MAKING AJUKKU GINGER BEER AT HOME in English Cooking Recipe by Subbu books and stories PDF | MAKING AJUKKU GINGER BEER AT HOME

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Ginger ale or ginger beer is one of the best natural home remedies for stomach ache. The best part about the drink is its low alcoholic content and the abundant taste of ginger. For those who are looking forward to a less syrupy version of the drink available in the market, this is definitely a must. The versatile drink is a significant ingredient of popular drinks and cocktails. It has an abundance of pro biotic properties and the fizz is just out of the world. Now in this article let us see the preparation process of Ajukku ginger beer.

For making this home made ginger beer, firstly you will need a two litre soda bottle and a funnel. First you need to make ginger syrup which is the main ingredient in making the ginger beer or ale as it popularly called.

For making the ginger syrup, first peel, clean and grate the ginger. To make two litres of the beer, you need two tablespoon of fresh grated ginger.

Pour half cup water, grated ginger and one cup granulated sugar in a pan over medium heat and stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves completely. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, turn off the heat and let the mixture steep in for an hour.

Once the mixture is cooled off, strain the mixture and discard the solids. Allow the mixture to cool.

The cooled mixture is called ginger syrup or gingerette. Bottle the syrup and keep it in the refrigerator.

The next step is to make the ginger beer out of the ginger syrup. For the beer, you need 1/8 tablespoon of dry active yeast, freshly squeezed lemon juice and water. The water must be filtered and sterilized.

Through the funnel, pour in the active dry yeast, 3-4 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 7 cups of water in the bottle. Don’t forget to put in ginger syrup in the bottle.

Once all the contents are put in the bottle, close the lid tightly. Shake the bottle until all contents are well mixed. Put the bottle in a cool, dark place out of the sunlight. Store the bottle until the content is fizzy.

After fermenting the mixture for 2-3 days, the ginger beer is ready. Once the drink is fizzy, the bottle will have a build up of gas. The gas needs to be released every day so that the bottle doesn’t explode.

Ensure the bottle is kept in the refrigerator if you don’t want to ferment it further. Even keeping the bottle in the refrigerator won’t completely stop the fermenting process. The refrigerator will slow down the ferment process but it needs to be consumed within two to three weeks to prevent it from spoiling.

Serve the beer with ice or make it into any cocktail of your choice. The spicy taste of the beer is amazing and what is more rewarding than a homemade version.

Try and enjoy this homemade ajukku ginger beer as it is healthy and tasty.