AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART? - 9 in English Fiction Stories by Krima Patel books and stories PDF | AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART? - 9

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I've already divorced him from my heart when he didn't even contact me since a year. Only divorce papers are left. There was no such love just some attraction for sometime may be that’s what it was and only relationship left at last no such love left.

Shivang and his family pressurized me throughout my journey towards my dream.
So I didn't went with Shivang that day, I ran away from airport and have given divorce to him when I returned to India after that year passed away. He too wanted to give me divorce and also he said to me that better to give divorce to me as he can't accept his wife earning more than him. That disclosure of fact was shocking for me too at that time. So finally separation was the only option left with both of us.

'And it's a year I've been at India and ya.... right now I'm sitting in front of you Mr. Anubhav Sharma.'

'Ya, we finally reached your home, you see.'

'I see.'

'Are you guilty after giving him divorce?'

'Not at all, initially people do talk behind my back, it hurts a little obviously but than it really doesn't matter to me because it's my choice to give him divorce. And if my life partner could not understand my priorities and coordinates with me than it's better to get separated than to live with him forever exasperated. And life is beautiful if you follow your heart first and take risks and action at right point of time and most importantly when needed. The troubles and hurdles are going to be there but we need to courageously fight against it and results would be fruitful obviously if you think you are actually going on the right path. And this time I need to be patient with myself and give relationship some more time then before and the decision of marriage would come later on. This is what I learnt from my first toxic relationship. But that's fine, at least I learnt something out of it. So good...ya..'

'ya...good. I know it would be tough decision of giving divorce but you did make it for your self-respect and that's amazing'.

'ya.. I met a lot of women who were married and told me that I was working before my marriage but it was not allowed in my in-laws house, so I left my dream because of it but now I regret my decision, that if I've fought for my dream than my life would be much more satisfied and regret free. And I've even met women who have potential but they are not allowed to go after dreams and told to settle themselves and do their best from home only or be satisfied with 9 to 5 job but it's actually limiting their immense potential and they limit their lives by settling themselves. And I just want to convey message to all woman's out there that do what you love, be courageous enough to fight for your potential, break all the barriers that comes to your way. I’m not telling to give divorce to someone, if you’ll love everyone in family, you can’t, I understand, just let them understand the fact of what you want your career to be in and slowly and gradually things would work out as they’ll also watch you doing something passionately and it's ok! People will talk about you but when you'll succeed they all will praise you, if you'll not take the risk that's the biggest risk you are taking, so think carefully and take evaluated risks and give justice to your dreams to live regret free life forever. Also it's a fact that out of every ten to twenty women you are watching around you, at least five are suffering and rarely one woman have the courage to fight for herself against all the odds'

‘hmm.... correct and life is wonderful after all, in fact if you've not given him divorce than you have missed the opportunity of being CEO in a company and meeting me too.’

'really! Meeting you is an opportunity.'

'yes! I'm a rare jewel to find.'

'fine, I'll give your information in matrimonial column of all newspaper tomorrow and would add #don't-miss-this-rare-infrequent-opportunity.' He joined his hands.

They both burst out into laughter again.

Anubhav asked her, 'Can we meet tomorrow at 8:16 PM?'

'So Sorry, we can't, I'm busy.'


'Ya, I'm occupied then'

'Where, exactly are you going to be occupied?'

'At seaside, starring at my sky with my playlist of songs and eating my favourite famous cold icy snow-cone of the city.'

'Ok! Then if you'll allow than I'm interested in visiting your space once, so can I join you there tomorrow?'

'As you wish, see you tomorrow then'

'Okay! Goodbye! Join you tomorrow then but for that I need to go home today and for that you need to leave my hand.'

'Oh! I'm so sorry, so unconscious of me, goodbye!'

They both smiled at each other, wished goodnight and left by than.



I Hope you liked it. This story, " AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART?" Is so special for me as it's my debut and I've always tried to share some good inspiring message at the end of my stories. Do check my other stories only on matrubharti too. And In this story too I hope it reached directly to your heart 💓 ✨🌍
Feel free to share your review about the story to me on Matrubharti :- Krima patel or on instagram :- @starry.realmy let's connect reader's I would love to know what you have to say to me ❤️❤️❤️

With abundance of love and gratitude,
Krima Patel