Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey - 10 in English Adventure Stories by BS Murthy books and stories PDF | Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey - 10

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Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey - 10

Canto 14

Garden of Grief

With Seetha in mind Hanuman
Reached that garden royal soon
Perched he then on compound wall.

In that grove that’s thick and wide
Saw he scores of full-grown trees.

Besides Asoka trees there were
Flowering neem and mangoes too.

Like Ram’s arrow then he sped
Towards a climber in that grove.

Flowers there all pleased him much
Thrilled him sounds all birds then made.

Shone there flowers North Star like
Sauntered there then deer languid.

Craving cuckoos cried on trees
Bees on heat on flowers there zoomed.

Hovered birds then for their mates
Clamoured peacocks there on ground.

Jumped as he from tree to tree
Woke up birds all from their sleep

Birds as fluttered into skies
Severed by their wings flowers all there.

Fell as flowers those on him thus
Made they mountain on his frame.

To get rid of that flower burden
As he grew in size Hanuman
Seemed he Spring God on the rise.

Flowers as scattered all over
Gave that mother earth maiden look.

Toyed as he then with trees there
Fell all balance flowers they wore.

Tried as he to test his strength
Dropped were ripen fruits they bore.

Spared not his push leaves even
Trees there stood like lost gamblers.

Bare as turned thus trees all there
Birds were then left with no shades.

Pulled he trunks then with his tail
Broke them all with arms and legs.

Like the ravaged women by him
Battered there lay Ravan’s grove.

As would scatter clouds by wind
Severed lay creepers from tree trunks.

Found as he his way inside
Saw he footpaths paved with gold.

Ponds were there of pure water
Steps which had with gems inlaid.

Beds of those had pearls for sand
Grew there golden trees on banks.

Made flowers lotus red carpets
Swans like royal guests sauntered.

Serviced were they by canals
Brought they water nectar like.

Lined on banks of those canals
Trees that nearly kissed skyline.

In the midst of that vast grove
Mountain there lay that was huge.

Had it numerous caves so deep
House which could a million men.

Found on it a stream Hanuman
Seemed that like a dame enraged
Sprang who up from beloved’s lap.

As would desist her friends then
Her from leaving estranged mate
So bent branches on those banks
Touching waters at mid-stream.

Wound its way then back that stream
As would pacified woman backtrack.

On those branches of thick trees
Birds of same feather flocked together.

With clear water that was cool
Laid there was a swimming pool.

Change rooms built for both sexes
Gave that complex ambiance rare.

Gardens lay there in the scores
Walkways were all coral paved.

Flowerpots plenty of pure gold
Contained colorful crotons there.

Spread there Sinsupa far and wide
Dais of gold all covered its ground.

Round the dais of spick and span
Grown were tropical trees varied.

In that grove of golden hues
Shone Hanuman like rising sun.

Trinkets tied to branches there
Set they tune for passing breeze.

Soared as hopes his sky high then
Climbed he Sinsupa’s topmost branch.

Had a premonition Hanuman then
Seetha would grace that place soon.

Wonder as was that Pushpak
Seemed the garden none the less.

Forlorn so long that Seetha
Wouldn’t she find this grove soothing?

Why not as she got used to
Strolling in the thick jungles.

Fatigued as would be Seetha
By the constant thought of Ram
Might come her for recouping.

As she saunters in that grove
Recall she would with fondness
Time she spent with her man then.

Besides she was so fond of
All that goes for life in woods.

Fail she might not to turn up
For her morning bath downstream.

Think I not of another place
Better which would for morning walk.

Were she to be alive still
Won’t she be drawn to this stream?

Driven by hope of finding her
Lay there Hanuman in hiding.