
Got who such a wife like her.

Having prayed to Lord Rama
Hanuman lay in wait for dawn.